I can get between 12 -16 full timer hits when I temp step with good weed but they are not monster clouds that way. as for sharing I don't think is particularly good for that with its load size and I say that as a micro doser, better off each having their own pot and wit the limited battery you will not get to many. for sharing you want to look at the Bowles progenitor the Minivap, that is my next purchaseI'm seeing more folks write about finishing a bowle in 1 to 3 hits.
Is anyone liking this for a short session, or sharing? Maybe lower temp and 6 to 8, or is that simply not do-able?
Usually I finish a full pot but very sparsely loaded in around 7 hits, 4-5 on level 2 and couple more at 3I'm seeing more folks write about finishing a bowle in 1 to 3 hits.
Is anyone liking this for a short session, or sharing? Maybe lower temp and 6 to 8, or is that simply not do-able?
Very nice write up, I'm glad it worked out so well for you and that you are enjoying it!!
Why not post here though?:
Tafée Bowle
I'm seeing more folks write about finishing a bowle in 1 to 3 hits. Is anyone liking this for a short session, or sharing? Maybe lower temp and 6 to 8, or is that simply not do-able?fuckcombustion.com
Oh no I didn't realise there was another thread I will post it thereVery nice write up, I'm glad it worked out so well for you and that you are enjoying it!!
Why not post here though?:
Tafée Bowle
I'm seeing more folks write about finishing a bowle in 1 to 3 hits. Is anyone liking this for a short session, or sharing? Maybe lower temp and 6 to 8, or is that simply not do-able?fuckcombustion.com
I didn't realise there was a thread I'm a bit of a newbie here sorryThis! +1
Haha I can't see that tbh I review the vapes I buy and the legal cannabis mainly to help people switch over from combustion and how the legal bit all works but I'm a bit of an activist and quality isn't up to standard at the moment so I'm not praising it at the moment lol alot of people don't like that I speak the truth. I've only 400 odd followers when I was compassionqueen I was up to 1.8K but yeah im loving the Tafée just wish battery was better really.fantastic write upso when will her ladyship @Compassionqueen vape aficionado and reviewer be getting her first coupon code and when can I subscribe to your news letter???
all joking aside I'm glad you are enjoying your purchase.
Yeah this hits waay harder than the mighty albeit you couldn't rely on this outside of the house really unless you've a powerbank.yes the battery is the weak point, otherwise it really is a great vape. I have a crafty, it was my first vape but I never got on with it. I need higher temp than it went.
Although I'm still getting the draw technique down to just single press. It doesn't seem to like how I draw so it cuts off early sometimes. I'm trying slow sips and harder pulls but I think there's just a slight learning curve to it especially with the lip being lower down. Obviously holding the button works fine but I'd like to get the draw down to use the single press method if you've any tips?
I'm still loving it I think I need to get the better grinder and some more bowls. I wish there was a better caddy for them as the grinder magnets aren't very strong and I've lost a few pots lol
I've noticed drawing after it shuts off produces more vapor
personally I like to use the button which allows me to clear the vapour if ii want to take shorter draws but I also do plenty of full timer hits that way too
Cells get worn out much quicker when you keep them full (or empty) all the time. I know it's a bit of a pain, but I recommend using the charge until it can't give you one more session, otherwise you'll see it reaching its end of life sooner than necessary.I get around 5 bowls on level 3 on full charge however I keep mine on charge so it isn't an issue however it doesn't seem to have pass through as such so when the device is empty you will need to wait for some charge to use it.
I ran into this on one of my Bowle's after both had sat in the cupboard for an extended period of time. I left the puck plugged in (with the official cord and charger) for hours but I wasn't able to turn it on to start the battery reset procedure that @Bad Dog explained. I kept trying different charging blocks and cords and noticed lights were coming on immediately after plugging in (or was it after) and I was able to shut the device off. It's like it had died while in standby and when I was able to shut the device off it then started charging. That doesn't make sense but I don't know how else to explain it. Its been fine since through a couple cycles.Hey anybody have problems with their Bowle. Mine is totally locked up. I can't get it to turn on I've tried everything no lights come on ever no matter what I do. I've tried to change the outlet I've charged it in and no luck.
Hi @Bad Dog You haven't been pissing on the rug have you....
Try this too:Hey anybody have problems with their Bowle. Mine is totally locked up. I can't get it to turn on I've tried everything no lights come on ever no matter what I do. I've tried to change the outlet I've charged it in and no luck.
Hi @Bad Dog You haven't been pissing on the rug have you....
I've found using the button is giving me better results now tbh as I'm able to clear the hits better. I don't know if it's my device but I've noticed using the auto press and getting the draw right it isn't cutting off when I stop drawing (staying green) so I've had to manually press the fire button to end the session.personally I like to use the button which allows me to clear the vapour if ii want to take shorter draws but I also do plenty of full timer hits that way to, I do feel like clearing your hits will prolong the longevity of the device. try drawing hard for 3-5 seconds then settle to whatever is comfortable, you should get way less errors.
