Home Vaporizer by Element


is this thing on?
This one is from last year, René had only last parts left in stock from walnut and was so kind to assemble one for me.


The wooden base is also the housing of a toroidal transformer (if that is the right word in english) so you won't need an external power supply and the allaround quality is quite amazing, to me at least it is.


Well-Known Member
This one is from last year, René had only last parts left in stock from walnut and was so kind to assemble one for me.


The wooden base is also the housing of a toroidal transformer (if that is the right word in english) so you won't need an external power supply and the allaround quality is quite amazing, to me at least it is.
And the hits keep coming ! You're telling me this beautiful piece of functional medical art runs on donuts 🍩 ?

In seriousness this is actually knowledge gold as the device does look as stable as a flamingo with one arthritic knee.
Having the bulk of the power supply housed in the base I'm guessing will make it much more stable.


Well-Known Member
Gettin janky with it

3 inch drop>1 inch drop> 3 inch drop> reducer. Added some drag, testing to come.
Very cool. At first (slightly dazed) glance I thought it was passing through the Vapbong !
How warm does the wooden head and jubilee clip get during use ?
Also what range of movement is available vertically assuming the head needs to be lowered into the bowl ?
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Well-Known Member
How warm does the wooden head and jubilee clip get during use ?
Interesting question, I took a few measurements with the barbecue thermometer (max. 250°C/ 482°F) without any effort.
Of course, the measurements are not scientifically valid, but I think it is enough as a reference point.
(Please excuse the partly bad photos, I am a little bit in a hurry. ;-) )
The measuring points:
(I hope the conversion to Fahrenheit is accurate, otherwise please correct me.)
1.) Protective glass in the middle (215°C / 419°F)
2.) Metal clamping ring (54°C / ca. 130°F)
3.) Inside of the head (98°C / ca. 209°F)
4.) Top outside (43°C / ca. 110°F)

The ambient temperature is 28°C / ca. 83°F.

1.) Protective glass in the middle (215°C / 419°F)
Inside the glass, directly next to the bulb, I estimate a temperature of around 230-240°C / 446-454°F.
(Since I don't have a professional temperature measuring device, I have to guess. ;-) )

2.) Metal clamping ring (54°C / ca. 130°F)
I can touch the metal ring briefly with my hand without any problem; real working-class hands probably wouldn't even bat an eyelid. ;-D

3.) Inside of the head (98°C / ca. 209°F)
The inside is covered with mica.

4.) Top outside (43°C / ca. 110°F)

In my experience, the risk of burning myself on the glass is very low because I always put the vapo away by the housing. Even if the arm is still moving a little, it can't touch my hand. In any case, I have never been burnt so far.


As a foreign speaker, I don't understand your second question very well, please excuse me.

In any case, it has enough space for a large herb filling in the heating glass chamber and, as you can see in the first photo, the whole arm can be pulled out of the housing, the distance is only limited by the heat-resistant silicone cable.

(This could probably even be customised, provided the device was made especially for the customer.)
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is this thing on?
In my experience, the risk of burning myself on the glass is very low because I always put the vapo away by the housing. Even if the arm is still moving a little, it can't touch my hand. In any case, I have never been burnt so far.
Excellent measurements @Gourmet
I find Renés vaporizer designs thoughtful in terms of heat protection. I haven't burned myself with the element but you could of course if you touch the herbchamber or the bulb glass cover... The Vapman design is probably the safest in terms of butane powered vaporizers. The Micah protection inside the element looks hard to build by the way.


Well-Known Member
The Micah protection inside the element looks hard to build by the way.
You mention an important point here: the details may often seem inconspicuous, but they are usually realised with tricky and elaborate handwork.
In a new production, some steps would have to be carried out much more cost-effectively in order to keep the final price as low as possible.

I find Renés vaporizer designs thoughtful in terms of heat protection.
For which I have thanked him many times.
In the herbalised state, I am very happy when the developer has thought precisely about the slightly reduced attention. ;-D


is this thing on?
For which I have thanked him many times.
In the herbalised state, I am very happy when the developer has thought precisely about the slightly reduced attention. ;-D
I have stamped myself like cattle several times with different Vapes. Not much into brandings I am.

