Love my new Dabbler so far, this thing is very low profile and looks just like an ego twist.
I had a few concerns before I started using this thing.
First I didn't want to be constantly tending the bowl. I am not a heavy user, and am finding I am fine with maybe a dab or two per day, the cool part is I'm not at all feeling like I constantly have to add more concentrate. So while the heating element may not hold that much, I feel it is definitely more than enough even if you were going to save a few hits and bring it with you on the go.
Secondly I was hoping it wouldn't give harsh hits, too hot or too dry. That is not at all the case, it hits extremely smoothly. We are talking vapor so smooth you don't even realize what size of a hit you are drawing. Taking a light 3-5 second draw I feel is more than adequate personally, now I know what other posters in this thread meant about "not daring the full 10 second draw."

Water filtration definitely not required, unless you are taking monster rips, then it would probably be a good idea.
Lastly I've used tons of different vaporizers and always get nervous about the degree of long-term "bowl maintenance" for each new device, chiefly how much of a pain it is to swap out old herb for new. It will be some time until I figure out how this fares in the long run, and how well the heating element will hold up. Seems like it will hold up well.
The carrying case is great, the mouthpiece is adequate but would definitely swap it for a higher quality one. Same with the included glass dabbing tool from VW, a small flat metal scoop would work much better considering the small volume of the heating element.
If you look at the image at the top of this page the heating element doesn't quite match the battery, one is brushed chrome and the other is smooth/reflective stainless steel. I kind of wish the entire device was the brushed chrome as I think it looks a bit better, but on its own as it is I think it looks good (I got the stainless). Again it is extremely low profile, you have to respect it for that.
So again good first impression, great tasting vapor (best I've tried off any device), will see how it holds up. Well worth the lower price if you can find concentrates, judging by some of the similar more expensive devices I was eyeing.
By the way if you are a long-time vaporizer of herbs, and have access to concentrates, you definitely have to try this out. Yes it really does produce vapor right away, and no trace of burnt flavor, amazing I know.