Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


Combustion free since '09
Green to red for a minute means it's heating for a minute I believe. Not a concern IMHO...that is what it is supposed to do.

They are good answering emails though I wouldn't expect weekend replies. If you don't hear back after a few business days I'd email again in case your email went to spam folder or something.


chillin on the couch, sippin off a 22 ounce.
Whoever here said the 1:00 setting is where it's at is absolutely spot on, especially when paired up with a nice water pipe. I've been playing around within the 10:30/2:00 range myself all weekend and find 1:00 and 11:50 to be the best settings. Think of those two in terms of your high and low. Haven't used the HT yet so I wouldn't know about that...

This is definitely not for your everyday Joe Blow or to be passed around at parties. It's not that it's a delicate piece structurally (aside of the extending male GonG joint), it's just there are only so many floating around out there, it's achieved a cult following amongst serious vapor enthusiasts over the last two years, and ultimately delivers its vaping experience on a whole 'nother level.
I look at it in terms of the Neo-Geo video game console back in the early 90's, which is a comparison the Volcano had held initially for me. Pretty rare and will no doubt be appreciated if you get the chance.


Low temp deadhead vaporist
Whoever here said the 1:00 setting is where it's at is absolutely spot on. I've been playing around within the 10:30/2:00 range myself all weekend and find 2 and 11:50 to be the best settings. Think of those two in terms of high and low.
everyone seems to have their own sweet spot with this vape. Mine is 9-10. had mine since 3/5 works like a charm. I am using my big stemless more and more. I like the hit.
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chillin on the couch, sippin off a 22 ounce.
How does this unit stack up against the Volcano Digital and Vaperfection ViVape? I know they're different things with different uses, for different sets of enthusiasts, but the Volcano Digital and VXC would seem to be the most logical comparison at the moment.


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
How does this unit stack up against the Volcano Digital and Vaperfection ViVape? I know they're different things with different uses, for different sets of enthusiasts, but the Volcano Digital and VXC would seem to be the most logical comparison at the moment.

I agree with you in that those three vapes aren't an apples-to-apples comparison. But I would lean more towards comparing the viVape to the VXC, rather than the Volcano. Reason is because you can use the viVape with your glass piece of choice, and I don't believe that's possible with the Volcano, though I could be wrong--I've used a Volcano many times, but only via a bag.

Anyway, I own both the viVape and Cloud, though I'm just three days into the Cloud whereas I've owned the viVape since Feb. This thread may not be the appropriate place to post a detailed comparison, so I'll just say the Cloud has me beyond giddy and also is garnering my full attention. I know a few other FC folks have both and seem to prefer their Cloud. In my experience, they both offer the tastiest vapor. And at this point, because there are enough differences, I see myself using both, and maybe having both going at the same time during "special" gatherings. But the Cloud...Oh My!


Well-Known Member
The only logical comparison between those two is theyre on the higher end of the price scale. As far as vapor quality, the clouds air path vs the volcano's is like comparing a garbage dump (volcano) to a germaphobes house (the cloud) which means much more pure vapor, the cloud also packs a much more dense flavorful and cooler vapor due to extraction technique glass air path and water filteration. The comparisons go on and on like this I'd suggest making your own conclusions after reading The Vivape thread and volcano thread.


Vapor Enthusiast
Wow, look what I found while looking at the new HT! Congrats, VXL... you guys are BIG TIME!!!

Ok I'm going to pick up this issue then definitely! :-). Is it the latest issue? Too bad I missed out on the 4 EZ Load Bowls. Could always use extra ELBs :-). I have 6, but only two work well.

I love this thing. The only thing is, with different strains, i get different vapor, obviously. Not the clouds fault. But I was like where is my milky thick vapor and forgot i was using a different strain thats not quite as dry. Left the jar open again to hopefully get it drier. :-)


Well-Known Member
everyone seems to have their own sweet spot with this vape.

Dial settings might be meaningless at this point.

It's been mentioned that the firmware was tweaked. If I understand SM correctly, that resulted in Cloud's having different temperature outputs with regards to dial setting. Although the min/max remained the same. So, not only is it possible that two identical Clouds between two different users would have different sweet spot numbers on the dial because of user preference, it is also possible that two different Clouds will have a different sweet spot setting to the same user because of the firmware difference.

