The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
I've read through pretty much every page in this thread and I am now realizing I don't think I've seen any users talking about the Tempest with some of the more powerful new induction heaters like the Forge or Inductor. Can anyone with both chime in?

Forge isn’t out and if you look through the thread believe @Custom Flower Hardware uses it with the inductor in videos.
Edit: here it is
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Active Member
Half bowl tempest is the best one hitter I’ve found. Perfect evenly cooked ABV, my ZX with zirc bowl I would probably rate second, the one hit is much tastier but there is some unevenness in the ABV after.
good to know! thanks


Well-Known Member
The forge seems cool but also really impractical. I am not buying power tool batteries to power an induction heater the size of a german shepherd's head lol
Bfg and yll vape are collaborating to release an induction heater called The Flare for the dani fusion 2.0, they are aiming for a 4/20 release date. I spoke to the guy that runs recomended vape supplies in the UK, he has a beta unit and says it heats the dani fusion 2.0 perfectly, he claims it heats it as good as the wand heats a dynavap. It runs off 3 18650 batteries which is what is in one of those makita batteries that runs the forge. I'm holdinng off to buy the flare the forge is way to big for me.


Well-Known Member
Had some extra 3mm SiC balls from my flower kettle kit so swapped them out yesterday in the Tempest, 40 of them fit.

Can definitely tell the difference in airflow. Slight heat differences too. I can stop a bit earlier on the VI than the 2.5mm zirc, allowing me to even lower temp on the wand to get desired repeat results. Also seems to hang onto that heat for bit longer. I’m mainly a half bowl user but sure this could come in handy for full bowl ensuring full extraction in one heat. Definitely can kill out the half bowl quicker feels like. Really enjoying it and don’t think I’ll go back to the zirc.



Well-Known Member
Had some extra 3mm SiC balls from my flower kettle kit so swapped them out yesterday in the Tempest, 40 of them fit.

Can definitely tell the difference in airflow. Slight heat differences too. I can stop a bit earlier on the VI than the 2.5mm zirc, allowing me to even lower temp on the wand to get desired repeat results. Also seems to hang onto that heat for bit longer. I’m mainly a half bowl user but sure this could come in handy for full bowl ensuring full extraction in one heat. Definitely can kill out the half bowl quicker feels like. Really enjoying it and don’t think I’ll go back to the zirc.

I run about half 3mm SiC in the top half of the bowl and half of the 2.5mm that came with it in the lower half, seems to increase my time a little when in a cold environment (-10C and lower) nice for hitting when XC skiiing or snow shoeing !


Active Member
so as we inch closer to release I'm getting lost in the choice between the colors. I see that the black and blue variants are a pvd based coating while the purple and green are anodized. Are the anodized versions the best to pick vs the coating colors? Im thinking like long term use I have a feeling a anodized piece of titanium is going to be much more resistant to ware and tear vs the coating right?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. Been travelling. Back home with the Tempest, after not using for almost a month, and it's blasted me to space with a single half bowl. Going to read back through the thread and see what I missed.
at half bowl setting, how many hits are ya guys averaging using the wand?
I prefer taking a single big hit with the half bowl. The amount is a perfect big lung full. The efficiency and potency it displays is supreme. Only an Anvil half bowl has come close for me. When I use full bowl, I use a stem and alternate big and small hits.

Here is the half bowl in action.
I could have pushed it a little more I think.


New Member
Hello everyone. Been travelling. Back home with the Tempest, after not using for almost a month, and it's blasted me to space with a single half bowl. Going to read back through the thread and see what I missed.

I prefer taking a single big hit with the half bowl. The amount is a perfect big lung full. The efficiency and potency it displays is supreme. Only an Anvil half bowl has come close for me. When I use full bowl, I use a stem and alternate big and small hits.

Here is the half bowl in action.
I could have pushed it a little more I think.
what temp and depth do you use for a half bowl?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. Been travelling. Back home with the Tempest, after not using for almost a month, and it's blasted me to space with a single half bowl. Going to read back through the thread and see what I missed.

I prefer taking a single big hit with the half bowl. The amount is a perfect big lung full. The efficiency and potency it displays is supreme. Only an Anvil half bowl has come close for me. When I use full bowl, I use a stem and alternate big and small hits.

Here is the half bowl in action.
I could have pushed it a little more I think.
How hot does that glas tlstrm get? I was thinking of having someone make me a custom mid section, just not sure if it's worth it or it'll get way to hot. I'm a full bowl tempest user myself lol. Also I seen reload is expected in April, is this the beginning or end lol because I need a reload 2 asap!


