Happy November y'all!
Hope everyone had a great October & Halloween.Let's dive into some recent questions.
I think the next step is working on an all glass bowl, and possibly an all quartz version in the future.Are you considering designing accessories that can convert it to an all glass air path?
My very first ball vape design / concept was for an all quartz version, because I was 100% convinced metal would impact the flavor (like in dabs).

After testing the BZero along with our first Titanium injector version, I realized that temperature had a bigger impact on flavor than any other variable (IMO) and started working towards a Titanium diffuser design.
Really appreciate all the feedback!Also, I might have just written a bunch of rubbish, but in an Aussie subreddit on ball vapes, I posted about the presale of the Screwball and one of the guys asked me - "What does the Screwball have over the Taroma 360 or the B1?"
Next website update will have a 'Community' section under the Resources tab to help direct people here (and bring more awareness to the OG spot for all vape knowledge

For the differences of the Screwball vs the B1 / T360:
- The SB uses a 25mm coil vs a 20mm coil
- this increases the surface area by over 50%
- The SB uses ~750 2.5mm ruby gems (round cut) compared to 3mm pearls
- SB holds ~220 3mm pearls for volume comparisons
- From my testing, the gems retain heat and perform better at lower temps than 3mm pearls
- Recommended PID temps of 420f-520f (combustion is possible around 550f and above)
- The SB bowl + housing creates (nearly) an airtight seal, which improves performance IMO
- The bowl uses 20mm screens for easy replacement
- The wide and shallow bowl makes stirring optional (not recommended)
- The bowl screen can be placed for a full size bowl (~.3g - .4g of ground herbs) or a half sized bowl (~.1g - .2g ground herbs)
I personally didn't heat soak at all, or even consider it an option, until Troy & Jerry recommended it on their show.You're gonna love it, I bet. I haven't really heat-soaked (more injector experience) but I wonder if you can turn down even more?
It seems like a 5 to 10 second pre-soak can be beneficial - but that's the fun thing with the Screwball, there are multiple variables you can adjust to fine tune your experience.
I like to experiment with how much herb I load / tamp, the PID temp, the glass rig I use, and my inhale speed. Changing any of these variables will change your experience from my testing.
My latest experiment has been using the half sized bowl and filling it / tamping it as much as possible.Thinking you could get some conduction going with some finer grind, a good tamp, and pre-soak as mentioned above. But yea.. a sprinkle to cover the screen with a bit added on top, some good heat, and a lot of airflow I’d what I’m looking forward to![]()
Because the half sized bowl is so shallow, you can 'overpack' it and not restrict the airflow. It seems like the more tamped 'puck' increases the vapor production at lower temps.
I've found from my testing that the temp is the biggest factor for flavor and medicinal experiences.Exactly, its going to allow for that micodose to spread evenly over a large surface area for a very quick full extraction.
I don't think there is a better convection heavy system.
I guess when the Freight Train Pro (or flower or fusion) I couldn't ever get that... really physically relaxed state, it was always more excitable, energetic where as the Taroma 360 can bring out that deep relaxation and even a little sedation (which I find hard to achieve with any medication). with the bowl being so large I am hoping that with a presoaked bowl, the radiant heat will have a similar effect. I don't think it will work as well as the T360 for hard / old hash, but that's a edge case really.
Lower temps = more flavor, more energetic & upbeat high, etc
Higher temps = more stony, more relaxed and sedative high, etc
The SB was designed with the idea that you set your PID to your max desired temperature, put the heater on the bowl and inhale until vapor stops producing. My theory is if you set a 'max temp' that isn't too high - you will never experience the 'burnt popcorn' taste.
Right now the updated cap is only a render / concept, and still needs a prototype made to be tested.hey will the cap for the housing be different than the early adopter kit? I remember seeing a render for something different but was it ever used?

The idea is by putting the airflow holes on the sides, it will help retain heat better, and keep dust out of the heater.
My goal is to work towards offering accessories separately, a deluxe kit, glass options, etc come Q1 next year.
I'm hoping to improve the mesh screens along with other accessories in the near future. The bowl is designed to work with 20mm screens (a common size) and I've been using generic ones I've gotten from Amazon.Cheers for the update Cal. I hope the new bowl holds the gauze better a lip, any improvement really. My only complaint is the gauze comes out too easily and think you should get more with it or sell them in 50s or something.
I assume my dyna tip and stem will be included. How much is the postage to UK?
I would certainly agree that Cal getting back to you is a rarity unless I'm different to everyone else.
Mods can you merge please. First time on in a while.
Your dynatip & stem will be shipped out with the updated bowl. Even though I said Early Adopters were responsible for shipping, I will be covering all costs.
If I still owe you a prize from the contest I'm working towards getting caught up before the next round of Starter Kits arrive. So if you've been waiting, thanks for your patience

My Contact Info
I know my communication has been subpar, and I've been pretty much non-responsive to the DMs here for the past couple of months. I'm working towards getting caught up by the New Year, and apologize if I haven't gotten back to you yet.Being available to communities and community members is important to me, so thanks for everyones' patience as I get this business setup.
If you need to contact me the best way would be via email.
I'm also happy to connect on a video call if you'd like to schedule a time with me

Closing Thoughts
Thanks again to everyone for the early support, questions, comments, etc.The allotted presale units are almost sold out - with 3 US kits and 6 INT kits remaining on the site now.
I've also sent out invoices to anyone who filled out the Presale Form for FC members. It's the same price whether you order through the website or submit the form.
If the presale is sold out on our site then you can fill out the form by clicking here.
I'm in the process of finalizing details for the Starter Kits, and will make a post when I have an updated timeline.