Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
No rest for the wicked . . . :evil:
Base is 5"
Ash catcher is 8"
Main Can is 8" >/< depending how you measure it :)

Thx t-dub but you're still a wicked, wicked, child :D . . . because you didn't provide the diameter of the cans. (I'd like to calculate the approx volume for comparison to other pieces.)


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
I have been using the heck outta my Cloud buddy!! I have used it most with my Mobius 60t and my SG bent neck. I love how it makes it so easy for noobs to understand how to use too...I did have an accident ant dropped the glass stopper from my cloud buddy and it shattered like crazy...

I had another 18mm glass plug that I use for soaking and cleaning tubes which works exactly the same. First piece of glass I have broken (except an elbow or a cyclone bowl in years past. Hope I stay lucky like this...

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I am sure the announcement will come as soon as they get a chance. Events like these tend to take most of your energy out of you. I also know with flu season... you usually tend to leave the events with some sort of illness. They are working hard to get the announcement posted between shots of Cold Medicine. Please be patient.
I am sure the announcement will come as soon as they get a chance. Events like these tend to take most of your energy out of you. I also now with flu season... you usually tend to leave the events with some sort of illness. They are working hard to get the announcement posted between shots of Cold Medicine. Please be patient.
I am patient you can see by response to this post. I am not even logging on today.
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Well-Known Member
It has easily become my wisest vaporizer purchase. My question is if anyone knows of replacements for the bowls? I would order from Vapexhale but they look out of stock for the moment.

I am sure the announcement will come as soon as they get a chance. Please be patient.

I called VapeXhale yesterday about the out of stock EZ-Load-Bowl's. They said they would have them in stock today or tomorrow.

Afterwards, I asked about when the new product launch would be. The gentleman said.......... Wednesday.


Vapor Sloth
Thx t-dub but you're still a wicked, wicked, child :D . . . because you didn't provide the diameter of the cans. (I'd like to calculate the approx volume for comparison to other pieces.)
Can diameter Ash catcher 2", Main Can 2 1/2". fwiw, a perfect fill for me is about 90 ml total, I put it all in the ash catcher then pull through until the levels naturally balance, 70/20 approx.


Banned for life
Noooooooooooooooo! not Wednesday!

I think the "gentleman" is wrong. StoneMonkey wouldn't lie to us yesterday. He said today, I believe it will be today. I understand how his projection of the 18th didn't come to fruition (much like many vape release dates), but for him to specifically say TODAY - there is NO WAY he would let us down again.


Well-Known Member
Wait so is there a new Cloud coming out? Should I bother reading the other 446 pages of this thread?
I think the "gentleman" is wrong. StoneMonkey wouldn't lie to us yesterday. He said today, I believe it will be today. I understand how his projection of the 18th didn't come to fruition (much like many vape release dates), but for him to specifically say TODAY - there is NO WAY he would let us down again.
TRUE TRUE TRUE please be true?

I still have not logged on yet cause I am patient.


Banned for life
Wait so is there a new Cloud coming out? Should I bother reading the other 446 pages of this thread?

Naw, I wouldn't say there is a new Cloud coming out, go ahead and have your fill with reading the thread. It can only benefit you. IMO (and this is just speculation for fun), the Cloud Plus is gonna run a bit cooler than the older ticking Cloud's (if the newer non-tickers are any indication), and thus heat up faster, and maybe last a bit longer. Just my opinion ofcourse, and i'm probably wrong.

Announcement coming shortly. The entire team needs to get some well needed rest and when we wake up refreshed, you'll get the full announcement on our Facebook page.

Must of slept in! :lol: J/K

got to try this product at the Cannibus cup in San Bernardino, I guess I did not really have enough time to be with it, but for me it did not give milky enough hits, I prefer a bit more vapor to air ratio. of course the girl only put in a very small amount, but IDK for me i think i might be a little disappointed, The cannibus cup was cool, but I think I preferred the Hempcon

I'm assuming that all the Clouds at the Cup were Plus'? If there was a very small amount, I could see how that could affect your impression of the vapour density. Add more, and you might of changed your impression. Never heard of the Hempcon, but if it impressed you more than the Cloud, i'm looking it up now!
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Vapor concierge

I heard from SM three hours ago. He said he got eight hours of sleep over the last three days, so he was going to go back to sleep and then make the announcement when he gets up. If I were in his shoes, you would probably here from me about midnight est! He'll be here as soon as he's awake.

Bob Loblaw

got my buddy in the mail today.
my buddy, my buddy, whenever i cloud he's coming 'round
what would be a good product for cloud sister?

