the Sub has a lot of conduction going's one of the reasons I think it's vape signature is so unique.
Most vaporizers have thermal equilibium during heat up but, because of the shape of the elb, and heat retention capabilities, the cloud is the only vape that allows a quick vapor release due to the heater staying close to the temperature you set and the strong inhale needed to allow a stable atmospheric equilibium between the cloud and the bong, will lead to a lowered atmospehric pressure in the bowl. The thing is you bring in a lot of air when you do this but for bong smokers who love the adrenaline rush this is perfect.The idea of thermal equilibrium is not exactly new, but it's taken to a whole new level by the sub. Even the cloud has a bit of conduction heating as the ELB sits in the heated glass. This makes the temperature of the load being vaporized go up, perhaps not to the point where it would vaporize without any extra help, but it makes the amount of heat that needs to be transferred to the herb to make it vaporize significantly less, which is what gives the Sub it's flash vaporization capabilities.
I think hunkering down for the winter is going to be a lot more pleasant having the sublimator around! The time should just fly by!!We are moving into our rainy season now, which lasts until the end of spring essentially. Almost went camping one last time for the year, glad we dodged that bullet, rain, rain, rain!
This also calls for a morning stacker...what to use... a layer of herb, some dry sift, and some sublimate oil.![]()
All I need is my sublimator at work and maybe a bed.
I work from home so I have both in my "office". I can't go at it too much during my shift but sometimes a hit every few hours is nice.
Also introduced the Sub to a few more people last night and they were all impressed as usual. I've yet to meet a fellow stoner who didn't love it which can't be said for most other vapes.
When I was a kid I had a flaming marshmallow stuck to my cheek so I can relate! Fucking ouch!I was the kid that thought it was cool to light the marshmallow on fire, and quickly bring it up to your face to blow it out. Not great for smores but if you're impatient for your sugar rush it's just the technique. One night in Hawaii on the beach I ended up in the emergency because I misjudged, and part the flaming marshmallow got stuck to the tip of my nose. Just to allay any confusion, the end of my nose was indeed on fire. It only lasted a moment as I quickly submerged my face in an ice chest, but my psyche is scarred for life.
In comparison, the sublimator is a walk in the park! Seriously though, pets can add another level of paranoia to the subliquation. I have had my rig tipped over a few times overnight when it's been off, also I use it on a small metal table with ridges around the outside so it has to fall off of it to do damage. Which it has, but when it's been turned off so all is good so far. Unfortunately, my dogs are in hospice and are a bit senile and they sleep in the sub room/office/man/dog cave.
Hey guys. I got my sub today. It is cleaning itself at the moment. Already have a burn on my finger and it has fallen on the carpet.Clumsy me. I have a kill a watt ez but I can't figure out how to make the thing show watts. Any of you with the ez model know how to do it?
Does anyone have a guide to doing dabs with a Sublimator? I've been trying with wand hash and results have not been stellar.
Thanks for the quick reply. Another (new guy) question: how long does the Sub take to start giving forth and oil? And, how do most people collect it (I do have some oil slick pads). Thanks.