Arizer Solo


Well-Known Member
^ Thanks for the code!

One more quick question, how necessary are the O rings?

Grab a couple, they arent expensive and you will kick yourself if you end up needing them. Because its glass the stems are going to vary a little unit to unit, if you happen to get a loose stem you will need the o-ring.


Well-Known Member
Looking for a lil help from the Solo enthusiasts on here! I'm really digging the F-bomb attachment, and have decided to go ahead and order one along with some additional accessories. Just wondering where the best discount codes/deals/sites are to order from? I'm looking to pick up the F-bomb, GonG adapter thingy, and an ac power supply. I was looking through the thread and saw mention of a "PVHES GonG", what is that!?!? I feel like there's so much fun research/learning with this new toy! Do you guys recommend any other accessories? I'd love to hear what everyone has to suggest for me, as well as the other Solo virgins! Thanks in advance.

Love, EdE

Just found out about PVHES! No need to help with that one!

I think you can only get the F-bomb from PV .
Also def . recommend getting the PA .
Pick up a few Omicron mouthpiece tips to add to your stems . ( real cheap DIY for easier draw)

Welcome to the Solo club .


Active Member
Hey Solo gurus, just hoping you could advise me regarding a couple of add-ons. I'm looking to get a PVHEGonG adapter and some O-rings for my new Solo (about to ship in the MD purchase).

First, which PVHEGonG adapter is best? I have to say that I'm attracted to the idea of a smaller bowl so the shorty seems the go. Is turbo worth it?

Second, PV seems to be out of O-rings and I'm just wondering if there's a generic version floating about somewhere. I'd be happy to head down to Bunnings and to grab a few for testing but I vape for health reasons and I want something that's tried and tested before I start shoving it into a hot device that I inhale from. Earlier in this thread I found a link to these (which appeared to do the job for some of you) but Amazon doesn't seem to stock them any more. Any other place I could order some equivalent rings from?


EDIT: Just realized we're all talking O-rings. Anyone in the know?


Account Closed
Can't get the damn thing to charge. It's always a mess trying to get the unit to charge after unplugging the charger and trying to replug it in. Always get 3 flashing lights. So frustrating.


Professional Lurker
Just putting my 2cents in on some of the questions floating about:
My recent glass accessories purchase came from PV and I
couldn't be happier- decent pricing, FC discount (FCLOVE10), and super speedy shipping! I will definitely order from them again here in the future.
And I didn't order the o-rings b/c I read here that a lot of members were getting them with their PVHES, which I can confirm as well. I also haven't installed my o-ring yet but let me tell ya, it's necessary! My stock stems still fit somewhat snug but the PVHES fit has no resistance whatsoever. Can't wait to try it out when I get back home in a couple hours!

And if no one has an f-bomb vid by tomrw I will do my best to post one sometime tomrw morning:)
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Account Closed
Do you guys know what kind of charger I would buy if I were to go to Wal-Mart or Radioshack or something? I eventually threw my charger at the wall and it's not lighting up at all anymore.



Account Closed
This is from radio shack, it comes with a free tip, you need tip B. IIRC it was around $23

Is this the correct one?


And tip B will come in the box? Or I have to get it from Radioshack?

This is from radio shack, it comes with a free tip, you need tip B. IIRC it was around $23

And also...this charges the unit right? Now just gives it power on the spot?

mod note: Please avoid back-to-back posts, use Edit instead. Two posts merged.
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clouded vision

Well-Known Member
yes that is the right charger, here is the tip you need, I added it to a cart though abd couldn't get it to take the price of the tip off, when i bought it in store they took it off automatically. You will have to get it off the rack right by the cord.

if you plan to order it online though you are probably better off with the jameco one OF has posted on here a couple times already


Account Closed
yes that is the right charger, here is the tip you need, I added it to a cart though abd couldn't get it to take the price of the tip off, when i bought it in store they took it off automatically. You will have to get it off the rack right by the cord.

if you plan to order it online though you are probably better off with the jameco one OF has posted on here a couple times already

Sweet. I checked the in store availability and the 2 in my area both have them in I'll head in there tomorrow and grab them with tip B. Thanks a ton man.

