Shit Snacks
Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
RastaBuddhaTao has re risen! Despite the pause after ending RBT a couple months ago, Lee and Ryan's new company HerbalTherm is launching soon! Though their plans for the desktop unit fell through, this new product is finally coming to fruition as the 2XV (remember ZipZap? lol) with a prototype unit just received and alpha units being made... I should be part of the beta test team too when the time comes, we were notified by email and sent the below video, which lays out the design of this new vape (yes I will not stop saying vape haha I guess I could say aromatherapy device, though they want us to say thermal liberator... liberate the herb!)
Message from the makers:
"Thank you to this community for literally everything, could not be here without it and all of you!
A beta team has been formed to evaluate a design for a new 8mm herbal heater. It's high flow, full convection and has a large load chamber. It's compatible with 8mm stems and DynaVap has stated that they have no objection to the design. Above is the link to the video that was shared with the beta team, Ryan has filed a provisional patent for it and therefore is openly sharing the design and beta test results of the team along the way. Lee is fronting the new company and Ryan will be designing the new products of course!
The idea is full transparency of the beta test, and improvement phase, in order to promote an Advanced Notice List on the HerbalTherm .com website when it launches soon... If enough people sign-up, then we will do a pilot production run for the US and Canada, then on to world wide retail if the demand is there, so go sign-up if you're at all interested!"
Exciting stuff, much more to come... So as someone who is not really into VapCap myself (I have the OG all glass for rare occasions, but sold my OG Omni and TiWoody) or using a torch anymore, I admit I was not very interested in this idea at all and had voted for the desktop before... However seeing how this design has evolved, I do think the current iteration shown above could be a pretty unique and effective vapor creator! Obviously I will be much more interested to use it with an induction heater, I guess I will have to get one of those (probably ispire wand? so I can dab with it too, which is the reason I have been close to buying it already, its intended purpose lol) but the modularity should be pretty fun, while the large surface area, herbal chamber, and super pure materials could mean some great, dense and flavorful vapor quality too!

Message from the makers:
"Thank you to this community for literally everything, could not be here without it and all of you!
A beta team has been formed to evaluate a design for a new 8mm herbal heater. It's high flow, full convection and has a large load chamber. It's compatible with 8mm stems and DynaVap has stated that they have no objection to the design. Above is the link to the video that was shared with the beta team, Ryan has filed a provisional patent for it and therefore is openly sharing the design and beta test results of the team along the way. Lee is fronting the new company and Ryan will be designing the new products of course!
The idea is full transparency of the beta test, and improvement phase, in order to promote an Advanced Notice List on the HerbalTherm .com website when it launches soon... If enough people sign-up, then we will do a pilot production run for the US and Canada, then on to world wide retail if the demand is there, so go sign-up if you're at all interested!"
Exciting stuff, much more to come... So as someone who is not really into VapCap myself (I have the OG all glass for rare occasions, but sold my OG Omni and TiWoody) or using a torch anymore, I admit I was not very interested in this idea at all and had voted for the desktop before... However seeing how this design has evolved, I do think the current iteration shown above could be a pretty unique and effective vapor creator! Obviously I will be much more interested to use it with an induction heater, I guess I will have to get one of those (probably ispire wand? so I can dab with it too, which is the reason I have been close to buying it already, its intended purpose lol) but the modularity should be pretty fun, while the large surface area, herbal chamber, and super pure materials could mean some great, dense and flavorful vapor quality too!