Well-Known Member
I keep hitting my Tempest empty. I've gotten in the habit of emptying the bowl but not refilling it right away for fear of losing goodness from conduction if I don't intend to hit it right away. Usually I've grabbed another vape for a hit or two, and when I get back to the Tempest, I forget to refill it. Level of buzz is a factor of course. And also of course, when I get that empty hit, it's like, duh.
I have a system. If it's day time and I know I will hit the Tempest again, I reload, then place it in the wand ready. If I intend to leave it empty, I place it on the Reload magnet. So I can tell at a glance if I filled it or not.
I was very tempted to pick up one of those green ones but I decided I would wait and let everybody get their first one before I got my 2nd one... ;)

Actually, when they become available I'm more likely to just get a second head so I don't have to keep taking it apart to use it on glass.
My intention is to have a head set half bowl, Boro balls, on a WPA. And another head/bowl set to full on a Ti or wood stem. I'm always swapping so will be worth it.
I haven't even looked at another vape since getting the Tempest in's pretty much perfect for me and I have been through all of the top tier vapes out there.
This will be the first 4/20 in ages where I can't think of anything to buy. Really struggling. Tempest is just holding it down too hard.
Over a month in with my Tempest and I am about as happy with it as I expected to be, my incredibly high expectations have been fully met. I was a bit worried about cleaning/losing the balls but it has gone reasonably without issue, only one ball has been a casualty and I will blame that in a hole between the tiles.

I've just been rocking the rosewood stem since I got it, it just looks too good.

I do have a question though. if you are in the UK what do you use to lubricate the O-rings after you have done a clean? I have finally used the last of the little pot that came with my Dynavap a couple of years ago.
The yogi first sits, before meditating on his breath, for he always has his breath with him.
The FC poster lubes with nose grease, for he always has nose grease with him.
I think you get the final click discs, final VI spring, the two steel parts on the head have been remade in another steel.
Leather pouch.
Final bowl screens.
I'm in UK and the kit will be £25 I believe.
Kind of mind blowing that my favourite vape of all time is not even it's best version yet :D
what temp and depth do you use for a half bowl?
I don't really mess with the wand temps. I set it to max and manually time with my watch. This was about 37 seconds with 2.5mm Zirc balls. Wand adapter depth is flush with the red silicone.

@VapingYogi I really appreciated all the ball material testing you were doing. Makes me want to experiment again with Boro.


I have 19mm glass here and in preparation for the Tempest I'm wondering what wpa I need?
The Tempest needs 10mm if I have read correctly, is that right?

When I search for 10 to 19 I only seem to find relatively long wpa, which I wouldn't think would be great for a j-hook. Any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Kind of mind blowing that my favourite vape of all time is not even it's best version yet :D
Indeed, I'm absolutely over the moon with mine, can't wait to try it with the discs.
I got the updated VI coil a couple of weeks ago and it's definitely made it a more accurate set-up.
The device that keeps giving.
Any recommendations?
Is this any use?

Only thing I could find.
It is ground inside so will scratch the shit out of the mouthpiece.
I use a dynavap adapter for my glass pieces but does mean just using the head rather than the whole device.

Sorry, meant to add these:

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Well-Known Member
I have 19mm glass here and in preparation for the Tempest I'm wondering what wpa I need?
The Tempest needs 10mm if I have read correctly, is that right?

When I search for 10 to 19 I only seem to find relatively long wpa, which I wouldn't think would be great for a j-hook. Any recommendations?
You can use an 10-14mm adaptator a
I have 19mm glass here and in preparation for the Tempest I'm wondering what wpa I need?
The Tempest needs 10mm if I have read correctly, is that right?

When I search for 10 to 19 I only seem to find relatively long wpa, which I wouldn't think would be great for a j-hook. Any recommendations?
You can use one convertor 18-14mm and one 14-10mm.
Notice that 10mm, it is with the stem, not only with the bowl. With this one, you need a dynavap wpa.


Well-Known Member
How hot does that glas tlstrm get? I was thinking of having someone make me a custom mid section, just not sure if it's worth it or it'll get way to hot. I'm a full bowl tempest user myself lol. Also I seen reload is expected in April, is this the beginning or end lol because I need a reload 2 asap!
It's just a Dynavap BB3 stem used as a WPA. Would be too hot native. But the set up I'm using cools the vapour very nicely on half bowl. For full bowl I prefer using one of the Tempest stems.
I have 19mm glass here and in preparation for the Tempest I'm wondering what wpa I need?
The Tempest needs 10mm if I have read correctly, is that right?

When I search for 10 to 19 I only seem to find relatively long wpa, which I wouldn't think would be great for a j-hook. Any recommendations?
Tempest works with any Dynavap stem. So there are tonnes of WPAs on the market. I like the BB3/6/9 stems for WPA as I like the tiny shotgun hole when using a J-hook. Just Google "Dynavap WPA"


Well-Known Member
Would be too hot native.
Nice to see ya back! You might be surprised if you haven’t tried yet. I was ;)
I wasn’t planning on using my bb9 native until you asked. The vapor was cooler than I expected :tup: Stem noticeably longer of course and wide open airflow. It did get pretty warm to the touch, even at the carb (full bowl, single heat). Might need a minute to do a second bowl.

Any flavor loss with those Jojo? I may try next cleaning. Either those or the reds.
3mm SiC balls
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I see some folk have clickers in their tempest already. I purchased mines 3 weeks ago should i have a clicker in mines?


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It's just a Dynavap BB3 stem used as a WPA. Would be too hot native. But the set up I'm using cools the vapour very nicely on half bowl. For full bowl I prefer using one of the Tempest stems.

Tempest works with any Dynavap stem. So there are tonnes of WPAs on the market. I like the BB3/6/9 stems for WPA as I like the tiny shotgun hole when using a J-hook. Just Google "Dynavap WPA"
I want him to make it so I can still use the condenser/mp just have a glass mid section where the wood or the metal midsection/heatshield would be.
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