Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

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Vaporizer Manufacturer
Working on the videos... actually upgrading our computer tonight (via craigslist, fingers crossed) to a faster machine better suited to video editing. So we should have our turn-around time for he videos reduced (trust me I am about as sick of my computer crashing as humanly possible).

A quick note on the switch.

Non-Illuminated is a "$50" switch (actually they cost >$70 if you buy just 1.

Illuminated is a "$75" switch (actually they cost >$95 if you buy just 1.

We bring the cost down through economy of scale, i.e. we buy >1000 switches we get reduced pricing.

So if you select the illuminated switch, it REPLACES the non-illuminated switch. We simply charge the extra $25 the illuminated switch cost. Simple as that, no mystery.

If you want both switches then you would select the switch you want installed, and then we would sell you the other switch at what i costs. So you just pay for what you get. there is no hidden discount or price reduction. However you purchase the switches, they will cost the same. The lighted switch is only an indicator that the device i on, and the circuit is intact. We added this as many people had requested that we have some type of activation light on the device. The is NO circuit board. or micro-ship, the light does not tell you the battery charge level, it does not have a timer, it does not change color, it does not blink. It is just the most robust, durable, longest lasting, simple LED light, that can tell you you device is active. We use such a simple, robust system because we know that it will work the way we intend it to, now, and 10 years from now.

On that subject, we have also had some responses asking why we do not incorporate more "digital" technology into our vaporizers. This is simple, here is our company philosophy (some may call it a complex equivalent).

Digital Electronics (eventually 2 months-5+ years) = "E-Waste" = Disposable Products = Garbage in a landfill

All digital electronics become E-waste. E-wast is a form of garbage. We do not manufacture anything that i ever meant to be thrown away. We do not make digital electronics that will eventually become E-waste. We will never send our customers ANYTHING that we intend to go in the garbage.

The Cera will last a lifetime. The core coil may fail, someday (we use a more durable version of our proprietary USA made wire) and that tiny piece of metal is recycable (and barely larger then a few human hairs. Other then that, the Cera will withstand the test of time. Zirconia and SS or Zirconia and Ti will last.

We made an enormous investment to be able to product the Cera for less then a retail price that was >$1000. This is why we have zero concern for someone replicating the Cera in any version, we own 9 dedicated tool that had to be custom made in order to make the Cera, and that is just the ceramics!

So next year we wil be selling the Cera, the same Cera we sell now. This is THE device for 18650 battery driven vaporization that we will be making for the foreseeable future. We will continue to innovate. That innovation will be centered around continuing to add value to our products. We have designed the Cera mini, however we need to make sure that a Japanese 14650 or 14500 will deliver consistent performance. That is what to expect next Christmas.



Tom Funk

Well-Known Member
I am considering the essential-oil cart but have no experience with concentrates. I have a few questions.

1. Do you loose anything in terms of efficiency by turning your flowers to oil? Which could I spin out further a certain weight of flowers, or those same flowers turned to oil?

2. Are the effects any different (Apart from getting stronger effects more quickly with oil)? If so, what is the difference?

3. Is vaped oil easier on the lungs than vaped flowers (especially in the Cera and provided you don't overdo it on the oil)?

4. How is the flavor of oil compared to flowers?

5.The strongest ethanol I can get is 95%. Is this enough?

6. I can get 95% ethanol, 99.8% Iso as well as acetone. Which would be the best to use and why (flavor, potency, consistency, safety, etc)?

I know this isn't directly related to the Cera but it effects my purchase decision so I thought I'd ask.

Tom Funk,


What are you missing to the assembly? He's taken the battery/switch off, screwed/uncscrewed the core(s) and put the mouthpiece on. Unsure what else there is?

if the break down and reassembly have already been posted in video form then i guess i just missed it.

i realize that there isn't a lot to it, but i would still like to see how the parts look and fit together (mainly the switch and cell compartment). im just surprised to not see a video specifically for this considering how well they documented it in the T1 videos.

again, if ive missed it my bad... if not then id still like to see it. that ok?


