Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution


Well-Known Member
my cover starts with slight snug fit. but then as i use it and it heats up it becomes loose. now its too hot to try and get a tighter fit. i like the device but as soon as i start to get a real nice hit the thing is almost too hot its not comfortable to hold.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Mine does the exact same thing. Feels good cold. Although the tip falls out fairly easily. When hot it more or less just sits on it loosely. The O ring does very little but helps with air leakage. Tried pushing ring up a groove but ends up back down. I thought this was just normal??


in flavor country
you can avoid pushing the O ring down, and get a snug fit if you give the cap a twist as you slowly push it down. The O ring should slide up into the bottom of the cap, giving it something to grab onto. If you let it roll down, it won't work right. At least that has been my experience...


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Thanks, that is a great tip. Never got instruction manual but that would have been nice to know. I tried a couple times but, if normal, I never though an extra step would be involved. I might need to work it in a bit.
Oh, been reading back a bit, what's a UFO and what was the finial "spring" type mod worked best?


in flavor country
yeah, the twist has been mentioned a few times in the thread, but I just spent 10 mins combing the thread to find the picture of the O ring in place, so I understand how it could have been missed... things go by quick here. I don't mind helping out even if it is a repeat. ;)


got some cheeze today and getting lots of rips from one load. in fact the first load, after getting like 6 or 7 solid pulls, i thought was spent. until i stirred it and saw that there was plenty left. threw in a fresh charged cell and it was back to ripping again. its crazy how many decent rips im getting from this small amount of botanicals.

i have also found that im getting better vapor production when the first 2 hits are a pretty slow draw. similar to how my DBV reacts to draw speed. after its gets really warmed up then a medium to even fast pull can produce some nice vapor production. and i also have found that when the TV base and Evo really get warmed up that they produce big time... but at this point everything is getting damn warm and can get quite uncomfortable.


Well-Known Member
got some cheeze today and getting lots of rips from one load. in fact the first load, after getting like 6 or 7 solid pulls, i thought was spent. until i stirred it and saw that there was plenty left. threw in a fresh charged cell and it was back to ripping again. its crazy how many decent rips im getting from this small amount of botanicals.

I agree, used correctly it's an amazing machine. However, it depends on the user to control and use the heat properly. "Plug and play" it's not....



Well-Known Member
It took me a while to figure out that the Sleeve should actually slide over the orange O-Ring. I was pushing it down till it touched the o-ring and it worked okay but the sleeve was really loose. Once I pushed it down till it slid over the o-ring, it began to hit even better and the looseness was not a problem anymore.

I like my Thermovape Evolution, but the I have two problems with how I intended to use it. I intended to use it to take to shows and the two problems I had were loading it easily and heat. I think I may have solved my loading problem.

I took an SSV screen (5/8 in/15mm) and made a little boat out of it and filled it up. Then I took another screen and put it on top of the boat, making a little cage. Then I just put the screen cage right into the Evo. It sticks out just a hair but its not a problem with the sleeve on. The load is smaller, but getting it in and out is easy as pie. I got the idea from 2clicker who mentioned he wished that he could have multiple chambers that he could switch in and out on the fly. And, iirc, he and Jambandphan03 have both put stainless steel screens and springs into their Evo with success.​
I'm still not quite sure what to do about the heat, but I haven't been to Hobby Lobby to get leather strips yet, either. And I definitely need to look into that rubber thumb pad that 2clicker is using.​


Well-Known Member
i think that was the problem that i was having. the red o-ring was pushed to far down. i pulled it one notch and the cover stays on fine now. looking forward to more experimenting with this device after work. come on 5pm...


I took an SSV screen (5/8 in/15mm) and made a little boat out of it and filled it up. Then I took another screen and put it on top of the boat, making a little cage. Then I just put the screen cage right into the Evo. It sticks out just a hair but its not a problem with the sleeve on. The load is smaller, but getting it in and out is easy as pie. I got the idea from 2clicker who mentioned he wished that he could have multiple chambers that he could switch in and out on the fly. And, iirc, he and Jambandphan03 have both put stainless steel screens and springs into their Evo with success.
I'm still not quite sure what to do about the heat, but I haven't been to Hobby Lobby to get leather strips yet, either. And I definitely need to look into that rubber thumb pad that 2clicker is using.​

your screen idea reminds me of the VXH Cloud "cage".

im working on yet another mod for the mouth piece and UFO... if it works like i envision it ill be quite happy. now if i could just find some fuggin time... :\

stay tuned


Well-Known Member
I'd contact TV and ask them to switch that to the smooth flow. The pure flow is best with the hash vapes IMO. Pure flow is REALLY restrictive. The smooth flow has been essential to my T1 however.

LOL sorry for causing you fine folks so much stress. I think I was vaked when I posted that, must've had a short-term slip-up. I actually ordered a Evo + Smooth Flow. It just came in the mail & I just finished my second load with it. I LOVE THIS THING :bowdown:

I did my first load in stock configuration. Got great clouds and flavor. Second load was a direct connect to the heater through a smooth flow. The hits were much more concentrated. The difference in hit experience could be due to the fact that the device is new to me, or many other things. My opinion is that the sleeveless, direct connect method provides a better hit because it has a straight airpath. I am a little worried about the low-temp type orings in direct contact with the heater body. I prefer the direct connect configuration. Time to mod my sleeve...


Well-Known Member
i move the o-ring up but by the middle of a session when the unit is really starting to heat up the o-ring then slips down and the tip is loose again. the evolution is too hot to touch to move the oring back up.


Well-Known Member
Re-installed my ufo in the teflon sleeve, and I'm currently using the evo with no orange o-ring and a simple plastic mouthpiece on the teflon.

Long warm up times and long, reasonably fast draws are the key. I'm getting the same or better results as I did with the direct mouthpiece mod.

Technique makes the biggest difference imo, removing the sleeve seems to just slightly shorten the warm-up time.


Well-Known Member
im starting to get the device figured out tonight. i moved the oring up another slot and that part is fine now. anyone put some sort of grip or padding on the heater thing. lol


in flavor country
anyone put some sort of grip or padding on the heater thing. lol

I am guessing you mean the switch? There have been a few idea being tossed around. You can back track through the last 20 or so pages and find a few post w/pics of what people are trying.


Vapes Hard
Everyone don't forget about the search function too... it actually works pretty well. It's nice to be able to search a specific thread now also. Really impressed with it quickly finding what I want.
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