The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
@GoldenBud Perhaps we are close to agreement on some aspects of the chemistry of THC, but on PAWS and Ibuprofen we are still far apart. I have met thousands of regular (recreational or religious) Cannabis users, and over the years many have stopped using (including myself) but I have never before heard of physical withdrawal symptoms continuing for many months after cessation. And I've said all I can on Ibuprofen. You seem to consider THC as a demon and Ibuprofen as salvation, but I would reverse the equation.
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Well-Known Member
@GoldenBud Perhaps we are close to agreement on some aspects of the chemistry of THC, but on PAWS and Ibuprofen we still have much disagreement. I have met thousands of regular (recreational or religious) Cannabis users, and over the years many have stopped using (including myself) but I have never before heard of physical withdrawal symptoms continuing for many months after cessation. And I've said all I can on Ibuprofen. You seem to consider THC as a demon and Ibuprofen as salvation, but I would reverse the equation.
check this message from October 2021, when I took my first cannabreak:
48h without THC, feels weak, took 1 advil pill yesterday and may take 1 soon, out of them now, waiting for my brother to arrive, will try making some tea and rest. it's not the end of the world but it's like a mini-flu. the result will be worth it!
My brother arrived like 30~ minutes later and the situation got much worse.

Ibuprofen helped me during all my three breaks. the first was in October 2021, the seconds was in October 2022, and the third since February 2023.
I remember my brother coming and I could barely walked on my feet then. since then ofc, I always have had Ibuprofen in my house for these cases.

For me, honestly, I don't know if I could break from THC without Ibuprofen. it's too much for me.

I think Ibuprofen is the salvation for really addicted THC users, ofcourse it's not 100% of the users and even not sure about 50%, but I am sure I am not the only one.

Ibuprofen daily usage? for months? hell no. never. ever. only for the first weeks with a lot of cautious and low dosages. (remind you, i never took more than 800mg daily)

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
you can't live without Air (contains ~20% O2) you will die within minutes without O2 20% in the air or so
You only use around 18 percent of the oxygen you breath in. When breathing normaly.
You will die within minutes breathing pure Oxygen at much above 3 bar pressure. Or 20 meters beneath the Sea.
Im a qualified BSAC SCUBA Diver. If you want to question it go learn enough to safely Dive to below 55 meters off the cost of the UK.

I was addicted to THC. no ibuprofen. I vaporized THC 1700 days and Ibuprofen only 40 days buddy.
So if You took Opiates for 40 days it wouldnt be addictive?
What makes you think Ibuprofen isnt addictive? Advertising?
So if You Smoked Tobbaco for 40 days it isnt addictive? ONce upon a time Tobacco wasnt considered addictive. Do you think you
What about Alchohol, Can You drink for 40 days and not get addicted?
Go look up Addiction. To anything. Then come back and discuss it. Particularly the phsycological aspects.
You are suffering from Wrong Think and Wrong Logic.

"Your health care provider can usually diagnose medication overuse headaches based on your history of headaches and regular use of medicine. Testing usually isn't necessary.


To break the cycle of medication overuse headaches, you'll need to restrict pain medicine. Your health care provider may recommend stopping the medicine right away or gradually reducing the dose.

Breaking the cycle​

When you stop your medicine, expect headaches to get worse before they get better. You can develop a dependence on some medicines that result in medication overuse headaches. Withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Nervousness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Insomnia.
  • Constipation.

These symptoms generally last 2 to 10 days. But they can persist for several weeks."
If the medication You are coming of is an N.S.A.I.D. you would NOT EVER be given Ibuprofen as a Bridging Therapy.

Ibuprofen only 40 days buddy.
You are choosing to ignore the fact addiction takes far less time than 40 days and even if it was'nt physicaly addictive, Ibuprofen IS phsycologicaly addictive to those prone to Addiction.
Wake Up.
"when you don’t follow the instructions on the bottle or from your doctor, these medicines could give you a rebound headache.

When the pain reliever wears off, your body may have a withdrawal reaction, prompting you to take more medicine, which only leads to another headache. And so the cycle continues until you start to have daily headaches with more severe pain more often.