EDiT - seriously tho, diggin the change. had a y joint and stopper, so had the same effect, but having it inline feels so much safer. won't stress leaving the cloud on for periods now. feels solid. good product


Pacific NW
I'm just so afraid of a Clear knocking off the table... :doh: I've already had a close call with my Goldstein and she's built Ford tough. I assume the CB makes it more stable?


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.
Soooo...I calculated my taxes quick a few weeks ago and thought I would be getting about 500 bucks back. Well...today I did them for real online and discovered I looked at a table wrong and so my offical return will give me back a whopping 10 dollars!

There goes that nice Devastator I've been Jonesing for these past months...:doh:

Oh well...maybe in a few more months...

Bob Loblaw

I'm just so afraid of a Clear knocking off the table... :doh: I've already had a close call with my Goldstein and she's built Ford tough. I assume the CB makes it more stable?
it keeps the cloud inline so all the weight is stable, due to the dewaar joint. DG's don't have that option, so the weight will always be off-kilter. it also means you can clear it w/out taking the cloud on and off over and over again. and so the heat gets transferred to the buddy rather than ur piece

EDiT - also means i can do it w/ my oil pen hooked up to the other intake for oil and herb heaven.
also, i have my setup on a short coffee table surrounded on two sides my my L couch, safe as i can get it ;)


I hope this announcement is the one that makes me change my mind about any other vaporizer... sorry Launch Box, you've got me ripped right now, but I need something else, too ;)

Do any of you Cloud owners use the dry mouthpiece more or less than the tube? I've got a foot-tall water pipe that I could use instead of getting a HydraTube, so if I can save money for now and focus on a nice glass piece after it, I'll jump. Mainly I understand the taste is as pure as it can get, correct?



Great Scott!
I don't know what is purer than hot glass!

Very very pure. IF you already have glass you like pass on the hydratube. I ended up selling mine, but that was before some of the better options. I prefer using the cloud inverted anyway. Bonus safety feature.


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
I'm just so afraid of a Clear knocking off the table... :doh: I've already had a close call with my Goldstein and she's built Ford tough. I assume the CB makes it more stable?

A reasonable concern. I don't share my Clear. But then again, no one in my circle is able to handle the size of that can; they all want to use the Ion or the HydraLine. :haw:

It's as stable - but not more so - as long as the Cloud is either mounted above the dewaar (i.e., where it would be w/o the CB, just higher) or in the outside joint directly opposite the mouthpiece, so that the Cloud is a counterweight to the mouthpiece. I like the CB because, not only does it put more space between the Cloud and my schnoz, it allows me to clear w/o lifting the Cloud.

Vapor Trails

Well-Known Member
vapor trails...if you want help with your issue please start a thread about it in the 'ask fc' section.

What is the "Cloud Thread" made for? I really need to go somewhere else to ask questions about the cloud in the "VapeXHale Cloud" Thread? Everyone please clarify. This gets confusing when looking for a thread to ask questions & receive answers, yet be told to create another thread. If it is misunderstood that I still have questions about the cloud, I just need verification of which issue I need to take outside of here. We have already figured there is no way for me to meet the standards for classifieds, and now there are only remaining questions on the cloud.
Will I not get in trouble for creating a "What all can the cloud do?" Thread to simply ask questions that have already been acceptably answered, somewhere within these 1,200+ post (447 Pages) for me to search through?

It's like pulling teeth to get someone to be polite and realize this is the thread to ask questions about the product in the thread topic, not just for current owners to praise it. Is this not an area for newcomers of the VapeXHale Cloud to learn so they can decide on their purchase? I think I'm in the right thread. I scrolled back up to be double sure, and it says "VapeXHale Cloud", doesn't have any limits or restrictions on questioned answers listed for the thread that I have found.

Is there an "Mature Adult VapeXHale Cloud Q&A Lounge" section? Hmhm :/

Honestly, if this is not the place to be, let me know. I simply would take it that the moderators would say "There is already a thread for this", if I opened another Cloud thread for questions about the Cloud.

I'll try to keep my posts more slim.

BACK ON TOPIC - "The VapeXHale Cloud" :

If I am still allowed to ask questions about the cloud here: Do any cloud owners notice a pretty large benefit or added moisture to your Vapor by running through 2 Chambers? I'm simply trying to gather info on this product, not bother anyone.
Vapor Trails,


Vapor concierge
relax trails...

what I'm saying is it was looking like people were going to continue helping you with your glass, LSV, girlfriend issues, which we don't want in the cloud thread. yes you may ask questions in this thread about the cloud. if you still don't understand me then please pm me.
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