the pvhes stems are really good I like them a lot especially the turbosHey guys wondering if the pvhes are worth the little extra cash? Not going with the turbo since i dont wsnt to have to use a screen. I've read some are too loose fitting was about to order a few and maybe a wood stem
Hey guys wondering if the pvhes are worth the little extra cash? Not going with the turbo since i dont wsnt to have to use a screen. I've read some are too loose fitting was about to order a few and maybe a wood stem
Also any difference between bent and straight other then preference. I don't have a straight stem ATM but like the idea of storing then in their little travel capsule
I agree, some 'throw away' cup covered with advertising is not up to 'Solo standards', but what is the goal here? Aren't we trying to blend in with the large number of innocents wondering around sucking on soft drinks? We're not looking to make a fashion statement here, in fact quite the opposite, we want to blend in with the common man?
To use a macabre analogy, if everyone else in town was dying of TB, coughing and hacking all the time, I'd consider wrapping the Solo in a bloody handkerchief..........
The goal of stealth is not being noticed. Being special is something else.
i personally dont have a pvhes stem yet but do have the pvhes gong and i am loving it. i' was waiting for the stems to be in stock n which i checked a couple days ago were. but they are definitely would recommend them. ed's stems are another item on the check list.
@Vapingaway818 I ordered it from ebay.
@lazylathe I'm in the process of requesting a replacement with them, hopefully things will go smoothly!
the only issues i find with this design are:
1) wrapping the solo in socks may not be good for the solo. the solo gets hot and needs to breathe and the socks may make it hold its heat in a bad way
2) like #1 above the shaker is solid and cant be modded easily so the solo will get hot in there. i have holes in the bottom of my McDonalds cup to allow the solo to breathe
3) like #2 above the shaker is hard to mod so you will have to take your solo out to turn it on/off and to change temps (if you are like me i use a variety of temps during my sessions) i have cut a "door" into my McDonalds cup so i can reach the buttons. when i use the solo in public i make sure to hold the cup so the window can't be seen
to hold my solo in place in the cup i used the Styrofoam that the solo came in the box in and trimmed the square edges to they are rounded and can fit in the cup. one ring goes around the bottom of the solo and another ring goes around the top of the solo holding it in place in the cup even when i have to press the buttons.
still a great design NF. good ideas always start on this forum
I have been saying on here and looking for the proper cup for a long time. The issue with our common water bottles is either they are clear but more often the mouth is to narrow to put the solo in. I think this is common to see people walking around with a water bottle even more so then a mcdonalds cup. A bar shaker not so much but it is at least on the right track. I am still in search of a more permanent cup as well. Something that menz said will now be kept in mind as well...the door on the cup so it will have to be a softer material not metal.
As far as the glass straws go, I have tried them all. None fit straight in snugly cause if it did I would just do a screen mod, and none fit over the stem but it would fit over the stealth adapter. I don't have a SA to tell you which one would fit best. The tea straw is not something I would want to go out with. I have used it for my smoothie and it was just to wide but not long enough for that practice. I actually have no use for the tea straw but I use the smoothie and regular one as I love glass so much I like to drink using them if I use a straw...not often...I am a water junkie no straw wanted.
Wow we need different stealth solutions depending on where you live that is to funny.
I have been thinking of this one for a while and when I went to the store I had so much on my mind I forgot. What was it I wanted to buy? Well let me tell you. I have an infinity for glass as you know but the other thing I like a lot is velcro and neoprene. I have made a solo stem holder using a freebie beer holder. You can do the same with the coozie/neoprene...make a holder a bit taller then the freebie ones, you can narrow the top a big and even cut make a door as menz suggest. With a coozie it will stay closed I believe because of the material. If the door doesn't stay closed you can make an internal velcro latch then it will have all my favorite materials hehe. So back to the store which I had waited months to go to as I hate being out and especially in stores. Will this work in greece NF?
I have been saying on here and looking for the proper cup for a long time. The issue with our common water bottles is either they are clear but more often the mouth is to narrow to put the solo in. I think this is common to see people walking around with a water bottle even more so then a mcdonalds cup.
Already updated the "dirty" socks with my Solo's Ryot soft case which fits perfectly! After a couple of sessions I found the Solo to be barely warm so no prob with high temps yet either low or high in the shaker.
I just wanted a more permanent stealth solution which would double as a beverage container if needed...Changing temps is not easy like the coffee cup mod but the Solo slides easy in and out so it's not a big deal for me. Aside from that when I direct hit it when outdoors it's either 4 or 5 from start to finish depending on how fast I need the session to be. It even switches off by itself at 8 mins and it's usually there when the vapor starts fading. These guys at Arizer had really thought of everything very thoroughly back then when they designed the beauty! Every day I recognize the genius behind the Solo! Oh boy!
The nylon case indeed makes the Solo rather hot after one session.. Going back to the woolen socks. :/