This rebound syndrome is especially common if your medication has caffeine, which is often included in many pain relievers to speed up the action of the other ingredients. Though it can be helpful, caffeine in medications, along with the other sources you get (coffee, tea, soda, or chocolate), makes you more likely to have a rebound headache."
I can stop, I had headaches, PAWS from weed..
This is a classic statement from anyone addicted to anything.
The headaches You are now getting are a known symptom of withdrawal from Ibuprofen.
When You try and stop Ibuprofen and want to blame it on Cannabis so You can continue taking Ibuprofen you fool yourself, You are doing Yourself harm when You keep taking Ibuprofen.
Ask your Doctor if You cant understand Us or Your own research.
It seems You cant stop.
I suspect You have headaches from Ibuprofen overuse and withdrawal. Possibly Melatonin overuse, too, which is not meant to be physicaly addictive but has side effects when used at too high a dosage and for too long a time, neither of which should be done.
I send you hugs from 4000km away buddy. if you got medical issues, use THC everyday. if you don't, I can't suggest using it every day as been said few times in the last month.
I have sent You many posts with much information. You obviously hav'nt bothered to research anything. That attitude is arrogant and assumes everyone has Your own addictive personality.
And I dont mean people become addicted to Your personality.
do you have a research/paper to add please? I am not looking for something theoritically, something practical. the real truth of THC. so far dug the internet for many hours and found that THC just mimics Anandamide and makes the Dopamine stays longer time in the Synapses. nothing else. found some weed supporters that say X Y Z but it's not covered by any research or so.
In answere look at COX and LOX Inhibition as i said. There are many,many ,many research papers on it . Some even to do with THC AND CBD.
cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase( LOX) inhibition,along with other actions, is I believe, reponsible for the Nueroprotective and Cardioprotective properties that Cannabis is now proven to have by Science as well as My own experience. The inflammatory actions of this inhibition are part of this.
People keep pointing You to research but you are not doing it .
THC is a "Lite" version of H/Meth. H/Meth releases much more Dopamine in the Synapses. I am not saying THC is like H/Meth, it's the absolutely "Lite" version. much less Dopamine, but more Dopamine than Exercising/Gaming.
THC IS NOT A LITE VERSION OF METHAMPHETAMINE. This is NOT a wise thing to state as it is totaly inaccurate,and hopefully no-one will be foolish enough to pay it any Mind.
You need to do more research and learning instead of insisiting You are correct. Wher is your information coming from?
Everytime You have put something up people have explained why it is wrong but you refuse to read your own links it seems.
Possibly You shoul read what people are saying and research THEIR information rather than looking at inaccurate meta data research to support your navel gazing and denial.
Why do you find it so easy to claim THC addiction yet faer admitting Ibuprofen addiction which is a harder drug to stop, and easier to go back to, even if it was only due to ease of availability.
Ibuprofen is not something I take anymore daily, I took it last time 1 week ago when I had headache, I am definitely not addicted to Ibuprofen.
I used Ibuprofen to cope the THC withdrawals.
Dont take Ibuprofen for headaches caused by Ibuprofen.
Or any other cause apart from Inflammation.
Try aspirin.
better yet try tiger balm applied in small amounts to the temple, and running cold water on Your wrists.
After 40 days your headaches are caused by something else. NOT THC.


Well-Known Member
agree with the recommendation to stop/examine the link between the headaches and ibuprofen for sure, but in a more general way I want to say that I feel this thread is becoming a bit too "in the weeds" so to speak with the discussion here, and it is also becoming a quite circular discussion as well, by now I feel that both @GoldenBud and everyone else have seemed to make some of their positions clear, and we are now digging deeper into the science but seem to be straying farther from the bigger picture as it pertains to cannabis usage which is that everyone should find the pattern that works the best for them and to stick to it. although I assure you all I am not interested in "gatekeeping" any of the discourse taking place in here.

There is very little use in worrying much about the habits of others as it pertains to usage when this is such a subjective thing we are talking about here, as has been well documented time there is a wide spectrum of personal experience wrt THC consumption that while I may agree with much of what @GoldenBud has been saying I cannot agree with his larger take away that no healthy person should be using THC on a daily basis. I firmly believe there are people out there who are at their most "optimal" when consuming every day, it is up to every individual to determine whether that is true for themselves or not.

as for me I know that I am not at my best when consuming every day and will be downshifting my usage to weekends only at the most. dealing with the passing of my father recently and vaping has mainly been giving me anxiety more than anything. wishing all of you good health and a positive relationship as it pertains to your usage patterns.

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
And I didn't know THC is addictive for many years (can be addictive, not for all people) so maybe you don't know too bro


This has been to convince You of the validity of my opinion because You obviously need help. I suspect Your doctor has told You to stop Taking Ibuprofen, IF You have admitted the extent of your use to them.
You need to stop, irrelavent of Your thoughts on THC.
For Your own health. And because You will lose freinds if You keep insisting on judging people because You feel judged elsewhere.
No-one here is judging You for Addiction or taking ANY kind of drug.
You are only judged here by how YOU COMMUNICATE.
. thats ok.
I dont feel judged.
For pretty much anything on this site, unless i act like an arsehole, or put up inaccurate information, or questionable information. Then I should be Judged . By my peers. Who are You all at Fuck Combustion.
Show us Your research.
You have been engaging in Bias Conformation, NOT research.
NOT if You continue to ignore the answeres You are getting and keep banging on about THC addiction. It is known to be the easiest of drugs to come off.
Not so much Ibuprofen, depending on Your habit.
I could also get recomendations for online therapists, from a proffesional in the NHS. IF You are serious.
I suggest You really try to understand What I have just said.
Especialy the last part. It is a genuine offer. Dont take the piss anymore please.
You are already abusing peoples patience. Re read Bahmas posts. Assume they are right. Reaserch His posts information if You dont understand or trust Him.
If You genuinely want some help, Stop acting like a TROLL.
Your pain and discomfort are very relevent. Dont dismiss everybody elses. Or their experience. You do it every time You tag "THC IS EVIL" at the end of every post..
And im not saying Cannabis is easy to quit. Neither is biting Your FingerNails. oR SMOKING.

