I think Vapvana Screwball is an absolute homerun. Congrats,
Thank you! And I see what you did there...

Thankyou for my prize and got to admit that its a good name. Congrats
@Necra and all other winners.
Glad you like the name and congrats!!

Thank you from me, too! Congrats everyone, that was fun.
Congrats! and I'm glad you had fun

It was that. Love the third off for their grand opening too. Basically get a retail unit for early adopters price. It's looking good in those videos. May be my first ball vape.
You got it! The plan is to give people an opportunity to buy in early and be a part of the refinement process.
Or buy in later after it's more refined, still at a discounted rate - because I fookin love y'all

I'm in for an early adopter kit. I can't imagine the retail will be to different from the retail kit.
Right on! The performance has been been ready for months - now it's time to get it 'retail ready'
And I can't do it without the early adopters help

anyone who buys in early is greatly appreciated and will be taken care of many times to come
Thanks for the opportunity
@Vapvana. Congrats to all winners!
Thanks for your contributions!

Oh wow !!! The Screwball is gonna be my 1st ball vape ! Thank you so much
@Vapvana . I tried to stay up for the livesteam on IG but it was late for me ,this was a wonderful morning surprise . Big congrats to
@Necra with a solid name .

Cant wait to hear your initial thoughts
It's a great name

with very seductive arguments
Congrats to the winners !
Thanks for the game I enjoyed
Thanks for joining!!

Glad to hear you enjoyed it
I will be doing more contests like this in the future, and have some other fun interactive ideas for this community
Sorry for my name jokes early on lol. Looking at all these happy members you made makes me happy. Nice work vv and good luck!
Oh I totally took your comment in jest!

- and got a kick out of your sarcasm
Looks like we are all finding ways to win!
(My goal is to do my best to make sure everyone is happy with their experience - whether they like the product or not)
Appreciate you being open minded
So the early adopter units haven't been sent out yet, right? That's a really tempting price.
Not yet! more info below!
Wow didn't see that curveball coming
I guess it was a SCREWBAL coming at me lol.
I never expected to win but it's a great birthday present . I'm still kind speechless right now!
I love when life throws you a screwball, and you still swing for the fences

Congrats again!
Early Adopters Timeline Update
The early adopters kits are scheduled to land this Tuesday!!

My plan is to have everything sent out by Wednesday or Thursday if all goes well
Current Available Inventory
I have a limited amount of kits left with open availability (aka they are on the site right now)
US Kits - 3
Int Kits - 4
Once these sell that will be it until the retail ready version is done.
Don't need a PID? Use this code to save $50
Next Update
Next update will be about my design philosophies for the Screwball.
And why I made some of the decisions I made along the way.
Until then I hope you all have a kickass start to your week
With love,
PS - I will get back to all my messages tomorrow morning! Thanks for your patience