Cloud Connoisseur Glass


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
I was sick the last few days, and haven't been on FC, so I guess I missed out on the preorder for this batch.

Oh well, I would like to know when they will be available again though.


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
Sadly my glass distributor went belly up and closed all doors abruptly. I hate to make a post like this, but I have just filed my dispute and claims right now. With having everything recorded between the two us I don’t have any doubt that I will win and receive the money back for the orders and all my molds they possess. I will keep every one updated through here and will refund every ones money immediately when I receive the claim. Again I am sorry this happened, I am looking into new manufacturers but without all my molds it will be a whole new process and will take a bit of time to get it back up and running.

Edit- they have 20 days to make right or to try and fight the claim.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Would be amazing if they make right and actually send the stuff somehow, get the molds to another manufacturer as well, but that is an absolute best case scenario... Ugh so sorry how this went down, they had been such a great partner, but tough now in China


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
Update ❤️❤️❤️
The glass company I was working with has two owners 50/50. I was able to make contact with the other owner I have never talked to. They recently moved shops, an upgrade, and that came with some changes with branding and some employees but thankfully they are still under the same LLC *when I get full story on that tonight hopefully I will update again*
The owner I talked to is looking into what happened with my order when their employee said they are in production, and is talking to the other co owner and his wife, she believes his wife is the one I was talking to, who is no longer in the position because her communication was not great which shows with what happened with my order.
I’m hoping they can find my order and send it as agreed and give me my molds, instead of a refund because of the time and effort that went into this. If not I feel I have found the right person to handle my problems with and was very responsive and very willing to help get to the bottom of what happened.
Thank you to every one who has been understanding and allowing me time to get this figured out to handle it the least painful way for everyone.

Edit— the shop move is why I had thought they closed doors abruptly
Edit 2— the rebranding was the owners brand that I talked to, which has been a public brand since 2019.
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knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
Thank you guys I do appreciate you guys so much. I’m still really hoping for product over refund. Even though the other owner has talked to me, I haven’t got any news to the other owners and wife’s side of the story. I have still been pushing forward with the claim.


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
I want to start off by thanking you guys so much, for all the patience and support. I love you people and the vape community.
I will always let you know immediately what is going on and be completely honest about it. I got everything fixed as far as I know atm and they will be sending the first shipment this Tuesday and the others at the end of the month. So I should have Prophets being sent out in about a couple weeks.


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
There was a bit of an issue with sending the partial first half delivery. They could not allow PO Box(glass vendor tried to different shipping companies and post master said couldn’t ship to an invalid address and it was coming up as an email address), I had them send to my new address in Texas (I just got here a couple days ago) with a sign for delivery and went to the post office to make sure that if it doesn’t have sign for delivery on the order to hold at post office just to be double safe, from what I’m told porch pirates are horrible around here *wife joined a neighborhood watch group and it is a constant issue being brought up on there*. I have gotten this all straightened up and will have full shipment of every ones orders coming now, the original first shipment wasn’t enough to cover half of orders. I am glad every one will get all at once Vs only a few.
I will also be showing colored options off soon with more than just a solid color available.
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Well-Known Member
There was a bit of an issue with sending the partial first half delivery. They could not allow PO Box(glass vendor tried to different shipping companies and post master said couldn’t ship to an invalid address and it was coming up as an email address), I had them send to my new address in Texas (I just got here a couple days ago) with a sign for delivery and went to the post office to make sure that if it doesn’t have sign for delivery on the order to hold at post office just to be double safe, from what I’m told porch pirates are horrible around here *wife joined a neighborhood watch group and it is a constant issue being brought up on there*. I have gotten this all straightened up and will have full shipment of every ones orders coming now, the original first shipment wasn’t enough to cover half of orders. I am glad every one will get all at once Vs only a few.
I will also be showing colored options off soon with more than just a solid color available.
Yeesh. Shipping headaches never end huh?


knowing is half the power - Gi-JOE
Accessory Maker
Yeesh. Shipping headaches never end huh?
Yeah bro, I’m so relieved to have this move behind me and can start getting stable again with everything.
On Monday I’m going to go ask the post master if there’s a process I can do to put a locked mail drop box in front of the new place that the postman can access. If I’m able to I’m gonna anchor it into the cement. People around here are crazy. My family got their RV with a trailer on the back stolen and they found it 6 months later all chopped out and some one living in the shell part in San Antonio, then another guy had some 4 wheelers and toys like that in a small garage/shed and they chopped the front wall off and emptied out. It’s way different where I came from where I could have a pile of mail in front of my door and would never have to worry about it.
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