Done Now. No more unless Mr bud directly asks for help. Mods please remove this post if you think it appropriate , i have no desire for this thread to be shut down.
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Well-Known Member
You need to stop, irrelavent of Your thoughts on THC.
Please, don't tell me what was my addiction, and if THC is addictive or not, and please try sending shorter messages. you almost gave me an headache trying to read your message. I respect you, PLEASE respect me. don't call me a troll, please don't tell me what addiction was. I was addicted to THC.
I am not trolling. Please do respect me as I do respect you. I didn't quote the part where you called me a troll, but try avoiding this. we're having a conversation, not a fight. thanks.

@ontopofclouds I agree with all what you have said, all the sides kinda right because not everyone will get addicted to THC if they vape everyday, 0.5gr or more, even 1gr per day. it happens to some people's brain which can't continue living their life without the "Artificial Dopamine" came from THC. thanks for your reply. I liked reading it.
  • Angry
Reactions: Ramahs

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
Please, don't tell me what was my addiction, and if THC is addictive or not, and please try sending shorter messages. you almost gave me an headache trying to read your message. I respect you, PLEASE respect me. don't call me a troll, please don't tell me what addiction was. I was addicted to THC.
I am not trolling. Please do respect me as I do respect you. I didn't quote the part where you called me a troll, but try avoiding this. we're having a conversation, not a fight. thanks.

@ontopofclouds I agree with all what you have said, all the sides kinda right because not everyone will get addicted to THC if they vape everyday, 0.5gr or more, even 1gr per day. it happens to some people's brain which can't continue living their life without the "Artificial Dopamine" came from THC. thanks for your reply. I liked reading it.
I do not intend to give You a head ache ,i only said 'acting like a troll' I do not think you are one.
You are the one who has been telling us your addiction, repeatedly and everywhere.
From your comment, I do not believe you are maybe as able to research the subject so well as english is not your first language.
But please dont then rubbish peoples research they have done in response to your questions simply because you dont like what the links say or dont understand it.
You have been telling Us You have an addiction, and symptoms and what You have been taking for the last few months.
Given all the information, and that
I have actualy asked a proffesional addiction counselor wether or not it could be the case...
It is worth looking at Ibuprofen as possibly causing Your Symptoms. It is more likely to be the issue than the Cannabis You quit over 50 days ago, according to a profesional, medical qualified person. With 30 years experience.
I am not refering to myself.

They were also of the opinion, as are many of the drug services on the planet, that Cannabis is less addictive than Sugar.
Try and quit Sugar and see if you do not believe it.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
It is worth looking at Ibuprofen as possibly causing Your Symptoms. It is more likely to be the issue than the Cannabis You quit over 50 days ago, according to a profesional, medical qualified person. With 30 years experience.
So here's something we both can agree on:
Cannabis before 2005~, was very very weak comparing to nowadays cannabis. the first time I smoked was in 2004. it was so weak comparing to nowadays weed, like maybe 10% THC if you're lucky (i think it was around 5% but who knows) . so maybe PAWS didn't exist, because PAWS are something that going hand by hand with people who smoked strong, potent, high concentration of THC. I have 19 years of experience, you've got 30 years. but it has NOTHING to do with weed PAWS. because today's weed, the weed I used to vaporize, contained 30% THC and even more than that.

Even 2010's weed was way less potent than nowadays weed. yea, the buds were "compact" (when we're talking about 2004 the weed had a lot of seeds/leafs etc') and it looked fine vs 2004's weed, but man, it was still mellow and not too potent, it was a pleasure. it was so good.

Not gonna lie to you, I miss the 2004's sativas so much. I am sure in all my heart and mind people would get less addicted to it than nowadays 25%+ weed.

I repeat: 30 years of experience don't help you in judging if PAWS exist or not. it's a very advance field. or if THC is addictive.

I am glad you sent that message because you gave me a scent of nostalgia to 2004 and to 2010. how much I liked the weed back then. made you so happy, 0 anxiety and so mellow. not anything too strong like nowadays weed.

weed can be much addictive today, yes. absolutely.
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  • Angry
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Well-Known Member
You can't get addicted to Ibuprofen, but it can cause dependency, and overdose can be fatal. The common side effects of Ibuprofen include headache, restless sleep and sweating. So anyone using Ibuprofen to withdraw from Cannabis should seriously consider that Ibuprofen rather than Cannabis could be causing or exacerbating their symptoms.

And according to addiction psychiatrist Dr Timmen Cermak, who has seriously studied the subject: "THC is not naturally found in the body and does not accurately mimic anandamide or other endocannabinoids".
This comment was under a quote of my post, but for the most part, it seems to be a reply to what GoldenBud has been saying, rather than what I've been saying.
This cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase( LOX) inhibition,along with other actions, is I believe, reponsible for the Nueroprotective and Cardioprotective properties that Cannabis is now proven to have by Science as well as My own experience. The inflammatory actions of this inhibition are part of this.
Since stopping joints and only Vaping i now have no morning hacking up or daily persistant cough,or have to blow the mucus out my nose evry night before sleeping.
Do you have any links to studies about this? I'd be interested in checking them out.

