JCVAP "Pockety"


Well-Known Member
An 18mm F will fit OVER the glass part but needs to be secured with a 18 F fairly rigid silicone adapter to hold it in place
An 18mm f/f GOG fits in the silicone part where the bubbler goes

You remove the bubbler all together
I can't show pics here but it works a treat with one I have that is almost at right angles


Well-Known Member
Yea he released it on IG an hour ago
This is the one I helped him design
Many options now


Well-Known Member
I guess me too then. Can't take a lot of credit considering he did all the work, and it is similar to other adapters for other devices out there. Back when the beta was out, I asked him to make it and he said that he would. How exactly did you help him design it aside from asking it to be done? Just curious. The design is exactly what I asked him to make. You've tested a lot but not sure if you're just taking more credit than you deserve. Sometimes you act like it's your brand so it kind of confused me. Just want to clarify.
Yea he released it on IG an hour ago
This is the one I helped him design
Many options now
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Well-Known Member
I guess me too then. Can't take a lot of credit considering he did all the work, and it is similar to other adapters for other devices out there. Back when the beta was out, I asked him to make it and he said that he would. How exactly did you help him design it aside from asking it to be done? Just curious. The design is exactly what I asked him to make. You've tested a lot but not sure if you're just taking more credit than you deserve. Sometimes you act like it's your brand so it kind of confused me. Just want to clarify.
If you would really like me to screen shot the conversation and inbox to you (I'm not airing his personal communication with me here) I can buddy
He was upset about the time and money he had wasted on the halo and said it was a bad idea that won't work and has already cost too much (in short) - so he showed me a whip adaptor design that was similar - but not at all the same .....
It was one solid piece with a thin straight tube out the top for the silicone to slip over
I suggested - and he and I had a long back and forth with pictures until his final CGI pic - that he make the current one with a female joint (at least 14mm) so that a gog or whip or hydrotube etc etc could be used depending on the user own availability
John made a cgi pic version on the spot at the end of that conversation and went ahead and had it made

So if you had designed that exact one
John certainly had no idea of it because he had to have the back and forth to understand the final idea - and it was new to him
He did show me one tester idea of a whip that was taped up over the base if that was you
But yea

Anyway - weird flex mate and I have the whole conversation so I'm not making some shit up for clout - like you almost seem to be
I'm really not sure why the weird vibe there buddy - I just try to help respond to peoples questions in the thread
Have you had today's sesh yet?
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Well-Known Member
If you would really like me to screen shot the conversation and inbox to you (I'm not airing his personal communication with me here) I can buddy
He was upset about the time and money he had wasted on the halo and said it was a bad idea that won't work and has already cost too much (in short) - so he showed me a whip adaptor design that was similar - but not at all the same .....
It was one solid piece with a thin straight tube out the top for the silicone to slip over
I suggested - and he and I had a long back and forth with pictures until his final CGI pic - that he make the current one with a female joint (at least 14mm) so that a gog or whip or hydrotube etc etc could be used depending on the user own availability
John made a cgi pic version on the spot at the end of that conversation and went ahead and had it made

So if you had designed that exact one
John certainly had no idea of it because he had to have the back and forth to understand the final idea - and it was new to him
He did show me one tester idea of a whip that was taped up over the base if that was you
But yea

Anyway - weird flex mate and I have the whole conversation so I'm not making some shit up for clout - like you almost seem to be
I'm really not sure why the weird vibe there buddy - I just try to help respond to peoples questions in the thread
Have you had today's sesh yet?
Not needed, man. And no weird vibe. No disrespect was intended. It could be my own individual opinion, but sometimes I feel you need to take a step back. A few people have messaged me about how you have replied to them. Not about that reply specifically. Come at things with a little less ego. You've done a ton of work to help the brand. It's super appreciated in the community. You've spent a lot of time and it's super awesome. But you bash people sometimes, I hope unintentionally.

Have a great day, man. Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate 😁


Well-Known Member
Not needed, man. And no weird vibe. No disrespect was intended. It could be my own individual opinion, but sometimes I feel you need to take a step back. A few people have messaged me about how you have replied to them. Not about that reply specifically. Come at things with a little less ego. You've done a ton of work to help the brand. It's super appreciated in the community. You've spent a lot of time and it's super awesome. But you bash people sometimes, I hope unintentionally.

