Thank god someone else posted. My phone was letting me edit my post and I didn't want to go to mod jail.
So apparently I still have some fiddling and learning to do. I'm guessing next weeks short week will help. It was good but I wasn't blown away so I'm guessing I'm doing it wrong. I think I need to dial in the draw speed more than temp. I had two sessions.
1. Post work first sesh: this was quick and low temp. Pre-heated to 11:30 for 10-15 min. Had to go to yoga so I didn't want to get savaged. Packed ELB 1/3-1/4 full. Lots of tasty hits. Probably even more hits than would have been taken on EQ. Good flavor. Ok vapor thickness/quantity for low temp. Good long lasting mellow low temp buzz. yoga heat up pre heat about 15 min at that 1:30-2 hash mark. Same quantity of herb. Lots thicker hits. Still not crazy milk, that could be cause my piece is small and it gets in the lungs fast. Good effects. Good flavor. Flavor tapered at end. Maybe more so than EQ, however, the tasty hits lasted longer and were more plentiful. This sesh in search of clouds I dialed up 3-330 ish and almost died. Felt like combustion there was none. Crazy hard.
General impressions and questions:
Lighter than I thought.
Cord is short , stiff and annoying during storage. Can see benefit of removable cord.
Doesn't get as hot as I thought it would based on reviews.
Takes way more hits to cash an ELB than I thought. But I've been reading the EVo thread.
Need a cloud buddy or adapter. Putting into my stemless scares the shit out of me.
Need a bigger piece to test the milkage.
Need to figure at out draw speed? What kind if hits you all takin. I recall people talking about restricted air flow. You people nuts
? Coming from EQ elbow packs and a pax this thing drowns you in air. For some reason it made me draw slow and light. That didn't seem as effective as sucking for all I was worth. Thoughts?
Edit: ps it really dried my throat out and all vapor was water conditioned.
So apparently I still have some fiddling and learning to do. I'm guessing next weeks short week will help. It was good but I wasn't blown away so I'm guessing I'm doing it wrong. I think I need to dial in the draw speed more than temp. I had two sessions.
1. Post work first sesh: this was quick and low temp. Pre-heated to 11:30 for 10-15 min. Had to go to yoga so I didn't want to get savaged. Packed ELB 1/3-1/4 full. Lots of tasty hits. Probably even more hits than would have been taken on EQ. Good flavor. Ok vapor thickness/quantity for low temp. Good long lasting mellow low temp buzz. yoga heat up pre heat about 15 min at that 1:30-2 hash mark. Same quantity of herb. Lots thicker hits. Still not crazy milk, that could be cause my piece is small and it gets in the lungs fast. Good effects. Good flavor. Flavor tapered at end. Maybe more so than EQ, however, the tasty hits lasted longer and were more plentiful. This sesh in search of clouds I dialed up 3-330 ish and almost died. Felt like combustion there was none. Crazy hard.
General impressions and questions:
Lighter than I thought.
Cord is short , stiff and annoying during storage. Can see benefit of removable cord.
Doesn't get as hot as I thought it would based on reviews.
Takes way more hits to cash an ELB than I thought. But I've been reading the EVo thread.
Need a cloud buddy or adapter. Putting into my stemless scares the shit out of me.
Need a bigger piece to test the milkage.
Need to figure at out draw speed? What kind if hits you all takin. I recall people talking about restricted air flow. You people nuts

Edit: ps it really dried my throat out and all vapor was water conditioned.
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