Higher, Higher, Baby...
I did this after using my Pax.
(Someone should make this a pax emoticon if it isnt already)

did you try this car charger? of a car charger, has anyone found the correct car charger for the pax charging unit? I need to buy one for road trips I have coming up. is the one I would get: dc&_stpos=94555&_sop=15&_localstpos=94555&gbr=1&_fcid=1&_osacat=0&LH_PrefLoc=3&_clu=2&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313&_nkw=1.3mm dc radar&_sacat=0
The second version with the right angle plug, should be perfect![]()
does it work?
so does it work or not?
I actually haven't used my PAX in about 2 weeks. It's really not efficient at all, although I am totally new to vapes in general and maybe it's just how these things are? Am I doing something wrong? When do you guys shut it down and dump the bowl and reload? I am finding the device works and tastes best when the bowl is packed fairly solid which seems to be about a half a gram. That is easily enough for a large joint which would last me an entire day taking 5 puffs at a time here and there. The PAX, I pack it up, let it get to temp (always medium) and I get about 4 or 5 very good rips before it starts tasting a little like burnt popcorn. I then flip the brick (or stir) and I'm good for maybe another 5 rips or so and then it starts tasting like burnt popcorn. A half gram joint would be good for at least 20-30 good rips. I only get very good flowers, extreme good quality, but when I was combusting a half oz would go almost a month for me. I can go through a half oz in 2 weeks easy with the PAX.
Is this just the nature of the beast with vaporizing or what? Should I be roasting the bowl much longer than I do? I save the ABV in a sealed jar, and it smells like burnt popcorn, but it also has a hint of good flower still in there.
Frustrated to say the least. People say to vape for better conservation, I am finding the direct opposite.
1 minute apart, is the auction ending immediately or something? lol
Yes, it will work. I believe jam has one?
The Pax is not a good choice if you're trying to conserve but it should still be better than smoking. What colour is your ABV? If it's anything lighter than ground coffee, then regardless of the taste there's still more to be gotten from it.
The flavour goes downhill more quickly in the Pax, but even though it starts to taste like crap it is still producing good vapour. Start with yellow (low) not medium (orange) and the flavour will last longer. If you want to get the most out of your Pax, though, you have to be able to tolerate the taste.
Half a gram is a lot more than you need to put in the Pax to get results. I routinely use about .2 g. When packed down that doesn't come close to filling the oven but it does get both my wife and I about 15-20 hits each. You need to find out where your sweet spot is for loading the oven. I've had success when I barely covered the floor of the oven and didn't pack it at all. That took no more than .1 g and I got a good session from it. Cut your load in half and see how that works for you.
You're getting 30-40 hits off one half-packed oven? I get great sessions, but I'm getting maybe 15-20 on a full oven going from low to medium to high.
Did you get all those stickers in one shipment?!?! I only get one every time! Any Ideas where to put them?Nice job. Im fried now from reading and looking into this all day at work. My Pax came back today with the battery on RED so i have been charging it. 1 more hour and I'm on the street Paxing it once again.
This is the perfect case for the Pax in my opinion. I need to take some pics of my setup, but it works great in this little bag: pocket organizer
Hi there, my invisible friends!
How many "goodies" are really left in ABV? It seems clear that I've underestimated its use. I just assumed that the majority of the potency was gone.
For example, approx how much ABV would be needed for a cup of butter? (I'm sure this is such a stupid question)
Oh my myyyy!!Lots of goodies still left! There is a whole section with recipes, have a look.
Dude why did you get the ones with the cork instead of the screw tops? Don't the screw tops hold the smell better and keep your herb fresher? Also why the clear and not amber to keep light out?
Did you get all those stickers in one shipment?!?! I only get one every time! Any Ideas where to put them?