You mention an important point here: the details may often seem inconspicuous, but they are usually realised with tricky and elaborate handwork.
In a new production, some steps would have to be carried out much more cost-effectively in order to keep the final price as low as possible.
The price of a unit is not so high considering what it is. I have owned artisan vapes that were more expensive than this and had to find out the build quality was in fact a joke. Totally different with the Tischelement. It's not just the Micah, the woodwork is great, the used materials are of high quality and as far as I know the transformer in the base is custom ordered. It's not CNC so there is a lot of handiwork in a unit. It is built to last and truly one of a kind. The two units that I have are slightly different as well, one has a longer neck, one runs slightly hotter. If it will be brought back and I guess that is a huge if, I also expect it to be a little different version, might be very interesting but these OGs will remain somewhat special.
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Well-Known Member
The price of a unit is not so high considering what it is.
And what it does. I have not been able to play with it enough since I've gotten it, but my impression is that is has a fairly singular signature and is very, very powerful. My ball vapes get me very high very quickly, but this is like the Vapbong: the experience is just a very powerful and exemplary convection high.

Very cool. At first (slightly dazed) glance I thought it was passing through the Vapbong !
How warm does the wooden head and jubilee clip get during use ?
Also what range of movement is available vertically assuming the head needs to be lowered into the bowl ?
I've tried to measure it but clearly I am not awake enough. however, the glass has to be within .5cm of the base and the head can sit about .5-.75 inches higher than it does when the joint sits in the glass at its normal 3.4 inches from the tabletop; so the joint could be about 4" above the table max on mine. So, there's not much room to play with, unless you cord has enough play to let you easily raise it out of the base, in which case you could mount it a little higher still. You'll have to bring the mountain to mohammed by use of dropdowns and so forth.
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Well-Known Member
You'll have to bring the mountain to mohammed by use of dropdowns and so forth.
@coolbreeze This is kinda what I was thinking when looking at your rollercoaster of J hooks :D
I love your architectural skills but this is a non starter for me. I've a backhand to rival Federer when in full flow and this setup would end up impaling the dog to the wall as I shout at some oxygen thief on the TV news. ;)

@Gourmet thanks so much for taking the time to take these measurements.
Originally the question was going down the route of high temps impacting the wood with the possibility of cracking where the slots are cut.
The measurements you gave confirm the jubilee clip is acting as an beneficial heatsink as well as the method to secure the lamp head and bulb assembly into the wooden head.
They also confirm almost perfect heating temps inside the chamber for draining a good chunk of medicine in a relatively short time (shared of course).
Even factoring in heat drops as the air is drawn through I'm thinking trying to stay above/around 200c/400f level without combustion should be more than enough to prove a point once and for all to some very gnarly old fuckers that I plan to invite to its welcome party.

@passenger I agree 100% that if the Vapman guys can re-invent this in a commercially viable way it would be awesome but these OG pieces will remain unique and IMO that should be cherished.

Thanks again to all of you for your guidance, enthusiasm and dedication to help a 'newbie'. Loving this space....


Well-Known Member
this is a non starter for me.
Yeah, I was just sorta playing with the extremes of my glass, but I think for instance i could mount the Aromed jointed chamber easily in a Magic Flight Orbiter with a single s-shaped dropdown, just to make up the distance the bases force, and it would be in range height-wise, as well.

I will mess around and post some shots and findings when my other chambers arrive. I assume that whipped glass will be the safest to try this with just to reduce movement of the joints, etc.
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but I think for instance i could mount the Aromed jointed chamber easily in a Magic Flight Orbiter with a single s-shaped dropdown
This is where my head was going but GRAV slush cup with 14mm female accepting the Aromed bowl as I never got round to getting an
Orbiter yet.
Just to throw another idea out there what about finding funky whisky tumblers or some other receptacle with the ~70mm diameter required to accept the OG lid ?


