Vapor Sloth
I caught that "professional consultant" (his claim) using techniques in a "review" video that he KNEW had previously failed with the device. He didn't disclose that the video was a "demonstration". That means it goes from review to hit job in my opinion.They don't post anymore because some fun-boys over the Thermovape camp bashed them for their not so favourable review of it...I know he (VS) didn't use with the best possible technic but again...
Back to the Cloud . . .
I wish every medical patient could have one of these. The way this thing spikes my dose is, incredible, and with just flowers. I like to give it plenty of time to warm up to what I call, "Cloud Ambient" at about 10:30 on the dial and just get rip after rip of amazing, tasty, vapor. I'm not going to bother rehashing stuff, my experience is pretty an par with SliMs, especially when you hook this thing up to a Fritted Disc (heaven

A trained ELB is your friend. An
LED firmware glitch confirmed. The SGW HT is awesome but with the Fritted Disc I'm not using it much.
Conduction Percolation: At last I can finally relax when I medicate and not feel rushed. Especially with the Cloud sitting upside down in the DG, you can just leave it there and come back when you want, a little primer hit, a la SliM, and your back in action. So much nicer than the rush with the HerbalAire . . .
ABV, I am going to shoot a pic with Cloud ABV and HA ABV when I have about 1/4 cup of each to compare, shouldn't be long, and this will give us a nice homogenous color base. I feel that the Cloud not only extracts way better than the HA, denser more tasty vapor, but the ABV doesn't look as dessicated. Perfect, even, beautiful ABV every time, everywhere on the dial.
Has the Cloud exceeded my expectations? Yup, absolutely

Edit: The ELBs are training much more quickly than I thought. I am using 2 18mm gong/vapor hose adapters and putting the ELBs in with the caps on and then placing these on top of the warm Cloud to heat. One of the adapters is slightly more snug than the other so I am doing a progressive, size down. By the time I put it in the Cloud joint, it goes in and out with no tool required. Smooth.