Can I be on the wall of fame too? Pretty please with hash oil on top!!
we shall see...
Hey OF,
Is bubble still as 'sweet' at LL's16watts??? TIA.
Bubble will work great in the LL!
Tim - with the hotter core, does this mean combustion is still possible, like the T1? If so, any idea how long it takes to reach combustion temps - so we can avoid it?
That was the biggest issue for me with the T1 - I combusted on my first attempt. The Evo was too conservative in the other direction, so hopefully the Cera is somewhere in between - but either doesn't combust or makes it very difficult.
I still havnt been able to combust in a Cera, at all!
I really want to thanks OF and Tim for keeping us informed the last 2 months ...of excitation....Wait is over !.....Long Life Cera !.... Sorry for people who cancelled orders....
Tim, do you think skins and 2900Mah Batteries for the Cera will be available in February ?
How can i do if i want a Home Charging kit for 4 batteries, it doesn't exist ?
Is there some "510 compatible adapter" piece coming ?
And will it be possible to use the actual LL Cartridge with the upcoming mini Cera ?
Thanks again Tim, i am sure that it's the most ingenious portable vape at this time, minimum electronics = minimum failures, removable battery = no need to send your cera for changing battery, simple to use = user friendly ==> in my opinion it has REALLY been built to last ....
Only problem is that i can't order now ($$$$$) maybe (i hope) in March ...
OK SO GUYS (and Jam) NOW WE ARE ALL WAITING PICS, VIDEOS, BATTERY LIFE TESTS, REVIEWS, COMPARE WITH MFLB, PAX, SOLO, AND PHOTOS OF yours A-lready V-aped H-erbs...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!! until where this baby can toast our herbs ?
Prove me that it's the last f***ing vape that i will have to buy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skins should be arriving any day now, and we have been talking to our battery manufacture almost every day trying to get a batch in.
Im almost positive the Mini will use all the same cores, just a different body. but don't quote me on that as its just in the preliminary design phase.
just placed my pre-order!!!
stainless steel, LL, wall/car charger, & 3 batts!!!
Hey OF man thanks for all the words of advice, i went ahead and picked up 1 more battery than you suggested
so nice to see things getting back to normal.

Hi Tim, welcome back. Say hi to Zeki for me.
I have a question.
Are these the (current, shipping) values for the three Cera cores:
Leaf - 16W
Oil - 14W
Juice - 10W
(and can I assume that's at 3.7v)?
I'd say on average the cores will be:
LL - 16W
EO - 14W
LQ - 16W
I think in theory it would be possible to disassemble the carts to swap the heating coil so you could reduce power manually, but...
Would you really want to risk bricking one or both of your carts, (as well as ruining any chance of claiming on your warranty any time in the future, I'm pretty sure there are anti tamper seals)
I would get the full power cart they are shipping as standard and experiment with it and if you find it not to your liking then, send it into TET and I'm sure they will re-wind it to any power you want. Or ask if they will wind a lower one to start?
Also I'm sure they know what they are doing and I don't think it will be too bad for bat life, (although I admit this is an outright guess)
We should know soon enough...
We can not warranty any cores that have been opened up, We assemble them so that we will know if all the fasteners were taken out and if the chamber is taken off the base.
If you want us to re-wind it however just send it in and for $15 + shipping we can rewind you a core into any reasonable power level that we offer.
I hope at least
one of the preorders got the oil core...
That's all correct but you don't need two Cera bodies unless you plan on letting someone else use the other.
From what I've seen, the oil cart will give
significantly more vapor than the LL cart, and if it's easier on the batteries too well that's just gravy
There are many pre-order EO carts. the EO is a real performer!!!
Hello Thermovape or OF any tips I feel like it is taking too long to heat up a load. EO cart does not seem to be getting hot enough.
With the EO you must make sure that your concentrate is loaded up into the heating element. The first load is the most critical, we like to describe it like how a sponge holds water. If you have a dry crispy sponge (like how the ceramic is when new) and hold it under water it will take a little while before it starts to absorb the water, once it has some water in it (even if its very little) it will soak up more water even quicker.
On a fresh load i will fill the top cavity of the cart with oil, then heat it up and blow into the top to force the oil down. With thicker concentrates you may need to heat it up more to get it viscous enough to go through the ceramic wafer on top.
Give us a call and ask for me (Tim) and i can help you get yours loaded up.