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
Yes I kept resetting mine until one day it just wouldn't work anymore. I had known for awhile that I needed to replace but I pushed it as long as I could
clouded vision,
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Awesome. Thanks a ton man. I really appreciate this. Were you having the same 3 flashing light issue while trying to charge?

I once had that issue for a couple of weeks, my problem was that I left the charger plugged in and that messed up the voltage or something, when I left it unplugged it started working


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd give you all an update. Had the opportunity to use Pipes All-in-one PA over the last four days at Carlisle. Worked like a gem both during the trip there and back, at the cars during show, and at the room. So far, it gets the 'Vette seal of approval!:D Great idea & piece of kit if you want pass through ability with both power sources. Hats off to you Pipes, good job. So far, so good.:tup:


New Member
i currently have a pax and enjoy it but i need something that i can enjoy at home and is fairly portable and discreet since i have children. the pax is a great vape but i have to clean it alot to kwep it running well and i am afraid of over using it. is the solo a good choice for me?


Well-Known Member
Portable - yes. Stealth - not so much. Unit about size of small redbull can without the stem. Cleaning easy as pie as only tubes get dirty, so have spares for when one is dirty. Have had an old ceramic for years and unit itself looks new. Hardly ever clean unit itself. Battery life good, performance even better. It's a proven dependable workhorse. Very versatile using in a multitude of ways with adapters and different tube setups. Bong it, tube it, use dry or with water......... it pretty much does it all. Keep reading up on it and maybe it will suite you. Good luck on your decision. ;)
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natural farmer

Well-Known Member
Portable - yes. Stealth - not so much. Unit about size of small redbull can without the stem. Cleaning easy as pie as only tubes get dirty, so have spares for when one is dirty. Have had an old ceramic for years and unit itself looks new. Hardly ever clean unit itself. Battery life good, performance even better. It's a proven dependable workhorse. Very versatile using in a multitude of ways with adapters and different tube setups. Bong it, tube it, use dry or with water......... it pretty much does it all. Keep reading up on it and maybe it will suite you. Good luck on your decision. ;)
Great writing BubbaGump! I will only disagree with the stealth aspect as it depends on the situation... I have drawn more looks with my INH 004 on occasion than with the Solo and a fat straw in the GonG stem. If you stick it in a cup or soda can it pretty much is invisible...
AND I am happy to announce that the Solo has returned to my daily life after some months of dust gathering thanks to the coming of the Hot Pod. I have returned to the Solo's hug cause it is simply more versatile than a log for me, it gives me better extractions and stir-free sessions, I have more precise temp control and the pairing with the vapor lung gives me the most comfortable sessions ever!


Singer Song Writer Stoner
Do you really think users who careless about the loose stem still need to use rings? I think not.

I would like a solo stem that holds .3 or .4. Right now I do two stems in a row to achieve desired effect. Would be nice to cut those sessions down to one stem. Would a stem holding .4 have the herb chamber sticking up too far above the heater to be effective?

Fine grind can hold up .3 IMO
With Ed's Wood stem 100%
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natural farmer

Well-Known Member
Do you really think users who careless about the loose stem still need to use rings? I think not.

I never understood all this o-ring craze... All it does is restricting the airflow even more by blocking the only air path the Solo has and forcing the air to enter through the mica insulator and it's tiny gaps (if any)... I never saw anyone complaining about a loose stem on a log vape... :2c:
natural farmer,
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Well-Known Member
Hi All, my F-Bomb, GonG 14 and o-ring just arrived from Plantvape and I am way way impressed.

1. F-Bomb imo is a must have for Solo users - a bit thicker draw but even on heat lvl 7 its cool and smooth and all in 1 fairly stable little unit that allows much greater portability than attaching it to my bubbler etc.

2. The simple little o-ring really made a difference in stability for all my stems.

3. PV's service was top notch as always.

Be Good, P77
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