Hey guys, new to FC .. new to Vaping .. & 1st post here ..
I am probably gonna sound like a complete tard.. Cause honestly,
I had know idea that vaping existed..
I sure hope though some of you guys..
JAM, Vitolo, or someone with the right info can help me with my confusion related to vaping..
So here is where I am coming from.. I am from India [never met anyone who uses a vape], I smoke about 4-7 joints a day [ weed or hash ].. And days when I meetup with my friends we smoke out of a Chillum..
Bongs are an occasional habit..
Apart from pot, I have sadly been a cigarette smoker

for the past 7-8 years.. And smoke upto 8-11 cigarettes a day..
Now, before posting I did try to learn as much as I could about vaping [through FC & asking fellow smokers] //
Long story short, after reading the great reviews about the Inhalater I am pretty sure I wanna pick the device up..
I travel a lot, so a portable vape makes the most sense to me..
I hope to quit smoking cigarettes as soon as possible.. Though its not been easy, as [truthfully] I have been addicted for some time now..
I can keep some control over it, though cant go a single day without a cig..
I love pot [ weed or hash ] .... though back here in India we smoke village grown goods..

+ it isn'tcompletely legal
I don't wanna quit using weed/hash..
Now for my noob questions..
1. I assume I can vape the weed [even the local grown] with the Inhalater with good results?
2. Regarding Hash, the way i have smoked till date with hash is by mixing it with tobacco.. cause .. well u cant just smoke hash just as it is.. wont burn well at all.. so question being.... is it possible to put a mix of tobacco and hash in the vaporizer and vape it?
3. Is it possible to use tobacco with vaporizers.. ? are there some different rules that apply to the heat settings on the vape that one needs to keep in mind?
4. If ever I am travelling and am unable to manage to buy weed, is it bad for
ME as well as the
Inhalater if I vape just tobacco.. ?
I apologize in advance if my questions are stupid.. would be great if some of you could help me with my confusions here..
Thanks a ton..