@Eclipse @Shit Snacks
You were able to narrow it down to three? I have it narrowed down to about ten

... classics

. I'll look at one and think "nice, but not for me" and then I'll come back to the same design after seeing a better photo or just thinking on it and it's suddenly "looks like this is getting added to the list".
Haha I never said I narrowed it down to three, I actually took the easy way out by first choosing one that kind of came to me and then there were only a few bandits available so that did help narrow it down! Don't get me started with the overheated b stocks, like I posted screenshots of pages back... The list is all of them!
My short list of classics would be "Azurite", "Mountain Moss", "Oriental Orange", "Woodland Fantasy", "Woodland Fantasy 3D", "Obsidian Starlight", "Autmn 3D", "Aventurin 3D", "Oriental Carmel", "Blue Azur", and "Koi Pond". I mean short is a relative term right?
Yeah that's not bad, I will say I'm pretty sure Oriental Orange and Oriental Carmel are the same, just changed name (and every single one looks different with glaze like that) and you actually want to know a secret? I bet that any one of them can be made 3D... I mean theoretically any one of them could be a bandit as well! I remember I was originally deciding between that early dalmatian short-armed bandit and Blue Azure or Koi Pond during the 420 sale (before the Woodland Fantasy found me instead- the 3D version of it looks even better) but now yeah I would actually put those other three eclipse was deciding between above them... I mean also blue caprice and wild fire aren't bad, but I do keep coming back to Oriental Orange as the most fun! (and yeah check out what happens when it's overheated I feel like that was five pages ago already now if not more?)
The Art edition list is much shorter only because I'm keeping pricing in mind. Price aside I am really digging "Spinne" (the spider one) though it would probably creep me out every time I hit it

. "It´s wöööörking" is pretty sweet as well and I didn't even realize the reference initially, I thought it was a Half Baked reference (which I may not be remembering correctly). "Ice" is definitely one that I didn't consider at first but after watching the awesome video that
@Verax made and better realizing how textured the cobblestone finish is it's been added to the list. There's more but I need to stop.
Yeah! The Art's are always tempting but then the price helps control you... I think the turtle ones look so great (funny I actually thought the same thing about spider lol), and they're on ice bong style vapbong with the brick 3D pattern etched in the body... They also use some great glaze! I feel like I'd rather work to design a custom piece though, which yes I do already have plans for in my mind... I also feel the same way about the cobblestone style, they are nice and antique though and that Ice one is cool and the orange too, get both for a fire and ice pair! Oh and you got the it's wooorking when you try one

not a reference to anything other than a vapbong! (unless I am mistaken??)
I've emailed Daniel a few times this week and one of the things I mentioned was finding another version of the site with different stock so he deleted some of the old links. The B-stock link probably made that list and I unfortunately didn't save any photos. I did however download a bunch of pics so I could go back and look later in case they did disappear but I know I missed a bunch of older classics (I only cached the art page)
Oh shit maybe the new site is already partially up? I know they were getting ready to launch it so they could also have payment through the site and be more easily translatable etc. So that could be why, I know the b stock link was always come and go before at least... I really thought I had more screenshots too, so many gorgeous unique b stocks and art bongs come and gone, of course I do scroll through that hall of fame on the bottom of the site, there you can see some really crazy ones that are very inspiring!
If this is too much data I can change the BBCode to the thumbnail linked version and when you click on the image I'll have the other views in the same folder. I just discovered (with this post) that there's a 20 image limit on FC so just a heads up that there are more colors of the "Hemp" vape as well as a "Woodland Spezial", "Fred Von Jupiter" and "Blue Azure" in the imgbb folder. A couple of those are listed on the shop page. Here's a quick snapshot of some of what Art-Of-Vapor has made in the past.
Oh! I just realized now that the thumbnails are the smaller image sizes, I kept running into the problem of only being able to post three photos at a time, because I was using too high of quality imgbb bbcode! So let's see if the below works with 13 images... Building on your's above! (Edit: hmm the images do get crop though, like this isn't showing you the whole VB, like most of them have the names written underneath... Not sure what I'm doing wrong lol)
I recently mentioned to Dan that he should be making and selling a book of his nomad photos because each one is such unique art, you can appreciate just by looking at... I would also absolutely buy a big book of different vapbong photos!