Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

I don't remember the HT's being the bottleneck.

I wasn't trying to imply that the HTs were the only problem holding up production, but since everyone has to buy the whole package right now it definitely isn't helping when the blowers have to make several custom ones. I don't know how VXH runs their operation, but I'd like to assume that selling Clouds without HTs would help get caught up on some of the pre-orders since not everyone wants the tube.

the custom ht thing was my bad. i had them made without letting sm55 know about it. so thats why they weren't ready for the demand. so i'm sorry if i kinda fudged things up.

Boobs I'm not mad at you or anyone else with one of these sweet custom HTs, I was just saying it wouldn't be fair for all of us who are waiting patiently if that did hold up the shipping of Clouds. You deserve one after all the badass videos you've made on these threads haha (love that new Liquid piece you have too!)


Well-Known Member
My ELB's fit with varying snugness, none are really tight, some slide in with just the lightest push. The weight of the HT will easily push them in.


Staff member
My ELB's fit with varying snugness, none are really tight, some slide in with just the lightest push. The weight of the HT will easily push them in.
None of my ELBs could be described as "sliding in".

@MacRadish - Please follow up with your brother's Cloud vs. yours after a little use. I am curious to see if the initial differences in internal diameter of the glass changes over time, or if they are indeed spec'd differently.



Evolver Glass ~ Lathe Pit Boss
Glass Blower
Making a couple of customs had absolutely no effect on the production of the units.
I wanted to experiment with a few HTs in the meantime and see how they would look
and perform since even I don't have a cloud yet! that's how much of a special treatment
the "in crowd" gets ;) Look at them as a cloudy window in to the future of possibilities.


I wonder if the specs on the Cloud have changed some since the beginning. I was very suprised at how hard it was to fit the ELB in my Cloud. I may have actually damaged it because I had to push so hard that the glass got pushed down a few millimeters from doing so.

Was this also the case with beta units and some of the first production units to roll off the line? I mean did you have to really push that hard with the earlier units?

I believe the ELB on the beta was slightly taller. Correct me of I'm wrong. Didn't function or fit much differently as I recall.


Staff member
I believe the ELB on the beta was slightly taller. Correct me of I'm wrong. Didn't function or fit much differently as I recall.
Pappy, can you tell a difference between your beta unit and your production model vis á vis the ease of inserting and removing the ELB? I'm more concerned with the girth (not so much the height) of the ELB causing loading/unloading issues into the glass joint. Do you notice a difference between the two, and did either give you difficulties with ELB insertion/removal?



Well-Known Member
@MacRadish - Please follow up with your brother's Cloud vs. yours after a little use. I am curious to see if the initial differences in internal diameter of the glass changes over time, or if they are indeed spec'd differently.

Visually (no micrometer here), they are not spec'd differenty, I think it's just the GonG "roughness" that is on the inner lip of that male joint that wears down with ELB insertion/re-insertion.
I wonder if the specs on the Cloud have changed some since the beginning. I was very suprised at how hard it was to fit the ELB in my Cloud. I may have actually damaged it because I had to push so hard that the glass got pushed down a few millimeters from doing so.

Was this also the case with beta units and some of the first production units to roll off the line? I mean did you have to really push that hard with the earlier units? I'm just asking. I don't know how hard they were to get in and out in the beginning, but I don't remember it being an issue with beta testers (looking back on videos of people putting in ELBs effortlessly and popping them out). If it was, then ok, that's fine. But if they weren't that tight, the only thing that makes sense to me is a design/spec change of the glass joint.


Just received the cloud today. I don't feel the ELB are that hard to get in and out. They trained very quickly. I am absolutely loving the cloud!!! I will review it in the morngin when I'm not hammered lol


Great Scott!
Well I reserved one, but what I'm looking for is a way to get one with or without (ideally without at first but beggars can't be choosers) the hydra tubes ASAP. Too bad there is no way to order just the unit while they catch up with the glass!


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
:2c: . . .

From the start VXL knew there would be a challenge aligning the production flow of the HT's vis-a-vis that of the Clouds. Over the months there have been numerous occasions where the rates of production varied; component availability, component issues, vendor changes, glass damage and labor availability and quality, have all been factors, and there have been operational issues that have also had an impact. At one point at least the HT's caused a delay, at another the wait was on the Clouds. VXL has added and changed resources accordingly, some of that rather recently. All of this translates into a current production rate of finished units that none of us can possibly guestimate, nor can we possibly know how the rate of the Clouds now syncs up with that of the HT's.