From what I've seen, I wouldn't be any more confident in saying that Cannabis has been shown to have a net positive effect on the brain than I would be saying the opposite. I would like to see enough evidence that it does, though, because I like it a lot, and would like for it to actually be better to use it than to not use it. Lol

As far as switching from joint smoking to vaping, the beneficial effects may just be a matter of harm reduction rather than evidence that Cannabis is having a net positive effect. Going from a -10 to a -5 is an improvement, but still a negative (I'm using arbitrary numbers to illustrate my point).
I suffered a Massive Myocardial Infarction just over 11 years ago, and after a recent MRI of my heart, my heart health has improved over that period, despite 2 more minor heart attacks the 2 years folloiwing(when i was using less cannabis than i had since starting using it) when stopping an anti platelet drug, that is actualy dangerous for me to stop, as i could have more heart attacks.
The definition of Dependancy. I know what i am talking about.
When I stop for too long I get chest pains. And I still intend to stop them completely.
I did stop using Cannabis for 3 months, but aside from that i have not used less than 5 grams a week, generaly more than that in the last 5 years.
Your description of needing to take the anti-platelet drug sounds like it's in line with my definition of addiction and dependence, so I don't think we are disagreeing, here.
Everybody in this forum is lucky. We can Increase Our dopamine levels by Deep Breathing.
Are You suggesting We should We stop breathing to decrease the dangers of our unhealthy dopamine addictions?
You could have quit Cannabis whenever you wanted. It may have been a little uncomfortable for a while, Physically and Emotionaly,
but if You struggled with that comming off Ibuprofen will be worse.
And do not ever become addicted to Opiates, unless You are curious what withdrawal symptoms can really be like.
No, I'm not suggesting that, for multiple reasons:
1. Deep breathing (at least when done in the ways I've studied) doesn't appear to be associated with any worrisome outcomes.
2. Breathing exercises don't seem to cause as intense of a spike/crash in our dopamine levels, and the addictive potential of a substance or behavior is strongly affected by the magnitude of its dopaminergic effects. All else equal, we are more likely to get addicted to something that causes a 10x increase in dopamine release than we are to something that only causes a 50% increase.

As far as ibuprofen goes, I'm not the one who used it. That was GoldenBud. I rarely take ibuprofen for anything, and never for Cannabis related issues, and when I take it for pain, I have zero issues stopping.
There is little risk in becoming addicted to anything taking it Once. Or occassionaly. And if Addiction,rather than dependance, is truly 'only' Physcological, then does it only effect some people? Dependance is always PART of Addiction, not seperate from it. Physical or Phsycological Addiction.
Addiction is NOT always part of Dependance. It would seem.
The risk of addiction may be lower if you use a substance once vs multiple times, but it's also lower if the dopaminergic effects are less intense.

I also wouldn't say that addiction is "only psychological". I said "neurologically/psychologically driven". There is an underlying biological component to all of our behaviors/feelings/cognitions.

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
Everythings Hazy, i quoted You to make a point around COX and LOX Inhibition and that there is far more to cannabis than just an anandamide analogue and dopamine. Most of the post was quoting Goldenbud.
Did i press the Reply and not the Quote button on your quote?
I agree with some of what You say, disagree with others.
Do you have any links to studies about this? I'd be interested in checking them out.
There are more. Theres one in particular i cant find.
Doesnt mean its all completely correct, but it is highly interesting.

Your description of needing to take the anti-platelet drug sounds like it's in line with my definition of addiction and dependence, so I don't think we are disagreeing, here
Physiologicaly needing anything is dependancy. We depend on Oxygen,Food,Water and Sleep.
I want more Sleep.
It is not Addiction..
I stop taking prasugrel when i feel like trying because the side effects are so bad.
I stop taking it .They go away. The price i pay if I dont take it is a heart attack. I have to start taking it again. They come back. Dependancy or Addiction?
I am trying to formulate a botanical alternative to blood thinners.
If im taking something because when I dont i cannot cope with not taking it just for the sensation , or lack of ,is Addiction.
If IM gambling and cant stop. Thats addiction.
Then there is the third possibility. Medical requirement.
Do i depend on Cannabis? Yes. I find it very dependable and safer than Any other medicine i am taking.
Am I addicted to it? No. Given the choice , it would be recreational.
But i would need to replace it with-
an Anti-nociceptive,
an Anti-Inflamatory that is NOT an N.S.A.I.D. and can safely be taken long term
An Anti-Emetic.
Something to help sleep.
Something to help wake up.
A drug that helps stabilise Blood sugar levels.
And a few more.
As far as ibuprofen goes, I'm not the one who used it. That was GoldenBud. I rarely take ibuprofen for anything, and never for Cannabis related issues, and when I take it for pain, I have zero issues stopping.
I have No issues stopping Oramorph or Dihydrocodiene. I f I have Cannabis. Apart from the fact it makes You feel like You are dying.
I was addresing GoldenBud for the most part. Wasnt saying you used it.
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Curious Gorilla,


