Hey Sublinauts! After reading through this most helpful thread, and hearing various whispers in the wind (I.e. on he interwebz) I pulled the trigger and got a sublimator via PV almost three weeks ago... All I can say is WOW - this is what I've waiting for since I heard about the whole concept of vaporizing. I've tried (and owned) various vapes (volcano, pax, iolite, shitty $40 ones and many more) over the past 15 years and have always gone back to ripping bong hoots, as other vapes i tried always left me wanting more. As someone quoted previously, I was very much also of the "get back to me when you can fit 10 volcano bags into one hit" mentality. I'm not going to get into the science of it since that's way over my head, but the way I look at it: if everything else out there is vaporization, the sublimator is WAY beyond vaporization - as advertised. The sublimator is the real deal to say the very least. Since it arrived 3 weeks ago - before PV's summer break thankfully - I've not even thought about another medication method. Everyone who has tried it has been blown away, including some long term heavy medicators.
Thanks to the advice in this thread, I'm hooked up to a Hampton emegry monitor; sweet spot for flowers has been around 30-32 depending on moisture and for oil dabs about 38-40. I've combusted a bowl or two by being impatient after a few oil dabs while waiting for it to cool enough for flowers, but chalked it up to the learning process.
I've been running it both dry and wet, and have no real preference either way, though dry has been through a straight tube with next to zero drag vs wet ones through a leisure glass 15 arm bubbler, which takes a bit more puff. Both are good and stable though, and have no problem holding the sub for hours at a time. I've not had any issues with the Teflon expanding with heat and getting stuck/cracking joints, though I've been careful to not jam it in too far before heating, and once warm, it just pops in and out.
I've been using the stock screen thus far, just sitting on the top ridge, dumped out after each bowl. No probems so far, though the sublimate higher up the atomizer is a bit chunky. I plan on wedging in a finer screen to keep the oil a bit cleaner, while also using the hard stock screen above for easy dumping.
No issues with the two parts of the atomizer coming loose on me yet, but I keep an eye on it as well as ensure not to twist when pulling out to clear the tube. Like others have experienced, the c clip below the Teflon lasted about 30 seconds after opening the box, but hasn't seemed to affect things in terms of tightness between the two parts.
And that brings me to my first question - what's the best way to get the bowl/downstem clean? I have given the bowl a soak/scrub with ISO but it was still kinda grimy afterwards. I didn't bother with the atomizers downstem as the airflow is still quite good, but want to get it nice and clean before commencing with the new screen combo.
Thanks in advance for your help - and a huger thanks for being able to help me make the decision to get sublimated!