The Infamous El Guapo
Already sent an apology, but I didn't get an e-mail...
Hope I'm not on a shit list...I wasn't nasty or rude in my inquiries, just wanted to know what was going on.

Already sent an apology, but I didn't get an e-mail...Hope I'm not on a shit list...I wasn't nasty or rude in my inquiries, just wanted to know what was going on.
Actually i didn't even rant, i just sent like 4 or 5 emailsNah he is obviously dealing with the cops and theft and trying to catch up on yours and other peoples orders. I would rather, if I was you, that he got my order out and not wasted time answering my rant emails. I am sure he is far behind at this point. Being robbed is a lot of work and then to have to deal with business so you don't lose customers is more then likely a daunting experience. I don't envy anyone having to go through that it just outright sucks the big one.
That's a MAJOR bummer. I'm sure they have a million shitty things to take care of, so kudos to osv for taking the time to update their customers during such a stressful time.Othersidevapes just emailed me
Our offices were burglarized on Monday the 8th, and we have been working with police detectives since to try to investigate the matter. Our office was entirely ransacked between burglars and the detectives, and we are working to get everything back in order as quickly as possible. We deeply apologize if your order is delayed going out, or if we have not yet gotten a chance to return your contact or messages. We will be getting all orders out as quickly as we possibly can, and returning all messages and emails as soon as possible. We would greatly appreciate your patience while we try to get everything back in order. If you have any questions about your order, please don't hesitate to leave us a message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Well, I look at the INH and then when i googled e cigs then they seem lame in comparison.. haha..
kidding ! .... Honestly, when i tried finding the right model for ecigs.. I came across multiple forums.. but they lead me to a lot of confusion + even forums that seem the better of the lot it seems to me that manufactureres pose as users/reviewers..
i mainly came across :
AS well as Ego - t
but then most of them had mixed reviews and confused me only further..
seeing by your collection of goodies:
Current Rotation: persei/bender, dart, mflb, t1, solo, omicron mini, cloud+ss hl, pax
E-Cig: provari, ego twist
Incoming: inh, mobius ion reti
Wishlist: swagger double chamber ht, walnut mflb
I am pretty I can trust you blindly..and I trust people here at FC..
however, even upon checking the few reviews and youtube .. I think i will go ahead with the provari .. you 2 are a godsend !
So its gonna be the provari (to help me quit smoking tobacco) & the INH for all the herbs
Thanks a ton UpUpandAway, CentiZen & Inhalater..
Congrats on your decision to fuck combustion and best of luck with ditching the cigs.Let us know how it goes!
Just received my INH. Will report back with reviews.
Ok so I won't answer the crackle and smell. It was properly from construction or what ever word they use to build vapes.