Given SM's recent posts re all remaining pre-order holders receiving order notification emails, and other comments, I would venture to speculate that VXL is on the cusp of upshifting into a tighter, more comprehensive, better quality, higher volume operation. To what extent remains to be seen (although SM did hint at something "big").

So whether it be the custom HT's, availability of standard HT's, not selling the Cloud ala carte yet, what a person's per-order date was, who got what when, or other internal operational details, there is just no basis to speculate on availability (or much else, for that matter).

Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I have been holding back telling everyone until I got a good usage video. I got a cloud in this last Wednesday! Expect more videos, photos, and other good stuff. I changed my photo studio around to make room for a vaporizer video/photo/usage/testing area. It could even function as a news desk... pondering the idea of some sort of vaporizer themed show. For now enjoy this video:


Slightly Medicated

(SliM) Iron Lungs
I know this is way off topic for this thread. I am thinking about a weekly news type program. There are a few things I need to work out. I would want to show my face for the show. I have some reservations about showing my face while medicating.

I could do two things.... first would be get over showing my face while medicating and do the show and medicate on the show. The second would be to do the show, but don't medicate during the show. If I show footage of medicating, I could use previously shot footage that does not have my face, and overly it on top like the daily show, the local news, or the soup.

What do people think about me being a medical user showing my face in a video while vaporizing? I would love feedback on others comfort level and their thoughts on legality and such.


Staff member
I have shown my face while medicating on video before, but I prefer not to do so. Nothing to do with legality, really. I'm just really ugly and no one deserves to look at my ugly mug.

I guess it just boils down to your comfort level. If you're a legal patient and don't fear the feds, then I say go for it. It's really your call, though.



Director of Vapor Research Labs™
It says your video is PRIVATE Mr. VapenStone. Would love to see it though once you suss out what is happening...


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
I know this is way off topic for this thread . . . What do people think about me being a medical user showing my face in a video while vaporizing? I would love feedback on others comfort level and their thoughts on legality and such.

You very well might do better with a separate thread. I would think you'd get more discussion.

That said, personally I wouldn't do it. Once digital images are made public, there is no privacy about it and there is no getting it back. What may be harmless today may not be tomorrow. Rules get changed all the time. You may personally have a good reason now but have an equally good personal reason not to in the future. And of course there is no practical recourse with legal authorities should that become a problem, esp the Feds. From a cost/benefit perspective, IMO the benefit needs to be quite exceptional to justify the cost (risk).


Pappy, can you tell a difference between your beta unit and your production model vis á vis the ease of inserting and removing the ELB? I'm more concerned with the girth (not so much the height) of the ELB causing loading/unloading issues into the glass joint. Do you notice a difference between the two, and did either give you difficulties with ELB insertion/removal?

No discernible difference Stu.


Chant Down Babylon
I am gonna react like I am the only one here whom has tried the Cloud since I just received it today.
"Holy chit Man, YOU have to try this thing! It is incredible. I am the luckiest vaporist ever.

Really impressed. The size/weight surprised me. The speed and force of the pull I can use. Quality. So f-ing good. I REALLY can't believe it. I am very impressed with the stone glass works glass. It's great. Heavy, nice glass. Very surprised at the little amount of water. Coming from owning/using a hops jagito inline, which is my only scientific glass experience. In hindsight, theres a lot of water in the inline. I am again VERY impressed with the use and filtration experience of this HT. Perfectly roasted herb at a tich before thee 12 position

From an old log vape user, I am just floored at the difference in effect and experience. The extraction is so much more like smoking a bowl in the sense of "getting you there", that I feel just awed. There may still be a use for my log vape, but I'm not really sure yet to be honest. It's a bit more subtle to use and certainly a lot easier to "sip" (this is after the first use of cloud, old habits may faade quick here, just need to try it with a slightly smaller, stem sized load.) But shit, about one and a half/two stems full, which is about a quarter of an ELB and I am thoroughly and completely irie.

I now want another HT immediately.
This is by far the most high I have been. Maybe ever and I have had "kind buds", :lol:, for just over 20 years. og fire kush to the head, in a hurry.

Certianly the longest, most involved post I have ever posted here on FC.....and maybe 20 minutes to do this.....LOL.

I am ripped beyond.

Thank you VapeExhale. An excellent experience.
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