Cheap High Quality Bubbler


I was thinking of sending a message pointing to the one I want and asking for the widest gap version they can find to maybe fit,

I went through similar angst when trying to accommodate for both Ion Matrix and Atom v2... Eventually, I got rid of those pieces and cycled out of all dewar joints. I REALLY thought I would miss my Matrix, but I truly do not miss it at all!

Today, ALL my dropdowns and adapters are all in a box collecting dust, and I could not be happier about not needing them and never having to clean them again. For me, they just created more work for me (cleaning), and many had such shitty joints that they were not air-tight; for lack of better words, the shitty joints would diminish the thickness of the milkshake I was trying to drink.

Dropdowns and adapters provided me convenience and modularity to use glass that could not otherwise fit a banger or vape. Once I found setups that did not require all the bits and pieces to manage and clean, I never looked back.

...I also hated being in that position where I had to order 2-3 of the same dropdown, hoping that one would be a good fit. I seemed to throw a lot of time and a little bit of money at adapters/drops that could have been directed elsewhere.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Dropdowns and adapters provided me convenience and modularity to use glass that could not otherwise fit a banger or vape. Once I found setups that did not require all the bits and pieces to manage and clean, I never looked back.

...I also hated being in that position where I had to order 2-3 of the same dropdown, hoping that one would be a good fit. I seemed to throw a lot of time and a little bit of money at adapters/drops that could have been directed elsewhere.
I love my drop-downs just because different vapes are more comfortable at different heights for me. But I only have a couple and I got mine from Oregon Glass Blower. A lot more than typically spent here but they are perfect.

But I can see how your set up would be ideal. No adapters at all to manage.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried drilling a hole through the glass screen in one of these bowls? I'd rather just use a metal screen.
I have a drill press and a glass cutting bit. Just not sure if the whole thing will break right away.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
What might be the drawbacks to a piece like this? assuming all the joints are nice and tight, and the perc slits fire evenly?

Yes that long spiral pathway is going to be tough to clean and will require a much longer draw, with minimal extra cooling effect (although it is extra dry pathway) perc is it basic little circ perc and it has a decent bent neck mouthpiece so otherwise solid functional piece...

Has anyone tried drilling a hole through the glass screen in one of these bowls? I'd rather just use a metal screen.
I have a drill press and a glass cutting bit. Just not sure if the whole thing will break right away.

Why wouldn't you just buy another one that doesn't have the glass honeycomb screen, you can get different injector bowls that take flat screen or basket screen, but you could also just put a screen on top of the honeycomb... I would presume trying to drill it out would break the entire thing?


SEARCH for the treasure...
have a drill press and a glass cutting bit. Just not sure if the whole thing will break right away.

My bet…. It will break on the very last hole you drill… Swiss cheese 🧀.

But if you have a backup, give it a try. Of course you will get more particles in your water rig, with larger holes. I just put a titanium screen over the glass holes.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Haha I may have told them that I liked it better than their UFO but pretty sure I said to use it as inspiration not direct copy but shouldn't be surprised I think they were already doing it too have to check message

They posted a new thread apologizing saying they are going to be more careful, asking customers to stop sending them things to clone lol I did send them pictures for inspiration more so haha now I'm just suggesting that they update the designs to the current pieces they have, like a larger FC-mod? With more perc and mouthpieces

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
I was looking at jcglass and I believe I haven't seen this before?


Looks a bit like the vintage glass and CB ones excwpt for length and the perc which is just simple holes in stead of FOL. It's also much more affordable. I've already bought plenty glass recently but it is tempting, enough differentiations from the Gili rebrand I have. The jcglass is generally well regarded as well.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I was looking at jcglass and I believe I haven't seen this before?


Looks a bit like the vintage glass and CB ones excwpt for length and the perc which is just simple holes in stead of FOL. It's also much more affordable. I've already bought plenty glass recently but it is tempting, enough differentiations from the Gili rebrand I have. The jcglass is generally well regarded as well.

Oh holy shit! They must be listening to some customers, that looks fantastic, damn... So it is basically a fountain honeycomb, like I've seen some of the smaller straight fabs have from China, I'm not sure I like the flared mouthpiece although definitely looks like good air flow though the perc is going to be more restrictive possibly? If it wasn't green and there were coupons I would be more tempted, also I just got an awesome new little heady from Seattle yesterday though... Aahhh but I must sell some more glass
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)


I posted more about it in the heady glass thread, although it is quite reasonably priced for what it is honestly could be double, Innerg Glass made these pancake to waffle percs which are basically inline to honeycomb with less diffusion, fantastic function and fits perfectly with my allaccessary 10-14 drop down...


Well-Known Member

I posted more about it in the heady glass thread, although it is quite reasonably priced for what it is honestly could be double, Innerg Glass made these pancake to waffle percs which are basically inline to honeycomb with less diffusion, fantastic function and fits perfectly with my allaccessary 10-14 drop down...
That's a dope piece

Did you just buy it direct from him?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
That's a dope piece

Did you just buy it direct from him?