Well-Known Member

The Neuroprotective Effects of Cannabis

Cannabis has various cognitive effects. With heavy, long-term use, more permanent cognitive effects may result.
this is interesting:
This study supports findings that were made previously using synthetic cannabinoid, WIN, where older mice demonstrated improved memory after cannabinoid administration. In the 2018 study, old female mice aged 24 months were injected once with .002mg/kg THC. Compared to vehicle-treated (the vehicle contained mostly saline, and also some ethanol and cremophor) mice, the THC-treated mice performed better on a battery of 6 different behavioural tests. The single injection of THC also increased the level of Sirtuin1, an enzyme linked with neuroplasticity and neuroprotection.


THC increased the level of Sirtuin1 because THC raise the Dopamine concentration for longer periods than Anandamide... again, it's all about Dopamine..

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
Instead of addiction I reckon we call it 'Slightly Fuggled'.
Removes the stigma.
Or maybe theres a scale....
"I have been majorly Fuggled for a while ,but now i have titrated down, now Im only slightly Fuggled.
Or " Im all Fuggled up".
Or maybe we call it just being human.
Fuggle Combustion.


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for others, I can speak for myself. for me, it was a physical addiction. i was sick for a week, then had headaches every day, few times a day, up to day 40.. nightmares every 2 nights, then after day 40 up to day 110~ headaches every few days, depression in the evenings from day 60 up to day 110~.. then it got much better.. and the headaches were only 2 days a week or so.. today it is day 200 and i had no headaches for the last 10-14 days..

ah, and fatigues... happened a lot.. damn.. anyway stop using THC is not an easy task but doable.. for me..
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Well-Known Member
Instead of addiction I reckon we call it 'Slightly Fuggled'.
Removes the stigma.
Or maybe theres a scale....
"I have been majorly Fuggled for a while ,but now i have titrated down, now Im only slightly Fuggled.
Or " Im all Fuggled up".
Or maybe we call it just being human.
Fuggle Combustion.
I’ve been Unfuggled!


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for others, I can speak for myself. for me, it was a physical addiction. i was sick for a week, then had headaches every day, few times a day, up to day 40.. nightmares every 2 nights, then after day 40 up to day 110~ headaches every few days, depression in the evenings from day 60 up to day 110~.. then it got much better.. and the headaches were only 2 days a week or so.. today it is day 200 and i had no headaches for the last 10-14 days..

ah, and fatigues... happened a lot.. damn.. anyway stop using THC is not an easy task but doable.. for me..
I didn't enter this thread for an argument and I didn't read your posts before starting, but in other places you have said that you took Ibuprofen (up to 1200mg daily, the maximum recommended dose) for 40-50 days, which is enough to cause dependency. And your headaches (a common side effect) and consequent Ibuprofen use continued for months after that. The side effects of Ibuprofen include headache, fatigue, restless sleep, and sweating. Continued use can cause flu-like symptoms (chills, aches, etc.), excessive tiredness, and unexplained weight gain. Reliance on Ibuprofen (and similar drugs) can increase the pain suffered. There may be more intense and additional symptoms when Ibuprofen is discontinued, and when the Ibuprofen wears off you may experience withdrawal symptoms, causing you to take more, creating an addictive cycle. And the symptoms of Ibuprofen withdrawal include agitation, headache, increased anxiety, increased depression, and increased pain. The symptoms of PAWS are identical to the symptoms of Ibuprofen dependency. It seems to me that your extended Cannabis withdrawal and your devotion to Ibuprofen are closely linked, and if your Cannabis withdrawal wasn't entirely intertwined with Ibuprofen usage I would be more inclined to believe in your PAWS experience. But I'm tired of repeating myself. :bang:

