Arizer Solo


Well-Known Member
I was also wondering about the breakdown if the ring if cut but time will tell. I bet mine will be way messier when done since I more the likely will do it by eye with a razor.

I also wonder if the notches should line up with the ones on the pvhes stem when done and if so you will have to put the stem in the correct way when reinstalling. I wonder with the pvhes if there will be to much airflow like the turbo. All this wonder and no answers yet.

I don't think there's a reason to worry about it degrading, I intentionally made one with very crude notches and have used it a fair bit without any issues I can detect. I did my first one free hand, it can be done OK but gripping it makes it easier to control. Maybe an old school 'roach clip'?

Lining up is not important I think, which is why I put four notches in with 3 on the PVHES, at best only one can line up......

I didn't find the PVHES and notched ring to be too open, but what do I know really? I agree, the notches make the stock stems behave like the PVHES does WRT draw....but without falling out (if that's a feature you're looking to maintain?).



When I use my solo I mostly run around with the solo and an e-cig toking at both at the same time. Same result as the "smile" method only with added clouds and taste. (There are some eliquids out there that complement the taste of the MJ nicely!)

Of course this is not for everyone.

Just my 2 cents
Pretty siimular method.


This combination is very effect in my case.


And please don't forget EFFECT!
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I don't know 'The Source' but assume it's a good source. You'll find, I think, the supply is common but the connector is not. One option is to get another 12VDC one Amp supply, cut the cords and splice the Solo part on the new supply. They even make screw connectors common in the closed circuit TV industry that are useful for this:

Haha the source is the smaller canadian branch of Radioshack. They had a 1.5 amp 12v charger with the right tip for 39.99$... have you guys found any cheaper? That is a lot more then I want to spend


Well-Known Member
Haha the source is the smaller canadian branch of Radioshack. They had a 1.5 amp 12v charger with the right tip for 39.99$... have you guys found any cheaper? That is a lot more then I want to spend


That's steep, but the rub is the funny little connector. Even a big outfit like Digikey has a few limited models out of over a thousand? The supply itself is nothing fancy and can be pretty cheap:

If you're willing to deal with cutting and reusing the cord you now have there's lots of ways (soldering and not). There's also an adapter on EBay someone posted a ways back that converts the normal 'type M' connector like on the supply above to Solo with a 4 inch cord. Hopefully someone will have that handy, or a search on "EBay" or "adapter" on this thread will find it quickly?

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Soul Searchin`
It does not say anything else about the power supply.
It only states to use a 9v power supply.
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Well-Known Member
So the Solo's power adapter is 9v?

I just bought a guitar pedal that needs a 9v power charger.

I was wondering if I could use the Solo's charger for it lol.

Two different animals, right? 12 Volts for the charger, 9 for the adapter? Probably an important difference to the guitar gear (nominally set up for '9 Volt transistor radio batteries'). And you have the 'strange plug' issue to deal with.
Compare the amperage specs also.

Good point, but in this case it's sure to be plenty safe. The PA for Solo could make that pedal burst into flames and not notice. The current is probably something like 2% worst case?
It does not say anything else about the power supply.
It only states to use a 9v power supply.

It should also say somewhere whether the center is positive (more common) or negative (less), sometimes in a cartoon.

All in all a $12 adapter like this (with the right plug) might be a better call?



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Keepsake, if you want to know more read the solo battery thread cause that might help explain stuff.
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That's steep, but the rub is the funny little connector. Even a big outfit like Digikey has a few limited models out of over a thousand? The supply itself is nothing fancy and can be pretty cheap:

If you're willing to deal with cutting and reusing the cord you now have there's lots of ways (soldering and not). There's also an adapter on EBay someone posted a ways back that converts the normal 'type M' connector like on the supply above to Solo with a 4 inch cord. Hopefully someone will have that handy, or a search on "EBay" or "adapter" on this thread will find it quickly?


The way the charger works is you pay 35$ for the charger itself and they have separate tips (including the correct size one) to buy for $3 a piece. They also had a 12V .5A charger that was 20$ cheaper, would it just charge slower or not work at all? And if the tip is the important part should I just buy the tip and do some DIY?


Soul Searchin`
Thanks fellas.
I'll just go to my local music store and pick something up for it to be safe.
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Well-Known Member
I have read over and over that despite the solo being labeled 9v for the PA it is actually 8.5v, that is why people were using ps2 adapters with a plug converter as that is also 8.5v.

True enough, the guitar gizzie won't care, it's Solo that has that fetish. The Solo senses so it knows to charge or run, the guitar electronics just sees it as a partially discharged battery. It's probably cool to 6 Volts or so.