Yeah through Instagram, where he posted them, links in the heady glass thread, at least at the time I posted he still had the original tiniest one left (he said he could probably do a larger one 14 mm custom perhaps but also posted that he was going to be focusing on other designs for now)
Shit Snacks,
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Grass Yes

Staff member

I posted more about it in the heady glass thread, although it is quite reasonably priced for what it is honestly could be double, Innerg Glass made these pancake to waffle percs which are basically inline to honeycomb with less diffusion, fantastic function and fits perfectly with my allaccessary 10-14 drop down...
I thought it might be the Innerg piece. I was waiting for your review before I jump on one. I would not mind if they made an 18 or 14 piece. I haven't had good luck with 10s for flower. Maybe I will talk to them about a custom if you like it.


Well-Known Member
I thought it might be the Innerg piece. I was waiting for your review before I jump on one. I would not mind if they made an 18 or 14 piece. I haven't had good luck with 10s for flower. Maybe I will talk to them about a custom if you like it.
Yeah same. The one time I tried 10mm it was a bit too restrictive for me.

I bet his custom work isn't too expensive since he isn't well known?
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I thought it might be the Innerg piece. I was waiting for your review before I jump on one. I would not mind if they made an 18 or 14 piece. I haven't had good luck with 10s for flower. Maybe I will talk to them about a custom if you like it.

Pretty sure he cannot do 18, and yeah 14 was a probably in the future, most all his pieces are 10... I didn't really start to get 10s until I started to get these US headies, they are designed for dabs and they are pretty spectacular for that... Can be nice with herbs too though

Like I said if you want this design in particular, it's best to just grab that tiny 10 if it is still available, at least a great way to try it for yourself! Even though it would be better or bigger of course for herbs I think it could still work well as is... Because who knows if / when there will be more of these from him? Smaller does make it cheaper too

Yeah same. The one time I tried 10mm it was a bit too restrictive for me.

Depending on the vape and the setup, they absolutely work with herbs, even heavy hitting high air flow, just need to control with other variables?

I bet his custom work isn't too expensive since he isn't well known?

Well it's based on his labor and complexity, often requires much patience, and if you are requesting a larger piece you have to assume double the price (I'm guessing close to 300 if you are looking for a larger 14 pancake waffler)
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Well-Known Member
it's especially disgusting for them to just poorly attempt a direct copy of what was made by someone else without even asking or anything...
I mean how much of the glass in this thread falls under this category?

(Other than the glass made in the same factory that gets rebadged for companies like Grav or Sneaky Pete).

I can't get down with the ripoff designs. And IMHO objections to this sort of rip off should not be limited to a case where we happen to know the person being ripped off. The innovators should be the ones profiting off of their inspiration. If you can't afford the real deal, save your pennies until you can.

Maybe not a popular take in this thread but that's where my personal moral compass points.

And it isn't like there isn't lots of great glass that isn't ripping off artists still out there and available. And some folks like TAG give you the opportunity to score great deals thru their Seconds which can get a ton of their stuff under $100.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I mean how much of the glass in this thread falls under this category?

The part of my sentence you quoted, is actually taken out of context, it was not meant to be a general feeling at all, it was only about that particular situation btw...

Meanwhile I am chatting with samL on reddit, they'll modify the TAG knock off so it is a different enough piece, talking about new versions of FC-MOD among others like UFO variations (anything off their stock)
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Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
It's funny they became so apologetic after the backlash, saying they didn't know it was a copy, while I'm pretty sure this was already discussed?

@Texus many of the popular pieces that people are getting off dhgate are produced by so many manufacturers (also by respected brands), like the straight fab or Klein incycler.

I'm not a fan of pure clones, devoid of any creativity. I'd still buy it if it's got great function and the piece it copies codt hundreds of €s more. If iDB pieces were 700$ I'd be less annoyed. The issue here for me was that iDB makes these pieces that are highly unique but do not enter that splurging tier. I want to see that evolve and not be leeched off.


Well-Known Member
Just bought Grav Upline glass bong copy from jcglassshop at DHGate. I have not tried the original, but this one performs very well. Bingsbuddery has a good review on his Youtube channel which promted me to buy and it did not dissapoint. I might say it performs poorly if I try the real thing someday, but I can't see how it actually can be better.

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
I've mentioned before, but I am over buying knockoffs... performance is not comparable to the real ones 99% of the time.

I am willing to sacrifice some of the performance of it means I can prevent paying like 500% the price or more of the knock off.

How i would love to own this beauty:


At 1400$ it's just not a price bracket I can be consuming in.

For 145$ there's this:


I can (and sort of have to) live with a drop in performance because without such savings I can't even experience the attempt to mimic such performance.

I can imagine once I find a piece that really is a winner for me, I will save up for the real deal although 1400$ will remain an unlikely splurge for me.
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