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
I didn't enter this thread for an argument and I didn't read your posts before starting, but in other places you have said that you took Ibuprofen (up to 1200mg daily, the maximum recommended dose) for 40-50 days, which is enough to cause dependency. And your headaches (a common side effect) and consequent Ibuprofen use continued for months after that. The side effects of Ibuprofen include headache, fatigue, restless sleep, and sweating. Continued use can cause flu-like symptoms (chills, aches, etc.), excessive tiredness, and unexplained weight gain. Reliance on Ibuprofen (and similar drugs) can increase the pain suffered. There may be more intense and additional symptoms when Ibuprofen is discontinued, and when the Ibuprofen wears off you may experience withdrawal symptoms, causing you to take more, creating an addictive cycle. And the symptoms of Ibuprofen withdrawal include agitation, headache, increased anxiety, increased depression, and increased pain. The symptoms of PAWS are identical to the symptoms of Ibuprofen dependency. It seems to me that your extended Cannabis withdrawal and your devotion to Ibuprofen are closely linked, and if your Cannabis withdrawal wasn't entirely intertwined with Ibuprofen usage I would be more inclined to believe in your PAWS experience. But I'm tired of repeating myself. :bang:
What He Said.......! Ibuprofen is more dangerous and unhealthy longterm than Morphine.
many years ago I had to spend 6 months on N.S.A.I.D.s. at the doctors behest, and refusal to give me anything other than stronger N.S.A.I.D.s
They wrecked My body,short term and long term health.
I cannot express how dangerous and unhealthy these medications can be.
Especialy as the medical Industry like to hand them out like sweeties. Or did.
Unless absolutely necessary they should be avoided at all costs, and not taken for longer than 3 days at a time. And never long term or longer than 2 weeks, in my opinion.
Why do You think I had a heart attack? Cannabis?
If anything ,do it the other way round.
Cannabis is recomended as a bridging drug for coming off of Painkillers,Opiates and other Class A drugs and has been for years. Decades.
Stopping Cannabis use for a time Is a good idea occasionaly, or permanently, if Your recreational use is impinging on your normal life (?) in a way You do not like. It has the main bonus of getting to take it up again with no tolerance so more effect.
I truly wish I had the option of getting occasionaly stoned. Instead of perpetualy vaping cannabis.Or using something more unpleasant.
To all those out there who are HEAVEY RECREATIONAL users and do it by choice...
Im jelous...........Vape on....!
Curious Gorilla,


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the links... If you find the other one you are thinking about, let me know. I like checking these things out.
Methods: Articles from reliable databases such as Science Direct, PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Ovid were searched. Specific search methods were employed using multiple keywords: ''Medicinal Cannabis; endocannabinoid system; cannabinoids receptors; cannabinoids and cognition; brain disorders; neurodegenerative diseases''. For the inclusion/exclusion criteria, only relevant articles related to medicinal Cannabis and its various compounds were considered.

Results: The current review highlights the role, effects, and involvement of Cannabis, cannabinoids, and endocannabinoids in preventing selected neurodegenerative diseases and possible amelioration of cognitive impairments. Furthermore, it also focuses on Cannabis utilization in many disease conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease among others.
This one doesn't show much, as it seems to be behind a paywall. What it does show is that it's a review of other papers, and that other papers have looked into the effects of Cannabis on neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive impairments. It would be nice to see some of those actual papers to look at the results.

Methods: The therapeutic use of C. sativa related to Alzheimer's disease relative to known phytocannabinoids and other phytochemical constituents were derived from online databases, including PubMed, Elsevier, The Plant List (TPL,, Science Direct, as well as relevant information on the known pharmacological actions of the listed phytochemicals.

Results: Numerous C. sativa -prevalent phytochemicals were evidenced in the body of literature as having efficacy in the treatment of neurodegenerative conditions exemplified by Alzheimer's disease. Several phytocannabinoids, terpenes and select flavonoids demonstrated neuroprotection through a myriad of cellular and molecular pathways, including cannabinoid receptor-mediated, antioxidant and direct anti-aggregatory actions against the pathological toxic hallmark protein in Alzheimer's disease, amyloid β.
This one is another review. It seems like they found some decent results in the studies of certain chemicals in the Cannabis plant, however, it doesn't indicate that any of reviewed studies tested whole plant Cannabis consumption, much less vaping, which is a considerably different issue.

Experimental conditions

For the non-stressed assays, the strains wild-type N2, muscle:Abeta1-42 (GMC101), muscle:Abeta-control (CL2122), Sod-3:GFP (CF1553), Gst-4:GFP (CL2166), Hsp-16.2:GFP (CL2070), and Cat-1,2,3:GFP (GA800) were maintained at 20 °C. The nematodes were exposed to six different treatment groups: water control, olive oil control (used to prepare the CBD and THC oils), CBD 5%, THC 2.5%, CBD 1.25%, and THC 1.25%. They are exposed in the L4 stage.

The C. elegans nematodes were transplanted and sown in NGM, and kept in growth chambers at 20 °C, until they reached the L4 larval stage and after that they were synchronized (pregnant or with eggs)42. Nematodes feed with E. coli. At the L4 larval stage, the worms were washed 3 times, and centrifuged at 3000 rpm, for 2 min. Then, the nematodes were exposed to a synchronization in a 5 mL solution containing hypochlorite (1.5 ml) and sodium hydroxide (0.250 ml). The reagents break the cuticle and release their eggs. The eggs were placed on plates with the M9 buffer solution36, and the eggs were maintained at 20 °C, for approximately 24 h, until they reached the L1 larval stage. After that, they were transferred to NGM and fed with E. coli. On the next day, when they reach the L4 stage, they are able to be exposed to the treatments.

The nematodes were exposed to the treatments for 1 h. After that period, the nematodes were washed 3 times in M9 buffer solution, transferred to Petry dishes containing E. coli and acclimated for another 30 min for further behavioral evaluation.