The way the charger works is you pay 35$ for the charger itself and they have separate tips (including the correct size one) to buy for $3 a piece. They also had a 12V .5A charger that was 20$ cheaper, would it just charge slower or not work at all? And if the tip is the important part should I just buy the tip and do some DIY?

OK, too bad those tips only fit their line.....

You want the full Amp, IIRC you use about 80% (800 mA) of it. If you're up to DIY any 1 Amp wall adapter will work if you splice the old cord on it with the correct (center plus) polarity. I'm running mine on the 3 Amp adapter for my external hard drive (which I almost never use) since it'll also charge batteries at the same time. I cut the cord on the factory charger and screwed in the standard 'type M' socket.



Well-Known Member
It's been only 3 weeks since I purchased a new solo and now it wont start after I charged it.

I made the mistake of leaving it on the charge all night, now it wont start.

So this particular vape could go dead if you overcharge it?

M1A model

PLease help...thanks


Well-Known Member
I made the mistake of leaving it on the charge all night, now it wont start.

So this particular vape could go dead if you overcharge it?

That's not a mistake, maybe not a good routine plan, but not a problem either. It should charge to the end, change to solid on the light, wait a while longer then go dark.

Does it respond to the charger being unplugged and plugged back in again? I recall testing mine and seeing this.



Well-Known Member
That's not a mistake, maybe not a good routine plan, but not a problem either. It should charge to the end, change to solid on the light, wait a while longer then go dark.

Does it respond to the charger being unplugged and plugged back in again? I recall testing mine and seeing this.


Let me try it out now and I'll get back to you..thanks
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Well-Known Member
I leave it on the charger about half of the time. No issues here. What exactly is happening nothing at all? Is it beeping or lighting up in any way?


Well-Known Member
Charging once again and I see red light indicating it;s charging and 1,2,3 lights are flashing. I took the plug out and put it back in, still the same.

Mines only beeped for the first day and I never heard a beep after that, but worked fine until today.

Im scrambling to find something to blaze with, no pipe, no apple...yilkes i have to use a nasty can.
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Phish Head
My first charge, about how long should I leave it on the charger? Thanks guys, this talk of 'over-charging' has me worried, & I am an anxious wreck in my normal state. Some batteries need a proper FIRST charge..or something like that(I'm not sure to be honest). Figured I'd ask real quick, to treat my new Solo with the respect it deserves. :nod: :shrug:


Well-Known Member
You probably turned the audio off inadvertently. I think if you press and hold the left button it turns it on/off. Back to your problem...Did you try resetting it? (Press an hold both buttons together for a few seconds) there have been a few bad chargers on the forum in recent times it could be that. Reading back through the last few pages of this thread may help with that.

Edit: red light flashing is not charging just power the green light flashing indicates charging
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Well-Known Member
So I tried resetting, unplugging, using different ports and nothing. Still will not start.

All I did was leave it on overnight to charge. I did not drop it or damage it in anyway.


Well-Known Member
Charging once again and I see red light indicating it;s charging and 1,2,3 lights are flashing.

Bummer. I was afraid of that. There's a rash of such issues, the 'flashing light show' is a key indicator I think, the chargers seem to be low output voltage? There are probably a dozen guys in the last two weeks?

It seems there's a Radio Shack unit that can match the 'funny little plug'. Other options include cutting the cord off the bad one and splicing it on any similar supply, running down the adapter to use the much more common 'type M' connector supplies and of course the all time favorite, replacement by the maker under warranty.

Anyway, that seems to be the problem, sad to say.

Good luck.

My first charge, about how long should I leave it on the charger?

Good question. The answer sounds silly, but "as long as it takes". There's an excellent charge controller in there. It knows what to do. Plug it in and the charge light flashes while the numbered lights count up. After the final light, the flashing goes solid, the charge is done. If you leave it plugged in even longer, it shuts down but will come back to life when you plug it back and at least try to charge.

Not to worry, it's a mature product. Well designed and built. Enjoy it.


clouded vision

Well-Known Member
So I tried resetting, unplugging, using different ports and nothing. Still will not start.

All I did was leave it on overnight to charge. I did not drop it or damage it in anyway.
I leave mine plugged in every night, try putting it on the charger, wait for the lights then hold both buttons for 4 seconds wait ten seconds then take it off the charger. if that doesn't work could be a bad charger, seems to be happening a lot lately. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't happen to mine.
clouded vision,


Well-Known Member
try putting it on the charger, wait for the lights then hold both buttons for 4 seconds wait ten seconds then take it off the charger.

I just tried that and still nothing :( Like you and OF said, it must be a faulty charger.

If I run to radioshake any particular charger that I should purchase?
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