Discontinued The Sublimator


I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!
He did mention there were more holes on the nail and more heat in the bowl. ................ Seems like the apollo may be adversely affected by dabbing.

What I'm not understanding, is how this issue of performance fade didnt surface for Enrico with all the demo's being done on the road, which wld have surely surpassed the usage WE put the apollo through :shrug:


in flavor country
I just checked mine again, and it's gone from a steady 61 max to 57 sooooo I hope we don't see this pattern continue. Bummer for us all if this continues to be an issue.

I'm a bit curious about that too Smokum. I watched them using the sub all the way back to almost a year ago (early prototypes on pot.tv) and you'd think they would have run into this already.

I'll keep using mine as long as it's getting hot enough to vape.


Well-Known Member
What I'm not understanding, is how this issue of performance fade didnt surface for Enrico with all the demo's being done on the road, which wld have surely surpassed the usage WE put the apollo through :shrug:

This is definitely where we need someone from the company to chime in and explain if they have looked into it, and what the solution is.


Well-Known Member
My Adapt-A-Nail came yesterday from PV (super fast, got it 36 hours after ordering). Here are my initial thoughts after a few hours of use:
  • Atomizer is gray instead of brass like the Apollo, the nail itself is a dark blue/purple colour.
  • Stand is perfect for the Apollo but it should have been modified for the Nail. The only way I can get it well seated is to place it at the edge of the table.
  • It came with a small inline switch like the first Subs did instead of the timer box.
  • Dabbing the same way as with the Sub doesn't work very well, seems the best way is to roll it up into a snake or be able to drop it right into the well to let it sizzle and vape off.
  • Airflow is less restricted compared to the Apollo and I can mostly clear the bong without removing the nail.
I don't have a watt meter but should I be turning it up all the way for dabbing or dial it down a notch or two from the highest? Also should I be doing anything to clean the nail itself aside from just run it at high heat for awhile?


Well-Known Member
The nail is dark blue, because it is made out of Titanium. I am assuming your atomizer is just SS.

You don't need to be full blast for dabbing. You will have to play a bit for your preference. As to cleaning, I would do a burn off until you don't see anything coming off the unit. The atomizer should be rinsed with ISO and a boil doesn't hurt. There was alot of machining oil on my adapt a bong when I first got it.

Do not rinse or dip your nail in liquid


Subdivision Founder / Sublimator Ambassador
@Tweek, ya swap is a better word :D

maybe @Tommii would be willing to play around w/ herbs and the nail, more on his show, so you guys can get a better idea of how it preforms like that.

More like I'm getting my other sublimator soon and doublemate


Well-Known Member
Since I have both now (and have been using the Sub daily for 2 months) I'll give the nail a try with bud after my shift. Main difference is how the airflow is setup, on the Apollo it goes in through the intake holes, over the heater and then out through the sides. On the nail it's 6 big holes drilled straight through and heated only by the metal it passes through.
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well-worn member
I'd love to swap for a nail.

Yeah, I think that the nail and the ufo may be the combo to have.

But if I am to have only one unit, as a flower guy I would still choose the apollo. I still haven't fired up my ufo yet. We get a lot of power outages, but the generator gets activated pretty quickly.

If I dabbed other material besides the sublimate I may feel differently :nod:


in flavor country
That's about where I am with it grokit. I am mostly flowers with the side effect of the sub-oil that builds up as a result. Though I do love the bubbles and kief too. I don't get concentrates often, make qwiso now and then, it's mostly sub-oil that I am dabbing now.
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