For the assays with heat-stress (HS), the transgenic strains muscle:Abeta1-42 and muscle:Abeta-control were raised to a temperature of 25 °C, after their synchronization. In this condition, the transgenic strain muscle:Abeta1-42 encodes the human β-amyloid 1–42 peptide in body wall muscle. The exposition of the treatments was carried out with the same methods used for non-stressed nematodes.


The effect of Cannabis sativa oils exposure on C. elegans N2 wild-type

Here was evaluated the effect of the C. sativa oils on wild-type (N2) non-stressed C. elegans aiming to understand the effect of the oils applied alone in a healthy organism to observe the changes in the behavior (body bends, pharyngeal pumping, and defecation cycle) as well as on biochemical biomarkers such as acetylcholinesterase enzyme activity and ROS levels. In addition, evaluating in mutant worms the fluorescent antioxidant enzymes expression such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione-S-transferase, and heat shock protein even without stress.
This one is more complicated. It is an experiment, but it's using CBD and THC on nematodes, so it's still significantly removed from whole plant vaping by humans. To be honest, I don't know how to interpret this in a way that is relevant to human brains to a degree that I would find sufficient for drawing conclusions. It's interesting, though.

This last link is to an article on sensiseeds, which I wouldn't consider to be a great source for unbiased info on Cannabis, however, it does link to some studies, so I'll check those out tomorrow, if I get the chance.


For the record, I'm not anti-Cannabis, nor do I think it's some terribly harmful drug for adults. I do think that it's risk profile has been underestimated, in the past decade or so, and that its overall risk/benefit ratio is likely somewhere in between the two extremes.

As far as studies go, I know that not everything has to be a double-blind randomly controlled study, or a systemic review/meta-analysis of such studies, but I'm also weary of drawing conclusions about humans based on animal studies (particularly if the animals aren't even mammals) and/or if the variable being tested is only partially connected to the topic at hand (i.e. testing THC extract in a study, when I'm concerned about vaping dry herb with hundreds of other components).


Well-Known Member
I didn't enter this thread for an argument and I didn't read your posts before starting, but in other places you have said that you took Ibuprofen (up to 1200mg daily, the maximum recommended dose) for 40-50 days, which is enough to cause dependency. And your headaches (a common side effect) and consequent Ibuprofen use continued for months after that. The side effects of Ibuprofen include headache, fatigue, restless sleep, and sweating. Continued use can cause flu-like symptoms (chills, aches, etc.), excessive tiredness, and unexplained weight gain. Reliance on Ibuprofen (and similar drugs) can increase the pain suffered. There may be more intense and additional symptoms when Ibuprofen is discontinued, and when the Ibuprofen wears off you may experience withdrawal symptoms, causing you to take more, creating an addictive cycle. And the symptoms of Ibuprofen withdrawal include agitation, headache, increased anxiety, increased depression, and increased pain. The symptoms of PAWS are identical to the symptoms of Ibuprofen dependency. It seems to me that your extended Cannabis withdrawal and your devotion to Ibuprofen are closely linked, and if your Cannabis withdrawal wasn't entirely intertwined with Ibuprofen usage I would be more inclined to believe in your PAWS experience. But I'm tired of repeating myself. :bang:
Did you find a real research suggesting ibuprofen is addictive? All I found is that it can cause stomach problems if taken on empty stomach. Can you please show me a proof? Tia


Well-Known Member
PSA: Ibuprofen is fine for short term use, and necessary for extended use when directed by a physician, but dependency is possible and one should not come to rely on the drug. And GoldenBud's enthusiastic recommendations are a recipe for creating more members of the Reddit Weed PAWS club.


Well-Known Member
PSA: Ibuprofen is fine for short term use, and necessary for extended use when directed by a physician, but dependency is possible and one should not come to rely on the drug. And GoldenBud's enthusiastic recommendations are a recipe for creating more members of the Reddit Weed PAWS club.
But I took ibuprofen for 40 days and then stopped doing it every day, and used THC for 1700 days.. A lot more.. And we know THC is addictive it's weed PAWS and not ibuprofen PAWS


Unknown member
you almost gave me an headache trying to read your message.

Did you take out the old Ibuprofen, just in case?

in my case of my cannabreak, i suffered so much i had to take Ibuprofen every few hours.

Oh man, you took a break from cannabis and instead of getting out and about, being active and force yourself to think other thoughts you chose to lock yourself in an appartment??
("Oooh, i couldn't imagine working because of paws" LMAO. Really?
Use your paws to work i'd say ;) )
But anyhow: You stayed indoors whilst doing extensive and very biased research on thc paws and spend time on a weed forum, drooling over weed porn. Whilst popping ibuprofen every couple of hours from day one?
Well, this behaviour gradually converted you into a thc-warning-internetwarrior...

In short: You stayed indoors, felt sorry for yourself, "researched" paws and took ibuprofen as soon as you started to kick off thc...

