...Vapelife lives in our dreams now...
He released a video the other day and then removed it shortly after explaining everything.Find it hard to believe he would go without a note to his audience.... perhaps site down for construction?
He no longer likes the feeling cannabis gives him and is no longer interested in vapes, according to him. Gotta follow your gut i
No image accessible.
Have to say i agree with a lot of what you said. I would never have said it over on vapelife out of fear of being torn apart by his devoted followers (there were some truly crazy people over there) but I would never have pre ordered an MV1 if the vape critic hadn't said it was the greatest portable vape ever. What I received was a $300 decent vape that was hard to get consistent hits and broke often. I'd really like to know how much money Ghost offered him...That's pure Karma in my opinion. A trustworthy source of information sold its soul to commerce, got burned and now faces the consequences. However, I wish him all the best for the future. I enjoyed his videos until he starting overpromoting the Ghost. Then he lost all credibility for me and seemed quite unenthusiastic about what he did anyway. So, farewell. Up to new shores!
Heres my.
Vapelife forum was a mess. I could never find anything usefull on it. Moderation did not seem to work, lots of attitude, trolling and griefing. I wont miss it. I used VLF once a week if that. I visit FC everyday if not more.
I hope that if people transfer here from VLF they will be better behaved. Would not like to see this place trashed like VLF. However i have confidence in the FC mods - they apply the rules without hessitation.
I will miss vapecritic the first proper vape reviewer. However i got burnt on the firefly 2. I trusted his review, brought one and sold it 2 weeks later. Worse vape i ever owned for the money. I realised at that point our view on vapes was totally differnt.
Anyway all the best to him. Hope he finds his mojo and happiness.
I hope FC keeps going for ever - but i know its time could be limited. I hope for an alternative that will carry on the flame.
That's pure Karma in my opinion. A trustworthy source of information sold its soul to commerce, got burned and now faces the consequences.
However, I wish him all the best for the future.