Rocked the world of some more vapor nOObs, this time blessing them with use of my new FC Bubbler. Didn't drag ass out of there, until 2.
Stopped over at my buddy's new place today. Really nice for the 3 of them (twin brothers and their roommate). Heck, I wouldn't mind living in the house. Its is definitely setup for some significant gardening options.
The guys tonight, had some vapor experience, nothing of note however. That is, until tonight. Hell, HIsumac almost knocked out their human vacuum roommate, on whatever # tube. I lost count. He figured how to use it on his own, so I left him to control the HI and glass for himself. Everyone else, I had them hold the glass and I held the HI.
Had some bubble hash floating around, which slightly gunked up a screen, so did a quick switchout. Then back to smooth vaping. I think everyone that hit it, had at least one, "Oh shit! I think that's the biggest hit I've ever had". Especially with the bubble hash.
Again... all left, happy.
Buddy walked me out, for a smoke. Of course, I got my always welcome (because of our current car situation, I only have it 2 weeknights) and then to my amusement, requests whatever I bring next time... to please bring the BDV Megatube with me.
Oh yeah. Got sent home with a LOT of one pull tube empties. Enough to last a day or so... plus, its got quite a bit of unvaped hash mixed in there. Then to top it off, my bud sent me off, with just a bit under a gram of some top shelf (Sativa and an Indica strain).

A Good Night Indeed