Good news from here...
Neighbour called me, "here is a DHL Express parcel for you". Instantly began to sweat, as via Express it can't be anything else but mail from Helsinki!
Tiny cardboard-package this time, no more soft-bag. Improvement here!
And in it there is.... *drum roll* ...
My brand new Tinymight!
Also the missing water-pipe-adaptor, tons of screens and o-rings (and i mean, TONS^^), short stem with cooling-unit, additional long stem, a battery and a charging-cable.
He really sent me a whole new Tinymight, all inc., plus extras!
So first, a brief in-depth inspection of the new Masterblaster...
Priority 1, the temp-dial, as this was the problem on the last one. But this one fits nice and even, fine adjustable and easy to turn. Also clear end-points.
The veining of the wooden surface is more "uniform" this time, mostly straight grain, no spots or stripes from stratification on this one. Very beautiful, too.
All the aluminum-case-parts have the same even finish as the first one, nothing to improve here at all. The machining is of very high quality i would say.
The thread of the battery-compartment wasn't as smooth as the last one. It seems like there got some of the glas-beads in when blasting the surfaces. But nothing that couldn't be easily cleaned out with a damp cloth, a brush and a bit of patience. Screw in until halt, screw out, brush and wipe. In, out, brush and wipe. After the 4th time it goes in as smooth as the other one, just by pushing on top with the thumb, no tool needed.
So i put in some herbs and let the magic begin...^^

And i tell you, this thing isn't just the beasty lung-smasher like many users refer to it here... I had set the TM to 3,5 as i vape at low temps normally (185Ā°C, as i am medical-user with mental-illness and i need more of the uplifting-effects than the pain- and body-calming ones).
What a free draw... First i was frightened, if the heater can keep up with that amount of air going through. But no problem here. Instantly got to temp, producing a nice, even vapor even from that tiny amount of herb (i am an extreme-microdoser) and man, what a taste...
There have even been 2 or 3 particular tastes that were new to me, fruity and somehow juicy. Tastes, that can be smelled when sniffing into the herb-container, but the crafty wasn't able to turn them out. And the Crafty actually is a taste-winner, too, compared to many other vapes.
I am very pleased as i have been a bit insecure after all the "BAM, smashes your lungs at setting 8"-postings here, if the TM will fit my needings. But it does, and even more than that.
It is the absolutely perfect vape for me, the one i have been searching:
Hey there, i am already owning a crafty and it is really a great vaporizer, besides some minor deficits that bother me... So i am searching for another vaporizer with certain capabilities and i still couldn't find what i am searching for. Maybe you folks can help me here? What i am hoping to...
The AVB is very evenly coloured and dried, no hot spots or else visible. And after pulling the stem out, the tiny-setted herb-chamber is very easily cleaned (brush) and ready to go for round 2^^
Only downside is, the waterpipe-adapter "Connection-adapter with 10/14/18mm" won't fit my
Aquavape 3 
The 14mm-joint (that i need for the Aquavape 3) goes too far in and the edge of the Aquavape touches the 18mm-part before it seals the 14mm joint tightly.
But this maybe due to regrinding of the Aquavape3-joint.
When i bought the Aquavape together with a Crafty-Adaptor, they didn't fit each other but had wobble sideways.
So i sent them back and the vendor re-ground them (i marked them before sending back^^) and then they fitted perfectly. Maybe this grinding was the bit too much, that now prevents the 10/14/18mm-thingy from sealing before hitting the edge.
Seems like i will have to buy a new water-toy now that fits the 10/14/18mm-adaptor. What a pity...

I will have a look for something with a 18mm-joint, as i like the variability of the herb-chamber via the cooling-unit and therefor i will buy the other wpa with only 18mm-joint, too. And, the 18mm is the thickest joint of the actual adaptor, so it should easily fit any 18mm-joint with enough space behind it.