Hey SB fans, i used to post on the dynavap thread but as i've gotten more into this kind of vaping, i've added some new vapes to my collection, one being a 2019 flip brick that i got last christmas, i thought y'all might be able to help me out.
The flip and i have kind of a toxic relationship. When it's good , it's so damn good, i feel like i have perfect torch control, the hits are flavorful and cloudy, and i only ever see a light scorch on my bowl when i really try to go for it. But then, like a bat out of hell, out of nowhere i combust on the second or third hit of a fresh bowl, even after changing out to a clean screen.
I tried most of the basic troubleshooting, (clean/change screens daily, using a smaller flame on my torch, adjusting draw speed, torch distance/angle, amount of green in the bowl etc.) but i can't seem to really dial in a sweet spot for longer than a week or so before i combust. Granted, sometimes it's because i get greedy and try to push my bowls too far, but sometimes it'll happen on a fresh bowl only 1 or 2 hits in. I'm not talking about seeing black/dark spots on the avb, i mean full on combustion, like the bowl cherries up like i'm just hitting a normal smoking bong. the taste isn't so bad compared to combusting in the dynavap, but ultimately my issue is the smell as i can't smoke in my apartment due to neighbor complaints, so vaping is my main source to medicate.
Despite this experience, i still really enjoy the convenience and speed of the sticky brick system, and when i get it right with the flip, it's top notch vapor, but i feel weird inhaling so much smoke out of a vaporizer

, and having to clean my glass pieces every time isn't exactly ideal either. am i alone or is this just an inherent part of the flip brick, or all bricks?
I've been thinking the runt would have been a better original purchase, and am considering one now. While i know that combusting in any butane vape is possible, i'm wondering if hitting a brick dry through a bigger system like the runt or og is really that much easier to control? Ultimately i did go with the flip mostly for the price, i had seen warnings from video reviews that its the hardest to master compared to the other bricks, i just didnt think the learning curve would be this long to where i can comfortably use it without combustion for longer than a week or so.
So, i guess the ultimate question is, should i just keep trying to spend more time with the flip on the edge of combustion at any moment, or would i be better of to start from scratch with a runt? will the runt give me the extra control i want, or are there some flip brick tips/ hacks that i haven't seen that could really change the game?
Thanks for your help!
Sorry for the long ass post, if there's somewhere where this has been discussed before feel free to give me links!