Arizer Solo


New Member
Can someone link me a video or instructions on installing my O ring?
EDIT: and on top of that, does anyone know a link to buy some of the screens to fit inside the metal part of the vape? I saw a picture of someone using that, seemed like a smart idea.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Take off the cap
Put your o-ring on the bottom of your stem
Place the stem and o ring in the hole making sure it is all the way down
Close the cap leaving the stem and oring in place
Don't over tighten
Take out the stem fill it up and solo away


Well-Known Member
Can someone link me a video or instructions on installing my O ring?
Easy. Put a stem in, take off the cover, push the ring down the stem until it's on top of the heater, put the cover back on. Some covers are thicker than others, don't go too tight. The plastic tabs at the bottom aren't made to have a lot of pressure on them. Half a turn after contact seems to be enough to keep the ring from spinning freely with the stem (meaning it's clamped).



Well-Known Member
I really want a chillum that fits over a stem now :o

Im still trying to find a silicon Omi tip around to see what that's like!


Well-Known Member
Casualty number one

Back to the stock stems. Not sure my lungs can handle them any more haha. Im more disappointed about the loss of what was going to be one potent hot chocolate.

So after this accident I started using a stock stem and this happened...

Hardly any force involved other than it tapping my lip when putting it in my mouth. It simply cracked when I was taking a pull! This ever happened to anyone else? Lasnight wasnt my night... strange how its such a clean break as well


Well-Known Member
Are those mouthpieces called chillum like the pipe of the exact same name?

No They are not Chillums they are called Glass onies, Glass tasters or Glass bats.

Is that color piece , the chillum ?
Does the air path taper down like a funnel ? ( Omicron tip )
Can you post pics from the top views , looking down in the chillum ?
What about using O-rings instead of silicone tubing ?


Sorry for the confusion Grasscity and most places call this a "Glass taster" or most commonly known on ALT as "Glass Onie". Yes they are blown inside out and have a tiny neck inside and the mouth hole can be almost half the size of the orignal opening or less.

So after this accident I started using a stock stem and this happened...

Hardly any force involved other than it tapping my lip when putting it in my mouth. It simply cracked when I was taking a pull! This ever happened to anyone else? Lasnight wasnt my night... strange how its such a clean break as well

If you scratch a stem and apply moisture to the scratch then a tiny force it will POP clean off almost perfectly straight. (remember biology class and cutting the glass tube)


Well-Known Member
where I come from we call then chillums, that is most common, I have also heard onesie or bat but never taster
Chillums must be coned like a tusk. Im from india where naked yogis have been smoking bone chillums for thousands of years in the mountains. You can get a desk lamp and call it a chillum.....but its still a....

I think taster might be a euro term, I just call them COOL!!!

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
without arguing semantics and to answer the OP's question yes those glass pieces are the same pipes from any head shop that are most commonly referred to as chillums despite the fact that they are not historically correct chillums


New Member
Easy. Put a stem in, take off the cover, push the ring down the stem until it's on top of the heater, put the cover back on. Some covers are thicker than others, don't go too tight. The plastic tabs at the bottom aren't made to have a lot of pressure on them. Half a turn after contact seems to be enough to keep the ring from spinning freely with the stem (meaning it's clamped).


Do you mean the cover that I only turn to get off? or the one that requires the four screws? It doesn't seem to turn back on snuggly when I tried it the way I thought you meant by just taking off the cover. When I go to rescrew it, it won't rescrew back on even half the rotation.


Well-Known Member
without arguing semantics and to answer the OP's question yes those glass pieces are the same pipes from any head shop that are most commonly referred to as chillums despite the fact that they are not historically correct chillums

Sorry if I got off topic....not arguing with you either.....people will call it whatever they want regardless of how correct we try to be.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean the cover that I only turn to get off? or the one that requires the four screws? It doesn't seem to turn back on snuggly when I tried it the way I thought you meant by just taking off the cover. When I go to rescrew it, it won't rescrew back on even half the rotation.

I'm talking about the top cover. It has a big hole for the stem, 4 slots and 4 small holes on top? The ring goes just under it.

I'm having a little trouble following you, but it sounds like your cover is too think to screw back on with the ring in place? Don't force it, that's when the tabs can get hurt. If you cover is too thick you'll need to shave the ring down or leave the cover 'half screwed on'. A piece of tape would keep it from changing?



Well-Known Member
So after this accident I started using a stock stem and this happened...

Hardly any force involved other than it tapping my lip when putting it in my mouth. It simply cracked when I was taking a pull! This ever happened to anyone else? Lasnight wasnt my night... strange how its such a clean break as well

I had the same thing happen to me once with a brand new straight stem on the very first bowl. I know how annoying it is!:cuss:
EVERCLEAR is more expensive however the flavor profile is worth it to me.

lol I have that exact fan! Also I would like to see that picture of the chillum on the solo stem close up. So you no longer have to use the silicon slip to attach the two together?


Well-Known Member
I had the same thing happen to me once with a brand new straight stem on the very first bowl. I know how annoying it is!:cuss:

Yeah, very annoying indeed! Im just glad Ive got 3 spares!

I have a slight problem. To remove the broken glass I thought it would be a good idea to unscrew the cap and undo the 4 screws that hold the heater in. I popped the heater out only to realise that the it wouldn't go back in properly. Its in enough to get the screws in and the cap n stems fit fine but only one of the 2 clips that hold the heater in place is effective and the whole heater isn't centred. Is there a particular technique to get it in properly? No matter what I do it wont sit right

I'll add a pic... gimme a min



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Ataxian, just to make sure this does the same thing as the omni did but now we have all glass right?
I am so excited about this new invention. I can't wait to get one. I am going to use high heat silicone to attach them just to be safe as the omni tips are not high heat I don't think. Some call themselves high heat when they go to 300 or 350 and the break down point is even sooner then the max temp.


Ataxian, just to make sure this does the same thing as the omni did but now we have all glass right?
I am so excited about this new invention. I can't wait to get one. I am going to use high heat silicone to attach them just to be safe as the omni tips are not high heat I don't think. Some call themselves high heat when they go to 300 or 350 and the break down point is even sooner then the max temp.
I'll get your CHILLIN today!
The GSC had me in the clouds this morning.
Had to have GOD'S GIFT to get focused!


Well-Known Member
Ataxian, just to make sure this does the same thing as the omni did but now we have all glass right?
I am so excited about this new invention. I can't wait to get one. I am going to use high heat silicone to attach them just to be safe as the omni tips are not high heat I don't think. Some call themselves high heat when they go to 300 or 350 and the break down point is even sooner then the max temp.

you dont have to use the omi tip. I use the Silicone hose that is preferred by the Extreme q crowd, its high temp food grade means you can use it safely right up to the oven. stock length of Stem doesn't even get hot at the mouth end.
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Well-Known Member
My Mean Well power supply arrived but the adapters are coming separately and are late..... this suuuucks!
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