Interesting News, Articles & Stuff


Old & In the Way
@florduh it's cleverly spelled different! The mainstream artists are so creative these days!
NOT! :shit:
Wasn't he in Super Bowl show with a complete testament to materialism? That's what I saw...

For a few decades I tried to keep up, by subscribing to Rolling Stone. Now, the cause is lost, for me anyways...
I also generally feel that music today is like it was in the 80's, a wasteland.
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Well-Known Member
@florduh it's cleverly spelled different! The mainstream artists are so creative these days!

Jesus Christ. I didn't know that. Thanks for informing me before some zoomer jumps down my throat.

I remember when 2020 rolled around (that was either yesterday or a century ago, can't tell) people were doing the "Top songs of the 10's". They were indistinguishable from 00's songs, or late 90's songs. Like, you can always tell an 80's song from the 70s or 60s.

Most new music seems like shit, but I wonder if I let things fall through the cracks. We half watched The Grammys, mostly hoping the slappening would continue. No dice. Most of the music was mids. But Joni Mitchell introduced this folk singer I've never heard of. Her performance fucking slapped. Can't find the Grammys performance but this is the same song:

I respect anyone who can write their own music (kinda rare now), play piano, then rip on an electric guitar.


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Well-Known Member
Chris Smalls, the guy who founded an independent union and defeated Amazon, gives me more hope than any politician in America. Apparently he got in trouble from the blue checkmark smooth brains on Twitter for going on the Tucker Carlson show.

Cucker brought Smalls on because he (rightly) lambasted supposedly pro-labor politician Alexandria Cortez for not joining them on the picket line. Smalls politely and deftly turned the conversation back to the struggle between workers and Amazon.

"It wasn't just her," Smalls told Carlson of Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., who he has previously criticized over her choice to pull out of an appearance at an Amazon labor rally in Staten Island last August. "It was all of them," he added, suggesting that no progressives showed up. "Once again, we have no ill will against them. We know that whether they showed up or not, they didn't make or break our election."

Good for him. And even though Tucker Carlson is a real cunt, he's the most watched show amongst people who barbeque their brain with political media all day. If Smalls can get a Fox host and heir to the Swanson frozen dinners dynasty to say the following to his massive audience, he is a hero in my book:

"Yeah, I mean, it's a weird moment," Carlson responded. "Because I'm on the right. I've never been particularly pro-union. But it does seem like Amazon needs some counterbalance. It's a huge company, the workers have no power, and maybe we could share a little power with the people who work there."

Yes, Tucker. That is the point. Here's a clip from the interview:

Tucker likes complaining about a "crisis in masculinity". Maybe he should look in the mirror. He sounds like a squeaky voiced, born with a silver spoon in his mouth little bitch. I feel my T levels lowering just hearing him.
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Active Member
Rubisco, short for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and the most abundant enzyme found on Earth,
transforms carbon dioxide into a biologically friendly form, which plants use to build their tissues

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Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
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Old & In the Way
The Catholic Church must have more pedophiles and predators than any organization in the history of man. It seems embedded in the culture. This article tells of hundreds of children, over many years, just in one small area of New Jersey, making claims as the church filed bankruptcy like Alex Jones...



Well-Known Member

This is tough for me, because Disney is a shitbag corporation, though not for any of the reasons Desantis is crying about. Ronnie himself is sentient human feces, but he's right. Corporations shouldn't be allowed to setup their own governments.

I do like that Ronnie, after Disney criticized his "Virtue Signalling to Homophobes Act", pointed out Disney doesn't criticize the Chinese government. So Ronnie decided to act like the CCP and is punishing a corporation for speaking out against the government. Real free speech warrior over here.

Disney is a shitbag corporation, not because they're turning kids gay. That's absurd. No, they're shitbags because they charge $700 a night for their crappy hotels while paying the people who run them so little they can't afford a 1 bedroom apartment within 50 miles of Disney World. They're assholes because too many of the people who generate their obscene profits have to live in their cars.

But no one's interested in tackling real issues, like affordable housing. So all you can do is kick back and enjoy the spectacle.



Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
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Putin is a War Criminal
The Catholic Church must have more pedophiles and predators than any organization in the history of man. It seems embedded in the culture. This article tells of hundreds of children, over many years, just in one small area of New Jersey, making claims as the church filed bankruptcy like Alex Jones...

I have never understood the surprise that people claim to have that an organization that enforces celibacy on legions of men, forbidding normal sexual behavior that is built into the species survival, would have whatever sexual opportunity is available to them become regular behavior. Sexual desire is built into our biology, just like it is with all living creatures. Forbidding it will only drive it underground. Duh.

Allow priests to marry and this warped behavior will likely disappear (or at least be dramaticly reduced) in a generation...


Well-Known Member
Allow priests to marry and this warped behavior will likely disappear (or at least be dramaticly reduced) in a generation...

Possibly. The Catholic Church is disgusting. They moved pedophile priests around the country like Sea World when orcas attacked trainers. But they're hardly the only church with an abuse problem. Evangelical preachers can get married and they touch little kids pretty regularly too.



Well-Known Member

Unionized nursing homes across the US had 11% lower resident COVID-19 death rates and 7% lower worker infection rates than non-unionized nursing homes. The mechanism appears to be that unionized workers have better access to paid sick leave, SARS-CoV-2 testing, and personal protective equipment.


Well-Known Member
Desantis ending Disney World's autonomy in Floriduh isn't all bad news for The Mouse.

Effectively, Disney’s loss of control also hands it a $163 million per year tax break. If the entire state of Florida was responsible for covering the hole, each taxpayer would have to cough up roughly $7.50.

However, this burden will not be shared equally. Despite zero debate or public comment, and the near-total opposition of Central Florida’s delegation to this maneuver, Orange and Osceola County taxpayers will shoulder the hit alone, leaving both counties staring at financial ruin.

Disney will effectively get a $163 million dollar per year tax break, paid for by the residents of Orange and Osceola counties. Tens of thousands of Disney employees live in those counties, so they'll now be paying their employer's taxes.
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Well-Known Member

I've heard that dissolving a special district requires a vote from the residents of that district. I've also heard that it doesn't matter because Disney never had their little "city council" vote to approve that stipulation back in the 60's. In either case, I'd think the legislature can repeal, change, or pass any law they'd like.

The dissolution of Disney's special district wouldn't go into effect until next summer. So there's still time for lawsuits. I live in one of the affected counties. This decision will cause a massive, possibly bankrupting, budget shortfall. Legally, the county can't pass along those costs to Disney. So they'll be forced to raise property taxes on residents, possibly by as much as 20-25%.

My taxes could go up 25% so a multinational corporation can get a $163 million per year tax break. Raising taxes on Floridians and feuding with the biggest employer in the State pretty conclusively tells me that Ronnie isn't interested in re-election. He's going for the White House.


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