For anyone interested in medical cannabis reviews in Florida!


Ok, I don't mind giving that a shot. Do you mind if I ask what type of Boveda pack seems to work best for you?

I'd also like to say that I doubt this is a mold issue as it is my understanding samples are supposed to be checked for mold prior to sale and I've noticed the issue with a new sample from a sealed and unopened container with no visual evidence of mold.
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Well-Known Member
Ok, I don't mind giving that a shot. Do you mind if I ask what type of Boveda pack seems to work best for you?
I've always used 62% packs and haven't ever tried anything else because I can't see a reason to. Boveda is great but right now I have an amazon off-brand one and they work apparently the same so far. What's important is that it's a "2-way" (some might just dehydrate) and I'd go for 62%. Then just get a size that fits your container. Boveda brand makes some specialized cannabis ones that I've been wanting to try.

Edit: The rules say manufacturer website links are ok. I think should be ok here. here:


Well-Known Member
When I buy multiple cups of flower, I come home and weigh every cup and transfer it to a glass jar with a humidity pack.

Flower for me is:

1) GrowHealthy
2) Trulieve
3) Muv
4) Surterra
5) Fluent
6) Vidacann
7) Liberty Health

To be fair, I have not been to 3 - 7 in a long time.


Ok, so it seems the suspect samples I have remaining are improving, at least in the sense of the questionable odor becoming less noticeable relative to the good weed smell I'm used to.

Also, seeing as I noticed someone here asking about the rosins here in FL. I can report I've tried 2. The live rosin hybrid from grow healthy and the xkush rosin from TL. I can tell you that these provide for the smoothest cleanest hits I've ever come across. Not much in the way of flavor or smell compared to flower which prior to trying these rosins is the only thing I had vaped before. I personally didn't see what the benefit of the live vs normal rosin was tho, but I've decided I will cut back a bit on my flower use and replace it with some rosin just because of how clean it seems. It's just a shame that it happens to be quite expensive and hard to come by in general. I'd also like to point out I was using these out of a modded EQ on top of AVB and not a proper dab rig so using just the rosin may yield slightly different results then what I noticed.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I can report I've tried 2. The live rosin hybrid from grow healthy and the xkush rosin from TL. I can tell you that these provide for the smoothest cleanest hits I've ever come across. Not much in the way of flavor or smell compared to flower which prior to trying these rosins is the only thing I had vaped before. I personally didn't see what the benefit of the live vs normal rosin was tho, but I've decided I will cut back a bit on my flower use and replace it with some rosin just because of how clean it seems. It's just a shame that it happens to be quite expensive and hard to come by in general. I'd also like to point out I was using these out of a modded EQ on top of AVB and not a proper dab rig so using just the rosin may yield slightly different results then what I noticed.
Good info! Thx!

This type of info is what I need to know because whatever kind of concentrated cannabis I pick up will only be used every now and then, and because of that I will I be living with it for awhile. That's why I'm looking for something special. I use any kind of concentrated cannabis sparingly because I'm afraid of jacking my tolerance to where my first love, flower, doesn't do it for me like it should. I hope I can resist.....
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I wouldn't think you'd have any tolerance issues as long as you are careful with the dosing. I originally started trying the rosin to use as a bowl finisher so I could drop about a 1/3 a rice size grain on a full bowl of vaped bud to get a little extra out of the flower without having to switch out the bowl mid session to get the level of meds I wanted. This way I was hoping to reduce the amount of AVB I have to worry about dealing with seeing as I don't really like dealing with it in the first place, but I couldn't bring myself to just toss AVB either. I've also used keif for this purpose as well which typically requires closer to a full rice sized amount vs the rosin. I haven't tried any other extracts as I worry about the process used to make some of that stuff and heard that the feeling you get from it can be different from what you'd get from flower.


H.A.L. got screwed!
I'm :cuss:
and I apologize, I spaced this thread, for some reason I'm not getting notifications for it. I will go back and catch up when time permits. I did post a pic of my 420 haul in the Picture Thread within the Vapor Lounge.


Ok, so after looking into the issue I encountered it would appear that the suspect bud I've purchased can be salvaged by 'burping' the suspect bud for a few days. Now I feel a bit bad about returning the bud I did knowing that it probably could have been salvaged with a little extra tlc. I also tested the water from my water pipe I run my vapor through with litmus paper and it has the same PH as the water did prior to use, so that is reassuring as I would think if there was unsafe levels of ammonia in the vapor it would cause the PH to change. I think I'm going to boil a small amount of the suspect flower in water and check the ph that way as well, but so far I'm feeling encouraged by what I've learned up to this point.


Well-Known Member
Damn, Grow Healthy has really upped their game. I’m thrilled with the half oz of Good Dawg I’m still enjoying, and the two different 1/8ths of Littles I picked up today. I got a 99 Problems and a Silicon Valley OG, both with very high terps and THC. It’s not just the lab reports, they have the effects and flavor to prove it.