Honestly USB 3, I'd put the lights on the back of the unit tbh and the charge port as anything darker than lemonade in the cup does block the display LED colours for me and a bigger battery and this thing would absolutely fly off the shelves. I've so many friends that have been looking for a semi portable and this thing really is innovative and fabulous but If you've not got a big powerbank it's not going to last you long camping etc.I love the Bowle. I want a v2 already lol
I agree, nice review which I can confirm from my ~2 months experience with the TB – one small tip though:
Cells get worn out much quicker when you keep them full (or empty) all the time. I know it's a bit of a pain, but I recommend using the charge until it can't give you one more session, otherwise you'll see it reaching its end of life sooner than necessary.
The trick is consistency, do not change your draw mid hit, that's what fucks with the sensor, you can draw slow or you can draw fast, but maintain that draw is all... Every now and then it misreads, and turns off mid-hit, so just try again, sometimes maybe the button wasn't fully pressed or you inhaled a little too early, whatever it is lol
The biggest tip though, when you use the single press method, is to press the power button and the temp button at the same time to turn it off, so you can then clear your hit, I do that all the time because I like clearing my hits fully on demand, but it's nice to not have to hold the button down the whole time...
I don't think the Tafée Grinder is worthwhile at all, if you did not already have a brilliant cut grinder I would highly recommend grabbing one of those! Too bad you may have missed the factory second sale now... Someone discovered the pots actually do fit in the BCG if you want to use them the way you use the Tafée Grinder... Also someone else is having Doug's Woodery make them a custom Roadie stash that will have slots for the Bowle pots!
Yes I'm doing this now I usually do it with all my vapes but I was struggling with the one press method whether that's me or the device god knows but I know it's not shutting off once I've finished drawing which is strange but may just be settling in.You should always be doing this, always keep drawing after you turn off power to the heater, you want to clear out the heat, fully clear your hits, clear the vapor from the piece, keeps it clean longer, less likely that vapor could get on the heater screen or temp sensor etc...
Check out my tip above, I had posted it in the TB thread, you can use the tap auto hit feature and still fully clear your hits if you do not draw the full-time length, just press both buttons together to power off the heater, exit that auto hit before the auto shut off![]()
Hey sorry its easier to reply to you severally with the character limit if that's OKyes I've figured it out now I was drawing too slow almost solo 2 sipping but I didn't realise I could handle harder draws so I'm getting much better vapor production and overall effects. Thank you
I don't know If unit is a bit janky as it sometimes just switches off itself mid session although I'm leaning towards low battery on that because I keep forgetting it doesn't really have passthrough and not checking the charge. But I've been doing that also because sometimes it's not detecting that I've stopped drawing and stays green so I have to manually turn it off and clear the draw anyway. Maybe something to keep an eye on if there's any problems with it but I've got it working lovely now and I'm absolutely loving it.
Thanks that's saved me 60 quid and the rest lol with my hand issues I use a wakit electric grinder and I can control how course etc it is whilst saving my hands as I use around 70g per month. I've been looking at the brilliant cut grinders are they the threadless ones? I can grind a small amount for the Tafée although I've just been using the wakit and the top funnel part of the grinder I think that's the best bit of it lol
I'll have a look as I definitely need a stable holder for the pots preferably one that will seal them as there's no lids and I've dropped a bit of herb with them already lol edit forgot to say like I love how I can keep 12 mighty caps in the raw doob tubes so I'd love something that could hold a few.
Yes I'm doing this now I usually do it with all my vapes but I was struggling with the one press method whether that's me or the device god knows but I know it's not shutting off once I've finished drawing which is strange but may just be settling in.
I will this thank you you're always very helpful it's much appreciated. Well everyone thank you![]()
I will do I keep forgetting to post there as I usually spend most of the day answering questions on Instagram or helping someone get a vape and to legal etc so I forget I've posted here till I check my emails. I'm forgetful as it is so this new forum has thrown me a little but im getting used it. A lovely place with lovely people. So glad I'm here. Reddit is not a friendly place in general I've found. But yeah it's just getting better and better as I'm getting the technique so it really was a perfect purchase so thanks for reccomending it as I'd never heard of it. My followers are like what the hell is that but they love it its just unknown really.Haha yeah we're usually writing so much! That's great, takes time to learn how it works, yeah you definitely want a good deep inhale, you don't sip like you would a solo... I'm glad it's working out so well, should only get better! You should post in the thread, there are more people there using, where you'll get more interaction, more tips and suggestions of accessories etc??![]()
Yeah brilliant cut grinder does not have threads, although they have a new four piece coming out that has quarter turn threads, the original has magnets, and my favorite part is side teeth and the lid so it doesn't lock up ever, and they look really pretty, with high grade aluminum and so many colors! There are still some factory seconds available...
Brilliant Cut Grinder (aluminum) - Brilliant Cut Grinders
Ready-to-Ship. Factory second aluminum grinders have minor blemishes or scratches but they fit and function like a standard BCG.grindersforlife.com