You really don't get it?
That's not how you cut with a habit! On the contrary...
Break with it instead of immersing yourself in your 'cravings' by surfing the internet in a desperate attempt to find what you want to demonize thc.
And YES i read most of your recent posts.
Very enlightning...
But you also come over as quite pushy, sometimes arrogant, extremely repetitive, extremely repetitive, extremely repetitive, extremely repetitive, often a bit confused and you seem to flatout ignore most replys and advice if it doesn't fit your bill.
You just keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over....

Anyhooo, from this postal history of yours I've recently learned:
-that THC is the devil itself.
-that this devil has paws...
-Wtf, according to a recent (but removed) topic that daring devil even grew manboobs because of his thc abuse?? (Shhh, hush now! It's all good...)

BTW: your topic about those thc induced manboobs was very shortlived but, dude....For real!
Reading it made me laugh so hard i simultaneously had to fart!!!
A new sensation for me.
Felt as if my body was preparing for lift off!!

I'll go on and refer to this 'laughed-out-fart' as the Goldenbutt phenomenom from now on, hope you don't mind. ;)

PS: i noticed a lot of people tend to block you after a while but i am actually thinking to do the opposite and use the "follow" button here.
Human interest and all...

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
Did you take out the old Ibuprofen, just in case?

Oh man, you took a break from cannabis and instead of getting out and about, being active and force yourself to think other thoughts you chose to lock yourself in an appartment??
("Oooh, i couldn't imagine working because of paws" LMAO. Really?
Use your paws to work i'd say ;) )
But anyhow: You stayed indoors whilst doing extensive and very biased research on thc paws and spend time on a weed forum, drooling over weed porn. Whilst popping ibuprofen every couple of hours from day one?
Well, this behaviour gradually converted you into a thc-warning-internetwarrior...

In short: You stayed indoors, felt sorry for yourself, "researched" paws and took ibuprofen as soon as you started to kick off thc...

You really don't get it?
That's not how you cut with a habit! On the contrary...
Break with it instead of immersing yourself in your 'cravings' by surfing the internet in a desperate attempt to find what you want to demonize thc.
And YES i read most of your recent posts.
Very enlightning...
But you also come over as quite pushy, sometimes arrogant, extremely repetitive, extremely repetitive, extremely repetitive, extremely repetitive, often a bit confused and you seem to flatout ignore most replys and advice if it doesn't fit your bill.
You just keep repeating the same thing over and over and over and over....

Anyhooo, from this postal history of yours I've recently learned:
-that THC is the devil itself.
-that this devil has paws...
-Wtf, according to a recent (but removed) topic that daring devil even grew manboobs because of his thc abuse?? (Shhh, hush now! It's all good...)

BTW: your topic about those thc induced manboobs was very shortlived but, dude....For real!
Reading it made me laugh so hard i simultaneously had to fart!!!
A new sensation for me.
Felt as if my body was preparing for lift off!!

I'll go on and refer to this 'laughed-out-fart' as the Goldenbutt phenomenom from now on, hope you don't mind. ;)

PS: i noticed a lot of people tend to block you after a while but i am actually thinking to do the opposite and use the "follow" button here.
Human interest and all...
Sorry, cant write ,wipping tears of laughter from my eyes.......
Whilst clenching HARD....

That whole post is Gold..........

Quick tip for a cannabreak, when stopping try chewing Bee Propolis.
It doesnt get you high, but is good for your immune system,if You are not allergic to bee products, and has a hash like perfume to it, and a spicey taste. Its like a healthy chewing gum, and is very good for Gum Health. Also helps with tooth ache.
I always found found it helped. Now you can actualy find it ,too.. Used to be hard to get hold off.
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Unknown member
How many times have you been told not to make that kind of comparisons?

Kinda proves my point here. :tup::clap:

Listen, some people are forced to take thc breaks to pass drugtests at work.
Imagine them doing what you did:
"Ooh mister boss-man, me feeling so blue and very very bad because i had to stop my thc intake for the test. I will be back at the job in a month (or maybe two, three) after going thru this dreadfull rehab from vaping some weed. Please wait for my prompt return whilst i stay indoors and chew on some ibuprofen to ease my sufferings!!!"

Guess who will be on the job-market next!

Just for fun: now imagine a long time meth addict taking a break so he can continue working (this also implies he was working whilst having this meth habit). Do you maybe see the subtle differences that might affect the end-result?

And btw, let me clear out something before you draw the wrong conclusion:

Me stating that i might follow your posting and my reply above does NOT imply that i will be lured into interacting with you on this subject. I will not be a victim of your ongoing circle jerk.
Not my thing. I clearly see how you trick people in endless discussions (hence why some call you a troll.)
Having said that i admit i do wonder: do you even understand what i am saying now?

Or are your eyes that wide shut?

I might just pop in now and again to state out the obvious or when i have new personal conclusions to share. But won't be very often so don't get your hopes up. This cat is not to be had...

Edit: @GoldenBud don't send me DM's. Like i stated above i will NOT be lured into your trickery.
So i won't react to that DM by replying there.
Consider yourself to be informed.
Find other victims to fool around with, for real!

And btw: you just send me DM where you repeat yourself 100%... NOTHING new in there...
Again: proves my points.

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