I load about .3 in it and hits per load are different for all. It will keep going as long as there is liquid in it.
In your normal comparisons would the .3 give 10-20 30-50 good draws or more like 5-10?
I found Dart burned quicker then your regular carts. I am just trying to understand if this will give a evening worth of use from one fill which your carts do, or if this is more filling as u getting bigger dabs?
Does Herc work on principle the longer you hold the button the more product you vaporize? You stated above not toke for 7 second warm up. Can you hit several times after warming up or do you have to let cool down? (besides drawing after releasing button) Once warm are you able to hit button & draw immediately or should you always wait before drawing? (carts seemed to work best drawing before hittin button).
Clean every three days is that with any amount of use? Or after you burn through 10g on avg?

Hell I dont brush my teeth every three days

Guess it would keep taste better by cleaning. Do the carts need cleaing between fillings or they take several fills before gunking up?
will u hurt cart if empty and u fire it up? or product run out but u keep firing it up to get that last hit?

Dont want to burn the Hercules out but sounds indestructible....Keep up the great work.