The SVOG Littles are, indeed, Littles. But they are 22.6% thc and 1.9% terps, and pack a flavor punch.


The 99 Problems is bred from my other favorite, White 99. And it has the same uplifting, but not paranoid, sativa effects. It clocks in at 27.4% thc and 3% terps.


Well-Known Member
I picked up a couple 1/8ths of Layer Cake from Curaleaf when they had a sale yesterday for $25 per 1/8th. I wasn’t going to post about it until I had a couple bowls; then I felt compelled to take photos and share the love.

I would put the experience of trying Layer Cake from Curaleaf on the same level as Wookie Girl, Queso Pero, and White 99 from Grow Healthy. Mind blowingly great.

It produces tons of super-flavorful vapor, and one Mighty bowl left me satisfied. I usually need a couple Mighty bowls to feel like I’ve had enough for the time being. I can’t recommend it enough.


Here’s what’s left of the 1/8 after two Mighty bowls and a vapcap. The lab report isn’t pulling up, so I can’t check it, but the label claims it’s only 18.1% THC. There’s no way that’s accurate. It has a very strong THC flavor, I’d guess closer to 30% based on taste. Like when you spike a bowl of 15% with keif.


The deep purple hues aren’t coming through in the photo, but they sure are in person. You CAN see how sticky it is in the photo though. The cure is very good. I give it a highly recommended rating. Top 5 for sure.
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Well-Known Member
I made my first trip to Vidacann in Miami today. I went to the Deerfield location a year ago, when I first started vaping, and was very disappointed by the flower.

I only placed an order because I’d read it’s got better recently, and I thought the $55 off $100 new patient discount applied to each location. It does not. I ended up paying $100 for two 1/8ths. My mistake, but I was already there and curious, so I paid anyway.

It’s definitely improved, but isn’t the best I’ve had. For sure not worth $50, but maybe worth a visit when they have a decent sale. I got an eighth of Mac1, and an eighth of Champaign Breakfast. I haven’t tried Mac1, but read great reviews of the strain. Champaign Breakfast was the other vidacann strain I saw popping up on Reddit.


The jar is glass, and includes the terpene % on the label. Nice that they try to seem premium for $50.


The Mac1 is really more of Littles/minis, not what I’d consider tier 1. Both strains are pretty dry, and don’t have a ton of scent. But the flavor is fantastic. And they gave me a few integra boost humidity packets to put in the jar. I guess they know their bud it too dry.




The Champaign Breakfast had bigger buds.


I probably won't be going back to Vidacann unless there is a screaming deal. It isn't a convenient location for me. Otherwise, I'd rank their flower along the lines of Curaleaf and the lower Trulieve flower.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I made my first trip to Vidacann in Miami today. I went to the Deerfield location a year ago, when I first started vaping, and was very disappointed by the flower.

I only placed an order because I’d read it’s got better recently, and I thought the $55 off $100 new patient discount applied to each location. It does not. I ended up paying $100 for two 1/8ths. My mistake, but I was already there and curious, so I paid anyway.

It’s definitely improved, but isn’t the best I’ve had. For sure not worth $50, but maybe worth a visit when they have a decent sale. I got an eighth of Mac1, and an eighth of Champaign Breakfast. I haven’t tried Mac1, but read great reviews of the strain. Champaign Breakfast was the other vidacann strain I saw popping up on Reddit.

View attachment 8272

The jar is glass, and includes the terpene % on the label. Nice that they try to seem premium for $50.

View attachment 8274

The Mac1 is really more of Littles/minis, not what I’d consider tier 1. Both strains are pretty dry, and don’t have a ton of scent. But the flavor is fantastic. And they gave me a few integra boost humidity packets to put in the jar. I guess they know their bud it too dry.

View attachment 8273

View attachment 8270

View attachment 8271

The Champaign Breakfast had bigger buds.

View attachment 8275

I probably won't be going back to Vidacann unless there is a screaming deal. It isn't a convenient location for me. Otherwise, I'd rank their flower along the lines of Curaleaf and the lower Trulieve flower.
Curious how the Mac1 worked out. Mac1 was one of my top favorites when I got it from One Plant. Mac1 was a higher tier than basic but came in around 15% THC so I wasn't expecting "fire".... but I couldn't have been more wrong. I also wasn't impressed with the VidaCann flower.