Well-Known Member
This is where my head was going but GRAV slush cup with 14mm female accepting the Aromed bowl as I never got round to getting an
Orbiter yet.
Just to throw another idea out there what about finding funky whisky tumblers or some other receptacle with the ~70mm diameter required to accept the OG lid ?
Funny you should ask...yes! I've debated having a heady one made by elev8 glass, but we'll see about that. I've seen some gorgeous fumed ones, but not the right diameter. I know they're out there somewhere.
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Funny you should ask...yes! I've debated having a heady one made by elev8 glass, but we'll see about that. I've seen some gorgeous fumed ones, but not the right diameter. I know they're out there somewhere.
I fully concur ;-) should be room for a carb/recycling in there with custom spec.


Well-Known Member
I fully concur ;-) should be room for a carb/recycling in there with custom spec.
And, if you are really going with the lazy Susan idea, maybe you could get one with a raised center to give a little more vertical play? I had considered setting mine on a slice of log or something, but I'm not sure I'll need to. Can't wait till the parts come!
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Well-Known Member
And, if you are really going with the lazy Susan idea, maybe you could get one with a raised center to give a little more vertical play? I had considered setting mine on a slice of log or something, but I'm not sure I'll need to. Can't wait till the parts come!
LOL. Yup. Lazy Susan hangs about 6" above poker level but looking at the possibilities below the belt :)
Hence my obsession with stability.


Well-Known Member
Originally the question was going down the route of high temps impacting the wood with the possibility of cracking where the slots are cut.
I once saw a Tischstation in René's workshop that had been in heavy medical use for around 2 decades, so he gave it a service.
The head was a bit dark at the bottom from the many years of herbal vapours and therefore looked a bit rustic, so it was replaced.

My station is also over 18 years old and works like a charm. I think it is a relatively good product. :D

They also confirm almost perfect heating temps inside the chamber for draining a good chunk of medicine in a relatively short time (shared of course).
Even factoring in heat drops as the air is drawn through I'm thinking trying to stay above/around 200c/400f level without combustion should be more than enough to prove a point once and for all to some very gnarly old fuckers that I plan to invite to its welcome party.
Chances are that you will succeed in doing this reasonably well. :D

I often play with the draw speed and tighten the air tube with my thumb and index finger.
It has almost no resistance when drawing, so you can experiment with the airflow until it suits you.

A little precaution beforehand:
If someone is not yet such an experienced vaponaut or is only using microdosing, I strongly recommend only taking short drags!
I know from experience that it scares you when people suddenly faint after taking a drag... (whistling and checking fingernails for dirt ;) )

You could actually put 1gr of herbs in, which I think is a wee bit excessive... ;-)
Even for a large group of highly motivated vaponauts, I wouldn't fill it with more than 0.5 gr (sorry, I don't know the American units of measurement), and then rather refill it several times.

I thank you for joining the vapman community!

Greetings go out to all!


Just a dude
I’m kinda confused, about a lot of things actually, so will someone tell me if this device is available in 2022 or were just a few made from available parts last year and the few lucky fuckers* who got one are gathering here to flaunt them & their glorious function in my face?! :lol: Just playin, but they are very cool & seems like a pretty unique experience for sure. I have to keep reminding myself that I’ve got three new vapes coming at some point in the near future and already have more than I need. Because I’m a sick, weak man.

* of combustion


Well-Known Member
have to keep reminding myself that I’ve got three new vapes coming at some point in the near future and already have more than I need. Because I’m a sick, weak man.
Contact Rene, his email is listed just a couple pages back. If he has parts he'll build you one! Otherwise, the guys at Vapman would like to bring it back, maybe check with them? Join us, you won't regret it!

Oh, sorry. I meant, stay strong!


Well-Known Member
so will someone tell me if this device is available in 2022 or were just a few made from available parts last year and the few lucky fuckers* who got one are gathering here to flaunt them & their glorious function in my face?! :lol:
Yes, we're mean as dogs, sneakily teasing others and making their mouths water. :D

I have heard from a reliable source (René) that the young Vapman crew would like to bring this Tischstation back onto the market.
However, I do not know when exactly this will be the case.

I strongly believe that the Vapman Station is first on the to-do list.

But maybe you'll be lucky and René can make one last one?
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