Have a great day, man. Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate 😁
Where have I bashed anyone?
I talk to people friendly here
This is pretty out of left field mate
Interesting response after your first attack now that I explained after you claimed you designed it

You're very correct - your first post really wasn't needed - nor you "inbox" one
If you were sincere you probably would have inboxed me yourself
Who is - and why are people inboxing you? Do you work for the company?
Or does that claim hold as much truth as the whip design claim

Also - are you one of the beta testers ?
Because I paid for mine like I have said and always been honest
I wasn't around during the beta test times when 27 out of 28 ripped him off and the one (was this you) who did respond just suggested the halo but said nothing about the bugs I found in a week

How about it be vape time
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Well-Known Member
Boys, boys, boys... It’s Thanksgiving and we’re all thankful for jcvap and the Pockety. Sometimes great ideas occur to more than one person. Let’s just enjoy, OK?

on another note, wow it never occurred to me that an 18f would fit IN the silicone glass holder. But how does it line up with the air path without a corresponding opening?


Well-Known Member
Boys, boys, boys... It’s Thanksgiving and we’re all thankful for jcvap and the Pockety. Sometimes great ideas occur to more than one person. Let’s just enjoy, OK?

on another note, wow it never occurred to me that an 18f would fit IN the silicone glass holder. But how does it line up with the air path without a corresponding opening?
I think the idea is to stick it in just to seal that area, but not the air path hole. So, you wouldn’t jam the adapter in all the way.


Well-Known Member
Boys, boys, boys... It’s Thanksgiving and we’re all thankful for jcvap and the Pockety. Sometimes great ideas occur to more than one person. Let’s just enjoy, OK?

on another note, wow it never occurred to me that an 18f would fit IN the silicone glass holder. But how does it line up with the air path without a corresponding opening?
I'm not starting anything
I don't appreciate the accusations, public lies and carry on from someone with an ulterior motive
If he wants to say something he should have inboxed me
The public tantrums just look bad for JCVAP and the thread/forum

As mentioned above - you just stick it in the top lip of the base for the 18f
The top of the base is narrower and the joint will friction fit in place
Hope I explained that well enough
Happy vaping people
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Custom Flower Hardware

Well-Known Member
Yea he released it on IG an hour ago
This is the one I helped him design
Many options now
Similar to the Dr dabber switch and the boost evo whips
Custom Flower Hardware,
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Well-Known Member
Similar to the Dr dabber switch and the boost evo whips
Sneaky Pete has a similar style too for other rigs
That's why I helped him make one that didn't have a solid straight tube like he showed me at first and asked if it was a good idea
Much more versatile in this format for people to have multiple options


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Company Rep


Well-Known Member
It's a gong
The jcvap has a female 14mm now

His design he showed me and asked if I thought it was good was a solid unit with a thin tube for the whip, no joint
I got him to make it with the female joint for more versatility

I never claimed to invent the technology
I merely helped John make one that has these features instead of a plug with a tube for a whip

If people would rather I not participate here I'm quite happy to go back to my life and not asnwer questions or help at all

I have not been intentionally short with anyone - in fact I mentioned once I was sorry if I seemed short one day and I'd come back later to help (which I did) as I had to help my terminally ill father

I've also just been diagnosed with autism at the age of 45 and apparently people often mistake my intention when I speak
Apologies for that if I seem blunt
I just try to pass on information with out the BS and attitude - but apparently that comes accross as attitude

If it's an issue for everyone and I'm more annoying than helpful I'll happily bow out and go live my life while others stroke their egos

Happy dabbing ppl

staircase slight of hand

Well-Known Member
If it's an issue for everyone and I'm more annoying than helpful I'll happily bow out and go live my life while others stroke their egos

See, the problem that some folks have with your comments isn’t that they come across as oblivious or unaware, it’s that they come across as the complete opposite: passive-aggressive, calculating, mean-spirited, and frequently incoherent if taken at face value. They’re words crafted to belittle for no discernible reason, like this quote.

As a fellow resident of the ASD spectrum: your diagnosis isn’t an excuse to be a dick, and it’s worth the effort to consider the affect of your words. It takes some folks a long, long time to come to that realization, sadly.


SEARCH for the treasure...
while others stroke their egos

I find most of your contributions well worth it. I just used the quote above to demonstrate, that is the issue. Just write a draft, as you might normally do, then proof read it, and REMOVE, any “personal” stuff, like the above. I know it’s frustrating dealing with many new and or uninformed members, so at times, I just don’t respond or get involved. When I do formulate a response, I try to think how it may be received, then I remove anything considered “poison pen” words or phrases. Fortunately, there are very few trolls on FC, and over the years I’ve become very efficient at identifying them. Stick to facts, leave out personal reactions, and ignore trolls, that’s what I attempt to do.

I only bothered to write this, as you are a VALUABLE MEMBER here, so just consider my post an opinion, but also one of support. Many of us here, have both physical as well as emotional “issues”, but we battle on…. :)
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