I would buy one. I actually did a long while back. One day, I totally fumbled it with the lid opened, hit the tile, and snapped right off. It was usable still but eventually the lid was held by the rubber band it had (old model.) Two emails later I'm getting my warranty processed and it left the day after they got my documentation I believe. I had a hand-signed note attached in the package, as well as the most up-to-date version, at no charge.

Plus it's the biggest thread on fuckcombustion... our words actually do reach the company.
Thanks for responding to my post. For being the biggest thread I would have thought there would be more responses.

Anyone know of discount codes for the mflb?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for responding to my post. For being the biggest thread I would have thought there would be more responses.

Anyone know of discount codes for the mflb?

I would most definitely recommend you pick up a mflb .
I would also get the PA and the 1 ft whip/stem .

As for discounts ;
Some posted E-Bay sales of aprox. $90 .a few pages back ....
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Thanks for all the info. I did find a seller on eBay and I asked all the ? Such as warranty being active, warranty number being good not scratched off ect, being a real MLB and not a fake, updated model, has black charger and click lid. I told him about my bad experience with buying from magic dragon (not going into it but if u want to read up on magic dragon lite page 9 and 10) and the seller said he would sell to me at his cost pulse shipping so $70.00 plus $6 for shipping. It is not used, it is brand new, and the seller has one - review about a buyer getting a broke unit and having to pay for return shipping. But the buyer did make it right, I just am getting the paranoia after my bad exprence with magic dragon plus the nasty gram they sent me for blogging about their costumer service. The seller even gave me his phone number so we could talk to make sure he anwcred all my ? Completely. As long as I can pay through PayPal I think this might be the way to go.
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Well-Known Member
But the buyer did make it right, I just am getting the paranoia after my bad exprence with magic dragon plus the nasty gram they sent me for blogging about their costumer service.

Sorry about the bad experience with Magic Dragon, please don't let that taint your taste with MFLB. As I'm sure you're about to discover with MF there's no reason for such concerns. Not only is it a top notch product but in the unlikely event your do need service you'll find theirs everything you could ask for. There's simply no reason for anyone to sweep anything under the proverbial rug....even if there were something to sweep.

Remember, keep it dry, grind it well and keep the battery charged. And shake between hits. You too will fall in love with the humble box I bet.

Good luck.



MF will always take care of you. I forgot I didn't mention that they paid for shipping of my (brand new, never used) warranty Box. They're known for bending their own rules a little bit sometimes. Read back a few pages and you'll see someone that said they were mid-warranty, had something come up, and MF sent them the warranty box on the good faith that the end-user would complete the warranty process. I seriously doubt you'll find more than a few companies that would do something like that.


vaporizer review blogger
i think it's cleary overrated. i prefer the dragonlite vaporizer, even if it's a clear magic flight rip-off


i think it's cleary overrated. i prefer the dragonlite vaporizer, even if it's a clear magic flight rip-off

Then go to the Dragonlite post to talk about it. Here we don't care about cheap, bad quality and with bad customer service rip offs...

MFLB is a really small portable vape that you can use everywhere, well hand build and the guys behind it will honor the warranty even if you throw it in your WC. They're the real deal and not a block of wood painted.
Then go to the Dragonlite post to talk about it. Here we don't care about cheap, bad quality and with bad customer service rip offs...

MFLB is a really small portable vape that you can use everywhere, well hand build and the guys behind it will honor the warranty even if you throw it in your WC. They're the real deal and not a block of wood painted.
I can verify that the MFLB has probably the best warranty in the biz! I contacted them to see if they could fix my MFLB that got tossed into a ceiling fan during a party. I told them the truth and they sent me a new unit anyway. Try THAT with some wanna-be knock off garbage.


I can verify that the MFLB has probably the best warranty in the biz! I contacted them to see if they could fix my MFLB that got tossed into a ceiling fan during a party. I told them the truth and they sent me a new unit anyway. Try THAT with some wanna-be knock off garbage.

The other night I was bored and went to the dragon post, I think I remember (I was a little bit medicated) that someone got his Dragon lost i nthe mail and they said that it wasn't their problem, they won't resend WTF????!?! SERIOUSLY!?¿! I won't use nothing from that company even if it's for free :horse:


vaporizer review blogger
Then go to the Dragonlite post to talk about it. Here we don't care about cheap, bad quality and with bad customer service rip offs...

