Just to throw another user mini-testimonial into the mix, I received my Cera today and am a huge fan already. I have a decent amount of experience with several vapes, but I can specifically compare it to the T1 system - big improvement. I have only lightly "broken in" the LL cart with a combo of bud and bubble, but it was a huge success. Just a few pulls were quite effective using essentially the same technique from my T1, but with much better results. I do notice some of the top cap heat, the info came out about the skins the day mine shipped, if I had been offered the option with my shipping notification I definitely would have purchased one. I probably will soon anyway, especially since now I can't find my nonstick loading tool... Anyway I really like the LL cartridge, and look forward to much more usage in the future.
More details to come, but I'm pleased aside from the hot top cap (though at the tail end of the bowl I did notice the mouthpiece itself getting hot unfortunately) and the non-latching switch. This is still somewhat of an annoyance for me. I understand the technological limitations and the potential safety risks, but even more so than the original top sliding switch, no bottom latching switch makes the LL cart much more of an effort to use than it should be. Even with my young hands, I had to contort my pinky or ring finger into a pretty awkward position, and hold it for several seconds to get the appropriate amount of heat. Two hands works okay, but definitely is not always going to be an option with a portable, let alone for the situations of some medical users. I have a lot of hope for some neat 3rd-party and/or DIY solutions to this, from the very creative community here. Having used the device myself now, I can totally understand how a latching switch might have caused some disastrous results (dead batteries, ruined oil, charred loose leaf) and understand the source of their concerns.
I quite like the EO cart. It's very nice, and I think an upgrade from the Dart or standard Rev, I really like how much more you can load in on one go. I had performed some experimentation with a m510 to f610 adapter, and some Omicron carts on top of my T1 body to serve this purpose, but I feel like the Cera EO cart is good enough for my needs. Hits just as well if not better than the previous devices, capable of some really stunning performance. I was never a huge nail guy, but this is easily as effective while much less harsh and conspicuous, and just as if not more flavorful.
All in all, as a user of the older products, I feel the Cera is a significant improvement in pretty much every area, except for the unknown durability of the thing. I know I'm not gonna be the one to test it. I think I trust that the ceramic material is very hard, but it feels similar to the ceramic stuff that we're all used to (plates, mugs, etc.) which is very breakable. I don't think this stuff is. My main beefs with the T1 system was how hot the entire device got, especially around the battery area, the weak battery life, and having to stir the load. I feel all of these issues have been corrected, especially the first item - while the Cera sometimes gets hot around the top cap and/or mouthpiece, the lower section of the device is totally cool in my usage. The smaller bowl (I don't mind the slightly smaller size) is easier to both pack and unpack, hits better, and vaporizes the load more evenly.
I took some video of me unboxing the thing, but I need to review it as it might be too awful of a video to show to anyone! I will however take some video of it's usage when I have some free time late Sunday or next week. Sadly I don't have a WP with me at the moment to show it through, but I've got a great LED lamp for seeing the vapor clouds (oops did I just say that word?
