Anvil by Vestratto


Well-Known Member
Anytime bro! The Anvil is a powerhouse for the amount of herb being used, i think if we can pack a 0.2-0.25g it will deff hold up with some of the 0.5g heavies which is something we would love to do now hearing many users reactions and comparisons. I'll be sure to post a video of the bigger chamber as soon as i get one to try out
Looking forward to hearing about the larger chamber. Any idea how much larger would it be versus the current one?


Well-Known Member
How's the anvil on the go? I mainly use a dynavap natively and have so for a while now. I do use glass but not as often as native. When out and about, I carry a triple or quad flame torch and get pretty decent results provided it isn't exceptionally blustery. How would the anvil work in those situations? Does anyone take their anvil out on say, a hike?


Well-Known Member
I imagine it depends what you mean by "on the go". For me, where the Dynavap shines is stepping out of a bar or party or family event and having a quick smoke.

With the long heatup and cool down times, I imagine the anvil wouldn't be as ideal in these situations. Neither device is ideal if you're moving around, or out in a very cold area like say - a chairlift.

But for those times when you can sit down and have a little longer to partake, the anvil would do well. I would think sitting at a picnic bench, or before a movie starts it would do just fine. But if you're stepping out with the cig smokers I think the Dynavap's speed would have its' benefits. Of course carts would have em both beat in this situation.


Vapes R Great
The heat retention is something you have to get use to, coming from dynavaps and being conditioned for cooling in a few seconds.
using a futostash magnet so far and keep a cloth handy in case I need to mess with a warm/hot oven.

My only issues so far have been getting some airflow going but after watching the YouTube videos, I’ve started to get the hang of it.
hopefully should have it all dialed in after one more session today.


Well-Known Member
How's the anvil on the go? I mainly use a dynavap natively and have so for a while now. I do use glass but not as often as native. When out and about, I carry a triple or quad flame torch and get pretty decent results provided it isn't exceptionally blustery. How would the anvil work in those situations? Does anyone take their anvil out on say, a hike?
I'm using it the last few days out walking and had no problem using it outdoors Usually takes me about 25 sec for the click depending were you heat it. .You can pop it straight in the case after you hit it do and the magnet on the lid of the case cools it down at lot faster.. So i don't see much of a difference on the heating up are cooling down time between the two. The anvil is way better IMO


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
I'm using it the last few days out walking and had no problem using it outdoors Usually takes me about 25 sec for the click depending were you heat it. .You can pop it straight in the case after you hit it do and the magnet on the lid of the case cools it down at lot faster.. So i don't see much of a difference on the heating up are cooling down time between the two. The anvil is way better IMO

Thanks for the info. What's your torch of choice for the out doors? What was the out door temp for reference?


Well-Known Member
I use this lighter - I just RTL until I get 2 clicks (50-60 seconds) and throw it into my mobius and get full 100% extraction. I really love this thing.

Pack of 4 Eagle Jet Gun Torch Lighter Windproof Refillable Lighter Assorted Color
That's probably the same power give or take as my honest single flame and it isn't really working the best. Where are you heating it exactly? And how many hits does that give you per bowl?


Gentleman Of Leisure
That's probably the same power give or take as my honest single flame and it isn't really working the best. Where are you heating it exactly? And how many hits does that give you per bowl?
Yeah I doubt the cheap Eagle torches are any great shout for the Anvil (as evidenced by the super slow heat-up time). @thegame310 probably just means that's what he's using because that's all he has right now by way of singles. I can't think of a torch with a smaller single flame than the four pack of Eagles I got back before I started acquiring induction heaters. Most use they get nowadays is lighting an occasional candle

Thanks for the info everyone. I'll definitely be adding the avil to the vas list.
Get on the waitlist for sure. It's so powerful and efficient you'll think something is wrong


Well-Known Member
Get on the waitlist for sure. It's so powerful and efficient you'll think something is wrong
I absolutely have to second this comment.

I successfully RTL the other night and was completely blitzed off two bowls.

The ABV was a very dark brown, no black at all.

I cannot believe how incredibly efficient the Anvil is.

Did I mention how completely blitzed I was off two bowls.... Oh, and did I mention how completely blitzed I was off two bowls?



