Environmental Disasters! (we saw coming)


Well-Known Member
Why do you think trump wants Groenland and Canada ?

Yeah that's my feeling on it as well. I think these people know climate change is real. Fighting climate change or hardening our infrastructure against it requires significant public expenditures. Money that will benefit all people. These scumbags hate that.

They'd prefer to accelerate climate change by burning more oil, taking advantage of the emerging resources ice recession opens up, and funneling money into their own pockets. In the back of their minds, I'm sure they believe lining their own pockets will allow their progeny to survive the coming horrors.


Active Member
Europe also seems to want to roll back the Green Deal and give the economy free rein. Fortunately it's not quite so easy here, but here too there are mostly idiots in the European Parliament. The CDU's candidate for chancellor is going mini Trump...

The world is leaning towards the abyss :doh:


Well-Known Member
Yeah basically every government has given up on mitigation. In my view, there are only two "hopeful" outcomes. One, global warming destroys industrial civilization BEFORE we trigger some feedback mechanism that leads to runaway warming (this seems unlikely but who knows).

For example, the vast majority of atmospheric oxygen comes from the ocean. If we end up killing off phytoplankton en masse, we're fucked.

The other option is we discover some miracle technology BEFORE we destroy advanced civilization. People talk about carbon capture. But the only way that's viable is if we figure out a miraculous energy source like cold fusion. This also seems very unlikely.


Well-Known Member
My expectation for the past few years has been that climate change will continue to ravage more and more countries as a bunch of governments collapse, and in that collapse, massive instability will cause industry to basically shut down. As people rebuild, industry will begin but democratically, and we will have collectively been in enough shit for so long that we tolerate a loss to our quality of life as we rebuild industry *away* from fossil fuels. Climate change will probably hit 2-3 degrees which will dramatically shift life and kill millions from disaster and famine, and capitalism simply isn't strong enough to survive that, and the humans that start to rebuild won't be able to and won't want to rebuild our world as it is.

It is going to get *messy* quickly. It is time for all of us to start learning what we can about permaculture, climate science, foraging, hunting, fishing, crafting products using non-plastic materials, and about a billion other little things that humans have known in various ways before and that we can know again. We separated ourselves from the natural world for a long time--to the point that we consider manmade things to be separate from natural things--and survival requires a reintegration of ourselves into our environments. And humans are a ridiculously hearty species--we are self-made extremophiles.

I'm buying a house in the Philadelphia area with the explicit goal of setting up a permaculture garden and having community space to provide for my new neighborhood. I will be bringing folks to local foraging walks both in the city and in some of the surrounding areas, and I'm continuing to develop relationships with folks at the gun shop who are able to teach me how to hunt and butcher and prepare deer. If anyone is local and wants to meet up to start discussing climate resilience, please feel free to reach out!


Well-Known Member
Climate change will probably hit 2-3 degrees

We already passed 1.5 last year.

If 20 years ago we took mild steps to mitigate warming, we almost certainly would've made it to a Star Trek future of abundance. Oh well.

It's possible we'll get lucky. There were so many close calls during the idiotic Cold War that should've ended all life on Earth. It's just very stupid that as a species we're all banking on a miracle.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I'm sure they believe lining their own pockets will allow their progeny to survive the coming horrors.
I'm pretty sure they don't even care for their progeny...

It's possible we'll get lucky.

Either this or we turn the earth into a red dwarf...

There were so many close calls during the idiotic Cold War that should've ended all life on Earth.

Close calls are ahead of us imho...

Edit : damned quote function that won't appear when editing a message !
Radwin Bodnic,
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Even with a La Niña year driving temperatures down, January 2025 is still hitting record warming of 1.75°C globally



Well-Known Member

Something I forgot. Environmental regulations reducing particulate pollution are actually helping to increase global warming. Because particulates help reduce solar radiation from being absorbed into the atmosphere. Particulates are being reduced, but Co2 emissions are growing.


Old & In the Way
46,000 Musk Starlink satellites (6,000) in orbit now).
Each has a 5 year lifespan, then they fall and "burn" in the atmosphere.

This article was from a lifetime ago, August, 2024. Calling on the FAA to do something...

Fat chance!

"But burning up doesn’t mean disappearing. When the metals and other components in a burn they get turned into gas, smoke and debris This adds up to a lot of material. If the proposed increase to the number of satellites in orbit goes through, we will have 29 tons of satellites re-entering and burning up in our atmosphere every single day."



Well-Known Member
we will have 29 tons of satellites re-entering and burning up in our atmosphere every single day
Elon will make a statement once he's done dismantling the FAA.

Of course his plan is to be on Mars by the time the shit really hits the fan here. Maybe he should go... on the next SpaceX launch.
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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker

To save our planet, we must tackle the root causes of inequality.

There’s enough money for a green and fair world.

It’s just in the wrong pockets.



Well-Known Member
Elon will make a statement once he's done dismantling the FAA.

Of course his plan is to be on Mars by the time the shit really hits the fan here. Maybe he should go... on the next SpaceX launch.
There's a wonderful book called "Everything for Everyone" that describes a near-future world in which billionaires and trillionaires escape to Mars starting in the early 2030's as global capitalist power structures are pushed to collapse by climate change and greed. In the novel, the revolution is not one big, dramatic act, but revolutions occur in the smaller scale as groups begin taking back resources from overtaxed systems.

At some point in the 2040's or 2050's, corporate and state rocket launch sites are relinquished by the powers that held them as it is not worth it to remaining executives on Earth to maintain those sites, as they are all busy in their doomsday bunkers, and then suddenly the billionaires and trillionaires on Mars--who desperately need ongoing resources to live their luxurious lives in the stars--are cut off from Earth. They basically made it convenient for us to cut them off and excise that tumor.

The above article demonstrates how a decent standard of living is attainable for ALL humans now using roughly a third of our current energy and resource production. When humans say things like how billionaires are evil for hoarding so much, it is because there is SO much more than enough to go around in the world, and only someone with a sickness could look at a world of abundance and consciously own as much of that as possible just so no one else can use that excess. This is why billionaires are so wicked, and why the structure of private ownership of resources we have now is so wicked.
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Well-Known Member
There's a wonderful book called "Everything for Everyone" that describes a near-future world in which billionaires and trillionaires escape to Mars starting in the early 2030's

Yeah good. Go! Rounding them all up and shooting them sounded like a lot of work anyway.

This Mars fantasy is so fucking funny. That planet is one of the biggest shitholes in the known universe. If they want to live like mole people underground in an uglier Arizona as cosmic radiation cooks their balls until they get super cancer, please! Be my guest!


Even in the most horrific climate change models, Earth will be a paradise compared to Mars.

The above article demonstrates how a decent standard of living is attainable for ALL humans now using roughly a third of our current energy and resource production.

Jason Hickel is a real G 👍
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