@TheFatBastard , really like reading your journey, and this tread

I'm in the sort of 'lucky position' that from a young age (9 years old)on, when I got a accident and massive brain damage,i always realised I could and would not work my entire life, soo I had to come up with a plan.
So, being permanently medical high, I worked out a plan.:
Work a few jobs for people with to much money., my passion since born is sailing, easy choice , I studied (and had to lone a even today massive amount of money)for becoming a Yachtbuilder with specialty in new fancy materials.(carbon epoxy double layer hull etc.).
I build for two clients in 3,5 years time(working nonstop, besides vaping and sleeping)2 one off yachts.
52 ,and 59 feet long.
I made of this a substantial amount of money, (and even though always dyslectic always been a number person with a good memory for the numbers)((what short term memory being affected by weed consumption?? I honestly am always high and I never noticed that personally))(((hahaha I would almost think people whom think their memory get's affected , should spend more time being high, no problemo

,just don't be not high ...

So I followed since a boy off 5 years old the sharemarket,(massive fascination with the numbers...yeah I know; nerd....)and invested all(!) my saved money in shares(with sweaty hands and sweat on my bald head...

The rest is history, I don't have to work, but if I like doing something I do take it on for some extra coin en the experience.
now this is my income, but I am also married with a absolutely super intelligent wife whom has her P.D. in 7 studies(and my investments helped paying for those studies), her IQ is the highest possible without becoming insane....

my like smart hot woman with brains
So, that was my story , which I normally have trouble to share.
But what I am meaning to say to you@TheFatBastard, is yes brother Follow Your Hart, and indeed meditating, is very helpful for finding your "track"in life.
Stay true to yourself, and you will be not only alright, but quite possibly very succesfull!
positive vibes send, Aroha.