As far as different batteries, here's my

Not only do you have to take into consideration size differences, you also have to take into consideration maximum current output. Most of the lithium based batteries are longer in the protected type than in the unprotected type. This is due to the little circuit board that is placed in the wrapping on top of (or the bottom of) the cell itself. Not just 18650s either. I have both protected and unprotected 14500 batteries (AA size) that are significantly different in length. Both are made by AW, but the protected cell won't fit into my standard AA size battery holder (I use for charging) and the unprotected (IMR) is a little loose. Both happen to fit fine in the Ultra body.
Be careful about which 18650 batteries you choose. The protected cells that are rated at 2900mAh and above usually have voltage sag under heavy load. We have consistently found that the cells that are rated with a bit less capacity work much better with the products that TET makes. TET has also consistently supplied the best choice of cells for their products.
That said, my
opinion is there are two cells that are appropriate for the Cera line. The Panasonic hybrid/IMR CGR18650CH button top, rated at 2250mAh, and the AW IMR 18650 rated at 2000mAh. I just ordered a couple of the Panasonics, but it's really a toss up between the two.
The 3100mAh Panasonic NCR18650
As and the 3400mAh Panasonic NCR18650
Bs are both good (unprotected) batteries, and the Orbtronic added protection circuit boards are also reported to be well made. Their protection circuitry will cut out at 8A, but that shouldn't be a problem with a 16W Cera core, which draws just under 4A. On the other hand,

, at the ~4A that the Cera draws, it turns out the two NCR Panasonic cells don't really provide their rated capacity, while the special hi-drain Panasonic hybrid/IMR CGR18650CH and the AW IMR do. Neither of the two hi-drain batteries have (or need) a protection circuit board, and hence they're not as long, and tend to fit things better. I don't think this will matter with the Cera itself, but as mentioned, may have significance in fitting in a given battery charger.
That all said, I suspect that the protected Panasonic NCR18650s will work just fine in the Cera, just not any better or longer than the ones that TET is currently supplying (the Panasonic hybrid/IMR CGR18650CH). It will be interesting to see what cells TET gets when their supplier finally gets its act together.
Oh, and if you're in a money crunch for some reason, the Panasonic hybrid/IMR 2250mAh CGR18650CH batteries are available (from US based suppliers, not China based) for $9 each, and the AW IMR 2000mAh 18650s are available for $11 each. About half the price of the Orbtronic cells at $19 each...