Yep - you've just missed it is all. Not posted in one comprehensive video- but all there.

@ Natural - do you think it will look that different from the oil cartridge on glass? probably less vapor... but... that's about it... probably will just look like Noah enjoying himself.

@ TET - any chance we can upgrade shipping?
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I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!
After all those vids something is still missing... A LL session through glass! :D

Noooooo.... what still missing is the EL (or LVG or whatever the latest reference is for the E-juice core) :shrug::popcorn:

I hoping (or at least believe) that in the future they will be able to somehow incorporate a simple mechanical disconnect of the LED circuit in the switch ;)

natural farmer

Well-Known Member
@ Natural - do you think it will look that different from the oil cartridge on glass? probably less vapor... but... that's about it... probably will just look like Noah enjoying himself.

Oh pal, I am not into watching bubblers fog up, trust me (well maybe a little :p). As I have already tried TV1 for some time and I didn't have very comfortable sessions due to how it produced vapor, I would like to watch how the Cera does it. Straight hitting it shows us the clouds exhaled. Watching it through glass shows me HOW they are produced by the device depending on the draw speed. This is how I judge and test my vapes and I'd like to watch something like that. Oil is easy, it produces too much vapor... :cheers:


Well-Known Member
people are commenting on that techcrunch article saying it looks like a dildo lol

Dildo: no

Vibrator: absolutely

I'm worried that people might think I'm gay when they see the cera on my nightstand . Doesn't help that it will most likrly be sitting next to a bottle of lotion (for my cracked heals. Seriously)
Whoa! I popped in here today to ask just this question!

This sounds nice. I also wonder if TET have any plans for a plug in/@home unit i know a pa for the cera is in the works but i still see the potential for something else maybe a hand held with variable power/voltage. Maybe they can call it the cera xl just sharing my thought while sipping on this t1/pa combo :)


Well-Known Member
On that subject, we have also had some responses asking why we do not incorporate more "digital" technology into our vaporizers. This is simple, here is our company philosophy (some may call it a complex equivalent).

Digital Electronics (eventually 2 months-5+ years) = "E-Waste" = Disposable Products = Garbage in a landfill

All digital electronics become E-waste. E-wast is a form of garbage. We do not manufacture anything that i ever meant to be thrown away. We do not make digital electronics that will eventually become E-waste. We will never send our customers ANYTHING that we intend to go in the garbage.

I'm sorry but that seems a bit odd, if your only complaint against e-waste is that its more garbage in a landfill I can share that my out of warranty Dart LV is just as much garbage in a landfill. I don't think you can just throw a T1 or a Cera in a recycling bin can you? The recycling staff would probably just put it in the "other" pile that they throw away in a landfill.

E-waste is bad because 3rd world countries burn the chips to sell the metals imo... but I think that's mainly computer motherboads and big electronics. Something the size of a vaporizer is going to end up in a landfill whether it has tiny electronics in it or not...


I'm sorry but that seems a bit odd, if your only complaint against e-waste is that its more garbage in a landfill I can share that my out of warranty Dart LV is just as much garbage in a landfill. I don't think you can just throw a T1 or a Cera in a recycling bin can you? The recycling staff would probably just put it in the "other" pile that they throw away in a landfill.

E-waste is bad because 3rd world countries burn the chips to sell the metals imo...
Compare the environmental damage done by a TV "rotting" out. Or a computer, I know there's gold, lead, etc in the motherboards. Mercury. People die trying to run all the gold out of old mobos in some Asian country. I forget which one, read an article about it months ago. Now compare that with the Cera if it gets tossed. A few o-rings, the battery is probably the biggest concern there, stainless steel/titanium, and whatever is loaded. If I'm correct in my understanding/guessing/stabbing in the dark, I think TV means if worst comes to worst, the Cera can be recycled (oh god no, i said it, i'm sorry :() and if not it would not produce near as much "e-waste" as a television. Hell, I'd be more concerned over a small laptop. We did watch it get blasted by a torch... and break a mug, and a beer bottle, and a plate. I think it's sturdy enough that it wouldn't degrade in "natural" climate conditions.