Well-Known Member
Curious how the Mac1 worked out. Mac1 was one of my top favorites when I got it from One Plant. Mac1 was a higher tier than basic but came in around 15% THC so I wasn't expecting "fire".... but I couldn't have been more wrong. I also wasn't impressed with the VidaCann flower.
Wow, it’s a special strain for sure. Very unique flavor. I love it. The effects seem on par with the labeled %. I had very high expectations, thinking maybe it could just be the hot new strain in FL. It lived up to the expectation of “fire” (hate that term:shrug:) hype. I only had a terp torch bowl, and vapcap. I want to let it humidify with the included integra packs for a few days to really get the most out of it.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Finally down to 2 1/8's of Reggae Cowboy and 2 1/8's of PCB x Animal Cookies so its time to start looking for a deal on the next bulk purchase. I don't like to get below a half ounce.

I've got two unused first timer deals:
- Curaleaf: 50% off (limit two units from the same product line- i.e. Flower and Pre-rolls are different product lines, "select elite live" and "THC Live Blends are different product lines. Hate to waste a good 50% discount so I'm waiting on a decent strain of flower to show up so I can pull the trigger on both "live carts" and get some flower too.

- The Flowery: There is/was a 50% off "Rotten Rozay" strain in an email while supplies last and you can stack the first time purchase discount (20%) with a group discount such as the senior discount (15%) for a total of 35%. So you can get the 50% off Rotten Rozay AND/OR the 35% off other strains.

Stacking Flowery discounts was a question awhile back:
- You can stack a special discount (First time customer 20% OR Birthday 25%) with one group discount (Veterans 25%, Senior Age 60+ 15%, Pediatrics 30%, Industry 15% and Snap 15%)

Trulieve: Got an email today saying same day delivery for locations within 10 miles of a dispensary. 1 Gram Trupods are 30% off.....never tried them myself.


Well-Known Member
You all are spoiled with so many choices...ahhhh big city life, lol. I hope we get more around me soon.
I remember when I got my card a few years ago even Miami only had two dispensary locations; Trulieve Miami Airport and Curaleaf South Miami. Now I got Curaleaf, Fluent, Liberty Health Science, Vidacann, Grow Healthy, and Trulieve within 30 min. Then there’s delivery. A lot of dispensaries will deliver to my address, but don’t have an actual store. Hopefully it will improve for you as well.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Finally down to 2 1/8's of Reggae Cowboy and 2 1/8's of PCB x Animal Cookies so its time to start looking for a deal on the next bulk purchase. I don't like to get below a half ounce.

I've got two unused first timer deals:
- Curaleaf: 50% off (limit two units from the same product line- i.e. Flower and Pre-rolls are different product lines, "select elite live" and "THC Live Blends are different product lines. Hate to waste a good 50% discount so I'm waiting on a decent strain of flower to show up so I can pull the trigger on both "live carts" and get some flower too.

- The Flowery: There is/was a 50% off "Rotten Rozay" strain in an email while supplies last and you can stack the first time purchase discount (20%) with a group discount such as the senior discount (15%) for a total of 35%. So you can get the 50% off Rotten Rozay AND/OR the 35% off other strains.

Stacking Flowery discounts was a question awhile back:
- You can stack a special discount (First time customer 20% OR Birthday 25%) with one group discount (Veterans 25%, Senior Age 60+ 15%, Pediatrics 30%, Industry 15% and Snap 15%)

Trulieve: Got an email today saying same day delivery for locations within 10 miles of a dispensary. 1 Gram Trupods are 30% off.....never tried them myself.
I placed the Curaleaf order for:
- Brandywine Flower (18%) - 2, 1/8s (reg price $70)
- Ground Layer Cake (18%) - 1 unit with 2 1/8s (reg rice $49)
- Mini Buds Purple Sunset (16%) - 1, 1/8s (reg price $25)
- Elite Live - Citrus Farmer (reg price $64)
- Elite Live - Grape Diamond (reg price $60)
- Live Blends - Afghani Purple Punch (reg price $56)
- Live Blends - Afghani Watermelon OG (reg price $56)
- Fresh - Lemon Cake (reg price $32)
- Fresh - Watermelon (reg price $32)

The total comes out to $444 without the 50% discount. With the 50% discount = $259 (For flower I can only take 50% off either the two Brandywine Flower or the 50% off the Ground plus Mini flower (The difference being 50% off $70 or 50% off $74) because all flower, except pre-rolls are in the same product line and only 2 units from each product line is allowed for the 50% off.

Got a feeling the flower won't be nearly as good as the Cultivar Collection from Trulieve I've been hoarding but sometimes I just want to hotbox the place without feeling guilty for wasting mother nature.....if the taste is decent I wouldn't mind enjoying a couple sessions like that.