Active Member
That's probably the same power give or take as my honest single flame and it isn't really working the best. Where are you heating it exactly? And how many hits does that give you per bowl?
I’m heating the thermal battery directly, takes maybe a minute to get my 2 clicks. Full extraction.

That's probably the same power give or take as my honest single flame and it isn't really working the best. Where are you heating it exactly? And how many hits does that give you per bowl?
I took a quick video of my technique, and a picture of my abv.



I couldn't get a video of the actual hit, because I promptly knocked my phone off my holder after the 2nd click lol. But I am directly on the thermal battery.


Vapes R Great
Man this thing is doing my head in
i cant get any sort of decent airflow
is it just the way it is? Super tight milkshake hits? That Can’t be right?
damn near bust a bloodvessel trying to hit this thing??

Got the score line to the bottom of the window so it should be on ”open”
Rotate so the score line moves to top so should be “closed”… no difference.
maybe mine is defective some way but I don’t see how, took it apart a few times already..


Active Member
Man this thing is doing my head in
i cant get any sort of decent airflow
is it just the way it is? Super tight milkshake hits? That Can’t be right?
damn near bust a bloodvessel trying to hit this thing??

Got the score line to the bottom of the window so it should be on ”open”
Rotate so the score line moves to top so should be “closed”… no difference.
maybe mine is defective some way but I don’t see how, took it apart a few times already..
Mine doesn’t and has never hit that hard and I always pack it full.

Edit: the airflow is incredibly confusing, but never have my hits been that tight or blood vessel bursting.


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
Man this thing is doing my head in
i cant get any sort of decent airflow
is it just the way it is? Super tight milkshake hits? That Can’t be right?
damn near bust a bloodvessel trying to hit this thing??

Got the score line to the bottom of the window so it should be on ”open”
Rotate so the score line moves to top so should be “closed”… no difference.
maybe mine is defective some way but I don’t see how, took it apart a few times already.

Doesn't sound right at all! Still waiting for mine, but I'd trouble shoot first by removing the bowl and see if air flow changes. If it does then you know the culprit. If it doesn't continue working your way through the built.

Might want to watch @Whiff dissasembly/assembly video first to refresh your memory. Not really sure how this could be possible. :hmm:



Vestratto Brand Ambassador
Company Rep
Who's doing hash / kief bowls in the anvil these days? Or does that really need to wait on the helix? Thoughts, @Whiff ?
i use the half bowl for pure kief hits but i cover the chamber with a screen after as i find the kief sticks to the condenser screen

Man this thing is doing my head in
i cant get any sort of decent airflow
is it just the way it is? Super tight milkshake hits? That Can’t be right?
damn near bust a bloodvessel trying to hit this thing??

Got the score line to the bottom of the window so it should be on ”open”
Rotate so the score line moves to top so should be “closed”… no difference.
maybe mine is defective some way but I don’t see how, took it apart a few times already..

When fully open there should be a little open gap exposed, the line technically goes below the window to expose more airflow.

Try taking it apart and screwing the airport valve all the way down then assemble it back together and that will give you wide open airflow

i want to link a pic from discord but discord is down right now it seems

Edit: discord is back, here is the pic

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Unregulated Tendencies
I set my airflow to wide open and it's as open as my firewood 7 if not more while giving me much denser vapor.
I’m feeling similar at half-open (half-closed? 🤔). Just as well since I can’t quite remember how to set it fully closed.

It’s not obvious enough and I like half-open enough that I’d rather just hit it instead. But I’m sure I’ll try it eventually.


Well-Known Member
Man this thing is doing my head in
i cant get any sort of decent airflow
is it just the way it is? Super tight milkshake hits? That Can’t be right?
damn near bust a bloodvessel trying to hit this thing??

Got the score line to the bottom of the window so it should be on ”open”
Rotate so the score line moves to top so should be “closed”… no difference.
maybe mine is defective some way but I don’t see how, took it apart a few times already..
Make sure the top portion is seated completely against the lower assembly. If it slips up just a few millimeters on the airflow valve--no matter where the valve is set--it will restrict the flow. I've accidentally pulled mine every-so-slightly apart while unscrewing the oven, and it pretty much shuts off.
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