MFLB is a really small portable vape that you can use everywhere, well hand build and the guys behind it will honor the warranty even if you throw it in your WC. They're the real deal and not a block of wood painted.

i did already ;) yesw, like i said it's a rip-off but it also has three advantages over the magic flight and that's a fact. i have both products and the lid closes tighter and you don't need a peeled battery! the third one is the price. i get 3 dragonlites for one magic flight so i don't give a f*ck about warranty^^


Well-Known Member
i think it's cleary overrated. i prefer the dragonlite vaporizer, even if it's a clear magic flight rip-off

Very interesting....."clearly overrated"? Funny, I can't see it, mind I've never tried, let alone seen the 'rip-off' but please tell me on what you base this? Have you actually ever tried MFLB?

One thing sure, aside from your post I'd be hard pressed to find one in the other TWENTY THOUSAND generally very positive posts here to back that up.......

And of course, your post offers nothing at all to back that up, only that you prefer the other....which you've tried and found lacking how?

TIA for any supportive evidence you might have for this opinion. Otherwise, IMO, it's highly suspect and not really very useful at all. Potential buyers are probably better served by the 20,000 posts that agree, not the one that doesn't?


Edit: In the mean time I see you posted that you have both and complain that the lid fits better and you don't need to peel the battery? I have several with no lid issues, I don't recall any here except maybe the guys that break theirs? If you can't handle peeling the batteries, you can always buy them that way. OF


vaporizer review blogger
of take a look at the post above yours... i've explained it there. and yes, i have both products.


it also has three advantages over the magic flight and that's a fact. i have both products and the lid closes tighter and you don't need a peeled battery! the third one is the price. i get 3 dragonlites for one magic flight so i don't give a f*ck about warranty^^

Lid tighter? I don't have a problem with my lid :shrug: if it was tighter maybe I won't be able to open it lol. Dont need a peeled battery? Didn't know a peeled battery was a disadvantage :shrug: And about the price, I can have 3 and more MFLB only paying one, thanks to the lifetime warranty.

But if you're happy with your cheap knock off and paying a company that steal desings from others is fine with me. We're all grow people and know what we want, as long as you're happy with your purchase go for it :tup: But don't come here to make some demagogy about a product obviusly inferior.
Ship, I need to party with you lolol. Ceiling fan?? Got THAT high?! ;)
It was a very badly thrown pass across the room. Something about weed makes me lazy,to lazy to walk the 3 steps that night.
I am re-locating to Colorado in April and you have an open invitation to the carnage. Just bring your own sleeping bag and I'll loan you a rifle...you'll understand when ya get here brother!
i did already ;) yesw, like i said it's a rip-off but it also has three advantages over the magic flight and that's a fact. i have both products and the lid closes tighter and you don't need a peeled battery! the third one is the price. i get 3 dragonlites for one magic flight so i don't give a f*ck about warranty^^
That's great except when your three Dragon Lites crap out and you have to buy another... and at that point you could've just bought one MFLB.


You wouldn't be the first to have it happen to you ^.


vaporizer review blogger
yes it is a disadvantage, cause i can't buy peeled batteries in every super market... but well i won't argue with you guys. i know that the magig flight fans are like apple fans ;) i mean every android phone is a iphone rip off, but these devices aren't worse because of this :p


Well-Known Member
of take a look at the post above yours... i've explained it there. and yes, i have both products.

Thanks. I notice that we've had some shills playing us for fools (or at least trying to) on that thread. There's a big old red warning on the first post there folks might want to consider along with your advice? I also note you registered today?

Please excuse me for jumping to the obvious conclusion?

yes it is a disadvantage, cause i can't buy peeled batteries in every super market... but well i won't argue with you guys.

Agreed. But you can't find suitable batteries in any supermarket I know of, and very very few 'brick and mortar stores' for that matter. MFLB, to work correctly, needs quite special batteries not 'any old supermarket battery'......but then you'd know that wouldn't you from you experience with one.....if that really happened?



vaporizer review blogger
ok ok, just for the record i don't work for them... just my honest opinion, but speaking your mind doesn't seem to be welcome here. i got it now ;)


Androidd being a ripoff is mildly laughable, but I'll just leave it at that since were starting to stray from the topic.

"You get what you pay for" holds true, once again.

And I've got 10 fingers that can peel batteries lol. I can see this being a problem for our less fortunate friends. Peeled or not, I wouldn't put a battery in my pocket without a cap over the possitive end.

Forgive spellinng, phone keyboard is bunk due to outside circumstances and not some android bug :p

Edit: speak your mind but realize we've had at least a few instances of companies shilling on here, and cases with the DL being shilled. Had one with the puffit as well that I saw. We don't like being played around these parts but at least you have your review website up so there's that.

Btw, simple as it may seem, you wouldn't believe the amount of science and engineerigng it took to make the launch box. The concept was independently thought up, I know I wouldn't have ever come up with one like it. 27 patents they submitted... DL/da kube will likely become illegal if MF gets the patents awarded.
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