Well-Known Member
Ordered from the Flowery for the first time and I gotta say it’s the most pleasant delivery I’ve had and the flower I got is amazing. I got White Fire 20% and it’s their “juniors” $150 for 14g. I think I’m just going to re-order this over and over again from now on because I really really like it. 29E3FA4D-401C-4585-978A-8E569C082C71.jpegE579703A-74CC-46BE-8DBE-BDC52BA53496.jpegIt’s such a mission to find flower indicas lately. Sold out everywhere! These guys have plenty in stock it seems.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Review of First Curaleaf Delivery (Flower Only):

Order details:
I placed the Curaleaf order for:
- Brandywine Flower (18%) - 2, 1/8s (reg price $70)
- Ground Layer Cake (18%) - 1 unit with 2 1/8s (reg rice $49)
- Mini Buds Purple Sunset (16%) - 1, 1/8s (reg price $25)
- Elite Live - Citrus Farmer (reg price $64)
- Elite Live - Grape Diamond (reg price $60)
- Live Blends - Afghani Purple Punch (reg price $56)
- Live Blends - Afghani Watermelon OG (reg price $56)
- Fresh - Lemon Cake (reg price $32)
- Fresh - Watermelon (reg price $32)

The total comes out to $444 without the 50% discount. With the 50% discount = $259 (For flower I can only take 50% off either the two Brandywine Flower or the 50% off the Ground plus Mini flower (The difference being 50% off $70 or 50% off $74) because all flower, except pre-rolls are in the same product line and only 2 units from each product line is allowed for the 50% off.

The web site was easy enough to use. I like that in most of the cases they display the THC% in the title of the flower product so I don't have to waste a click to find out what the % is. Took advantage of the first time customer BOGO for 2 of any product line. See the "order details" above for how the deal worked.

Delivery was well organized. Got an email to say thanks for the order, one call to confirm order, price, delivery date and time. A text was received just before they arrived and they arrived when they said they would originally. The order was correct and the gentleman who made the delivery was quick and personable.

Rating Used: Poor, Average, Good and Holy Shit. None of the flower qualified for a Holy Shit.

- Brandywine Flower (18%) - 2, 1/8s (reg price $70) - Would buy again if its on sale.
Smell: Average
Taste: Average
Trim: Average
Cure: Average
Effect: Average +

Brandywine Curaleaf.jpg

- Mini Buds Purple Sunset (16%) - 1, 1/8s (reg price $25) - My favorite flower of the order and also was the lowest THC%. Would buy again at $25

Smell: Good
Taste: Average
Trim: Average -
Cure: Average
Effect: Good
Mini Curaleaf.jpg

- Ground Layer Cake (18%) - 1 unit with 2 1/8s (reg rice $49) - Would NOT buy again
Smell: Average
Taste: Average -, On some bowls I could make out a tiny taste of the stems
Trim: Poor - too many leaves and stems
Cure: N/A
Effect: Average
Ground Curaleaf.jpg


Well-Known Member
Review of First Curaleaf Delivery (Flower Only):

Order details:

The web site was easy enough to use. I like that in most of the cases they display the THC% in the title of the flower product so I don't have to waste a click to find out what the % is. Took advantage of the first time customer BOGO for 2 of any product line. See the "order details" above for how the deal worked.

Delivery was well organized. Got an email to say thanks for the order, one call to confirm order, price, delivery date and time. A text was received just before they arrived and they arrived when they said they would originally. The order was correct and the gentleman who made the delivery was quick and personable.

Rating Used: Poor, Average, Good and Holy Shit. None of the flower qualified for a Holy Shit.

- Brandywine Flower (18%) - 2, 1/8s (reg price $70) - Would buy again if its on sale.
Smell: Average
Taste: Average
Trim: Average
Cure: Average
Effect: Average +

View attachment 8524

- Mini Buds Purple Sunset (16%) - 1, 1/8s (reg price $25) - My favorite flower of the order and also was the lowest THC%. Would buy again at $25

Smell: Good
Taste: Average
Trim: Average -
Cure: Average
Effect: Good
View attachment 8525

- Ground Layer Cake (18%) - 1 unit with 2 1/8s (reg rice $49) - Would NOT buy again
Smell: Average
Taste: Average -, On some bowls I could make out a tiny taste of the stems
Trim: Poor - too many leaves and stems
Cure: N/A
Effect: Average
View attachment 8526

Ouch, looking at that layer cake ground hurts my eyes. Glad I never wasted money in their ground. Your results of their other strains seem to coincide with my findings; it’s worth it if convenient or on sale. I went yesterday with the 35% off sale and got a Strawberry Diesel and Afghani 1/8ths, a layer cake select elite live cart, and a gram each of black widow and afghani shatter.


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Ouch, looking at that layer cake ground hurts my eyes. Glad I never wasted money in their ground.
Yeah...way too many stems. I think if I clean it up, especially the stems, it will improve the taste and effect a good bit. The effect wasn't half bad to begin with but even at the regular price of $49 for a quarter I still have to think about it.

EDIT: Tried to clean it up but it's too much trouble because the stems are so thin, there's so many, and they're ground up of course. I'm going to try cleaning up small amounts as I use it. I don't know what they ground up but its not straight up buds...
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