A toute vapeur !
Just finish to read these 59 pages... hard for a frenchie ! :ugh:.... and I think I'm sure I want to order one (2 versions) :D, but I would like to pay by Paypal.... still waiting for your answer :wave:
I'd be the first frenchie to order it ? :)


Well-Known Member
Dildo: no

Vibrator: absolutely

I'm worried that people might think I'm gay when they see the cera on my nightstand . Doesn't help that it will most likrly be sitting next to a bottle of lotion (for my cracked heals. Seriously)
there are people with dirty minds everywhere and in my experience pretty much everything that even remotely resembles a dildo or vibrator gets compared to it. my friends say the same about my glass combustionpipe(wich I use rarely btw, got it right before I got my UD)


Vaporizer Manufacturer
I'm sorry but that seems a bit odd, if your only complaint against e-waste is that its more garbage in a landfill I can share that my out of warranty Dart LV is just as much garbage in a landfill. I don't think you can just throw a T1 or a Cera in a recycling bin can you? The recycling staff would probably just put it in the "other" pile that they throw away in a landfill.

E-waste is bad because 3rd world countries burn the chips to sell the metals imo... but I think that's mainly computer motherboads and big electronics. Something the size of a vaporizer is going to end up in a landfill whether it has tiny electronics in it or not...

We will rebuild any non-functional vaporizer that we manufacture for the nominal cost required to pay Tim or Kevin to rebuild it ~$10. We are also happy to recycle/re-use/refurbish any of our devices people do not want. so PLEASE do not throw a ThermoVape product away, if you no longer want it, it cost $0.50 to mail it back to us, we will rebuild it and give it to someone who may need it. We are routinely donate refurbished or cosmetic defect vaporizers and cartridges to medical patients who cannot afford them.

I am certainly not trying to get on a soapbox, I am typing on a computer, I own cell phones, and many electronic products. However digital technology is not our focus. We want to make very long lived vaporizers, and in all of our years of working on this, the integration of digital widgets/features result in failure at some point. Ultra reliable electronics are simply too expensive to put in a portable vaporizer.

We figure plenty of folks are out there building vaporizers with all kinds of digital fun packed in. We will let them do their thing, and we will stick with making robust mechanical vaporizers.




Vaporizer Manufacturer
Just finish to read these 59 pages... hard for a frenchie ! :ugh:.... and I think I'm sure I want to order one (2 versions) :D, but I would like to pay by Paypal.... still waiting for your answer :wave:
I'd be the first frenchie to order it ? :)

Yes we do take paypal. You can email us your requested order to sales@thermovape.com

please provide us with your paypal email address and Zeki or Jen will be in touch with you to make sure we get you taken care of.




Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Compare the environmental damage done by a TV "rotting" out. Or a computer, I know there's gold, lead, etc in the motherboards. Mercury. People die trying to run all the gold out of old mobos in some Asian country. I forget which one, read an article about it months ago. Now compare that with the Cera if it gets tossed. A few o-rings, the battery is probably the biggest concern there, stainless steel/titanium, and whatever is loaded. If I'm correct in my understanding/guessing/stabbing in the dark, I think TV means if worst comes to worst, the Cera can be recycled (oh god no, i said it, i'm sorry :() and if not it would not produce near as much "e-waste" as a television. Hell, I'd be more concerned over a small laptop. We did watch it get blasted by a torch... and break a mug, and a beer bottle, and a plate. I think it's sturdy enough that it wouldn't degrade in "natural" climate conditions.
Some alien race is going to discover the earth long after humans are gone, and all that will be left is some intact Cera's in the landfill ... "why did they put so much money into building their vibrators so long lasting?" (they might ask themselves)
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