Alright ... so here's a more thorough review (to-date ... I'm not done experimenting and I do think my results still will improve even though I'm happy with the current results).
I loaded a few more bowls today in my Cera, despite being back home and having access to my MiniVAP (which is my primary again being that I am currently still Cloudless and I got say the MiniVAP is a great unit but again I digress


... habit of mine ...). The fact that I've even bothered to use my Cera is a good sign for it.
My technique is as follows and I get some pretty nice Clouds ... and the smoothness/coolness/taste of the vapor without any water filtering is better than any other vapes I own (except for the MiniVAP and Cloud which are in a class of there own but not one that the Cera competes in as it is a completely different device):
1. Preheat bowl for 60-90 seconds (I preheat without the mouthpiece on and just wait until the core is pretty warm/hot to the touch)
2. Load bowl packing down nicely
3. Inhale relatively hard/fast until you can taste/feel the heat of the vapor than keep going for another little bit
4. Exhale small amount of vapor but nice taste and effect on first hit
5. Take cap off and pack down the load a little
6. Take long/large inhales of varying speeds based on desired temperature/feel of vapor until bowl is spent and vapor/taste gets wispy ... this is 3-4 hits for me so about 2-3 minutes after warmed up and loaded
- I preheat holding it "Tweek" pencil style in my left hand and keep it on while loading ... I actually don't find this very difficult FWIW
- I switch to my right hand "Tweek" pencil style after loading the bowl
- One issue I have with good quality bud is that after I initially load it, and after my first good inhale, the load compresses such that it's down a bit in the chamber and when pulling hard the whole load pulls up as opposed to it evenly pulling up which results in hard pulls yielding little vapor as the bulk of the air goes around the bud ... I'm working on figuring this one out.
I gotta' say though ... I used my INH004 when I got back from vacation but before I drove back (outside the hotel a handful of times between 2:30am and 8:30am) and it's definitely not as nice of a device as the Cera ... it produces thicker vapor more easily and the loads are easily prepacked ... but it's harsher and I find it almost unusable without the TV SmoothFlow which makes the vapor much less harsh ...
The Cera produces unbelievably un-harsh vapor even while vaping a bowl nice and dark to completion ... my other portables I find irritate my throat after frequent use without water (or even worse affect my mouth and give me canker sores which suck and are painful .... the INH without the SmoothFlow does this to me rather quickly--4-6 bowls--whereas the Cera I can use as my primary going through 2-3 bowls in quick succession every 1-4 hours for a week straight with no ill effects on my throat, mouth, or lungs ...)
I'll keep you posted on my progress (FWIW the INH004 is still my primary in country travel portable with the Cera behind it and finding less and less use for my Solo)