The 9 o'clock sweet spot on my brothers Cloud is achieved at noon on my Cloud. His has the funky LED behavior confirming the different firmware.


Dead Foot Designs
Accessory Maker
So, yea it's the newest issue (October). Great article on the dude who created the electricity gadget for potted plants (he went to school where I did - URI) and Oil Can interview (nutcase Red Sox pitcher)!

Sir vapes a lot

Making smokers jealous
yeah but it sucks that i spent an extra $50 then find out that i spent an extra $20 on elbs as well. high times gets a discount but loyal fans get the shaft? what the fuck is that? i got my email to order when they were already out. and it is worth it but where is the love?
Sir vapes a lot,


Well-Known Member
I been stuffing my elb in a 18 mm bowl piece and now it slides in an out without any problems(that's what she said lol couldn't resist) whoever mentioned that n an earlier post, thx!
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Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
How does this unit stack up against the Volcano Digital and Vaperfection ViVape? I know they're different things with different uses, for different sets of enthusiasts, but the Volcano Digital and VXC would seem to be the most logical comparison at the moment.

Actually the Volcano Digital version and the The Cloud are not good to compare. Two different beasts. The best comparison is the VripTech Heat Wand and the Cloud. They are both very similar. The Volcano Digital version would be better suited to be compared to the viVape 2 in bag mode.

Wow, look what I found while looking at the new HT! Congrats, VXL... you guys are BIG TIME!!!


Hey My Photo!!!! I am FaMoUs now! :rofl::tup:


Vapor Enthusiast
Man, I know I'm pretty vocal for being new, but can I just say I absolutely love the cloud. So I used the cloud, like 2 times (maybe 3 this morning I can't exactly remember to be honest). Then I went out to lunch and used the WISPR twice. When I came home, I went to sleep. LOL! My wife woke me up and I hit the Cloud again. This truly is an amazing amazing machine! I need to get more glass but I am way too broke. This thing is incredible. :-)

I went to look for the HighTimes but they only had August and September so I didn't pick it up. Good thing I didn't.


Great Scott!
Soon to be GAS because with the cloud all you want is more glass. Luckily I've run out of places and have an excuse to fight the GAS!


Well-Known Member
yeah but it sucks that i spent an extra $50 then find out that i spent an extra $20 on elbs as well. high times gets a discount but loyal fans get the shaft? what the fuck is that? i got my email to order when they were already out. and it is worth it but where is the love?

I can relate to that. I pre ordered and waited, but still paid for extra elb's. I noticed the ad did say "free on next order". So, I guess if you're blowing through your elb's and plan to make an additional order, you get em for free. Once you get the cloud setup, there's really nothing else to buy.


Great Scott!
I want to post something, but there is nothing new to report. This thing just delivers every time. I've been using just my bubbler instead of the hydracirc. I prefer the hydracirc with the T1 and it actually works amazing with that, but I think I'm going to sell it for now anyway. I am too paranoid that I'll cough into it even though I've never done anything like that. I just can't imagine ruining my cloud at this point.
Once you get the cloud setup, there's really nothing else to buy.

I couldn't agree with you more and feel the exact same way. I'm still interested in the Pax for portability, but I can't see myself buying another vape anytime soon (still want another nice glass piece though :D).


Vapor Enthusiast
I couldn't agree with you more and feel the exact same way. I'm still interested in the Pax for portability, but I can't see myself buying another vape anytime soon (still want another nice piece though :D).

Yeah, the only other piece I'm eyeing to buy is the PAX. I have the WISPR, but I can't take that on a plane due to Butane and not being able to find 5x Butane. So I'll grab myself a PAX. Plus it's easy to clean. :-).

I love the Cloud. The only thing I can buy is more Glass now :).

I want to post something, but there is nothing new to report. This thing just delivers every time. I've been using just my bubbler instead of the hydracirc. I prefer the hydracirc with the T1 and it actually works amazing with that, but I think I'm going to sell it for now anyway. I am too paranoid that I'll cough into it even though I've never done anything like that. I just can't imagine ruining my cloud at this point.

How much are you gonna sell the HydraTube for? Just curious.
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