Nice, I especially like the single version (probably because I wouldn't want a double coil myself? ;o)).
I can see where you're coming from with the safety aspect (keeping stray fingers uncooked!) - if the coil(s) were a little near the display and controls, maybe a really lightweight skeletal 'fingerguard' that would be just protruding from the case enough to stop a finger sliding off a button and into a coil recess, such as if the whole unit shifted when trying to press a button? I mean something real small, maybe 3 cm high (from bottom to top of coil), and sticking out about 1 cm at most? Just a small simple vertical barrier running near the coil 'cut-out' of the case, between the coil and the controls. Hope that kinda makes sense? Just stops that finger sliding too far and touching that coil?
May even be nicer to build into the casing itself as a raised lip running up either side of the coil cut-outs, but nicely integrated with the case, less obtrusive?
But I tend to have ideas that
I think are really neat, and everyone else scratches their heads over and wonder when I'll be collected up and locked away again, so tread carefully!

Tried to put an image here, but failed miserably!