While we wait, which temp gives a similar session to something you might get on a mighty, except better? Video?
Here is a video demonstrating the SB at the default PID Temp - 420f
I also used the thermocouple to take the internal temp of the rubies by poking a hole in the middle of the screen. From my personal experiments, it seems like there is about a ~50f offset from the set coil temp to the internal ruby temp.
With a coil temp of 420f, that would put the ruby/air temp at ~370f or ~187c. My preferred temp on the PID is ~465f... which puts the air temp at ~415f or ~212c... which is about the max temp of the mighty (410f / 210c)
IMO, this also explains why the SB will combust at temps of ~550f+ on the PID, because once the air temp is 500f+ it's hot enough to bring the herb into the combustion zone (~450f)
What's the fastest non-combusting extraction for a full bowl?
My preferred one hit extraction temp is ~525f - 535f on the PID with the half sized bowl. Although I know other users set the PID in the 550f to 585f range.
Anything 550f+ on the PID is a 'proceed with caution' temp
Cal mentioned something about the grand opening was shifting
here to Q1 next year, I haven't seen a tracking notification for presales yet from anyone however he said they were going out between 13th-30th of this month (or that was the plan)
The countdown on the site is in reference to the
Opening Day Giveaway form.
Presale orders are still on track to ship before the 30th, although I'm still waiting for an update. I will be reaching out to all presale orders once I have an updated ETA.
Does anyone know what grade titanium the screwball is made of? I tried searching but didn’t have any luck.
The Screwball housing and bowl are made from GR2 Ti.
The mesh screens and C-Clip are SS, with plans to test Ti versions in the future.
I already have too many ball vapes but i couldn’t resist jumping of the pre-sale kit. Being a diffuser fan, the way the head and the bowl connect is just too beautiful! Can’t wait to try it out!
Thanks for the early support!
I'm excited to get more SBs out in the wild, and I'm looking forward to your feedback.
It’s really fun reading through this thread, all the thinking, testing, explaining and illustrations. I learned a lot and agreed with any other point. The idea to put the holes on the side to prevent dust falling inside the Screwball is genius eg. This was the one and only „negative“ I could complain about. And sadly the wood handle on the bowl broke while „gently“ rattling the bowl out.
This is no critic at all, I‘m loving the Screwball from the first use. Together with my Roor it‘s the vape I like most of all I ever tried.
Every one of my vaping buddies who tried the Screwball felt in love at once too. So I’ll give it to a friend as soon as my kit from the second pre order will arrive.
Really awesome to hear you've been enjoying your experience enough to order another SB!
IMO, there are a few negatives with the SB / ball vapes:
- The Ti bowl gets hot which can lead to seizing in the glass joint, and metal dust rings.
- The exposed coil can be dangerous
- It takes ~5 minutes for the vape to get to temp
- Ball vapes work off heat retention, which has it's limitations
I’m definitely excited to find out when these little beauties are working their way through the postal system. The Screwball will be my first ball vape (and first desktop). I was ready to pull the trigger on a B0/B1 before I saw the pre-sale open up on these. I’d already have the B0/B1, but everything I’ve seen about the Screwball makes it seem like it’s gonna be worth the wait.
Hopefully we can get them before Thanksgiving

@Vapvana Let me know if I can add expedited shipping
Thanks for the early support! And congrats on investing in your first desktop vape.
As long as you have a glass rig with an 18mm joint, you'll be ready to hit it running!
The bad news is it's starting to get slightly unrealistic about shipping out the kits before Thanksgiving...
The good news is I have everything prepared to get the orders out within ~24 hours of receiving the kits.... So my fingers are crossed that DHL can work some holiday magic
@purplenurple24 congrats on your first desktop! Have you ever hit one prior (ball)?If not, in for a real treat

This will be my first diffuser style try .. stoked
Thanks for the early support!
It's always fun to add another device into the collection... and I think this will be a nice entry into the world of diffuser style vapes (but don't listen to me... I'm biased after all

@Vapvana re: diffuser v injector; you're overcomplicating the discussion and oversimplifying your position on the outcome. All that matters is the interaction of the air and the material at interface. You could use a super long injector and run super high temps; if at the point of interface the air mix was at an ideal point for your desired extraction across the material, it will produce the desired results, including low temp deliciousness.
It's sort of like a golf swing, the only thing that actually matters is the physical interaction of the club face and ball at their interfacing point. The idea of a "good swing" is just establishing one particular set of steps some use to achieve a repeatable outcome to the club face/ball interaction. Heck, as a baseball pitcher you have to be able to see that there is more than one way to deliver a strike; none of them are "correct" or "better" in any objective measure.
I agree that regardless of the coil temp, the herb is being vaporized at the same point.
Depending on your vaporization goal, there are different ways to get to the end point (the final temp of your herb). You can go low and slow - aka 'session style'.... or hot and fast - aka 'one hit extractions'
With designing the SB, my goal was to focus on the variables in our control to operate at the lowest convection temps possible, while still reaching the desired end point/temp.
For one hit extractions, variables such as media type/size and distance from the heater to the herb don't make too big of an impact.
However, for session style vaping, these variables impact the heat transfer efficiency and change the experience.
I will take a deeper dive into the role of conduction for low temp vaping in my next post / update.
First, the DC PID probably has an offset, or a temperature that is meant as a proxy for the temp of the bowl, I believe. (one of mine seems to have the offset, another doesn't) I'm not sure what it is, I've seen 80 degrees and 100 degrees. In any case, your DC PID is probably fine.
Are the swings during the hit, or some other time?
@Pcloudy sorry to hear you've run into some issues with the PID. I forgot my DC & Auber PIDs in storage, and haven't been able to do any testing on compatible PIDs.
From speaking with a few other users, it seems like the DC PID has an offset of 80f-100f cooler than the provided PID. From my understanding, the offset is built to show the temp of the quartz banger surface, rather than the coil temp.
@Pcloudy - do you mind sharing how you're taking the temps of the coil? AFAIK, the provided PIDs only show the live coil temp when changing the set temp (I know other versions will show the live coil temp drop after inhaling).
Either way, can you please send an email to
hi@vapvana.com with your issues/findings so I can get you situated with a coil/PID replacement if necessary.
Next Update
Hoping to have a shipping update for y'all ASAP! And I appreciate everyones' patience throughout our startup process
My next update will focus on my theories around conduction heating, and the role it plays in low temp vaping
Talk soon,