Big things happening on the IG this weekend!
New V2 is humming on the Paranormal. Running cooler than I'm used to in TC but wattage is great. The Paranormal is heavy and chunky to start with so the extra size and overhang of the V2 doesn't bother me.
What a great deal. Too bad it looks like PIU is no longer carrying RBT vapes. I've had great customer service from vgoodiez too though.
I allowed myself a backup V2 during the PIU clearance and both of mine perform well at .26 on my dna mods. I have one really dialed in a rxg3d too and while it browns less evenly it's still not a scorch risk. Full disclosure, I use my Splinters at home and don't mind giving it a pinky twist stir between hits while I check how it's doing. And unlike the DNA mods, which have the aforementioned normal/real temp range, I get fast clouds from the wismec at 345° and max out at 385°.I also noticed my new V2 runs much cooler than any of my previous splinters. The @HerbieVonVapster splinter profile that has worked flawlessly for 3 other splinters doesn't even make the heater warm. Luckily I remembered you also had this issue and I dialed up my resistance from .24 to .253 to get things rolling but scorching is a risk with this unit. May have to use this one as a log vape on wattage mode if things don't improve.
Big things happening on the IG this weekend!
Splinter V1's are on sale for $39.00.
Paired with an inexpensive mod box, you'd be hard pressed to find better value for your money.
The advantages are regulation, versatility, and affordability. You can put a Splinter on a janky mod and slum it with subpar performance (sorry I missed that v1.
Is there an advantage to the splinter vs. milaana? I dont even really want to mess with mod settings if not needed. Just looking for portable convection and dont mind stirring
Ok I thought I needed to spend more on a mod than that. I have a pico 75 for my sai but I dont want to change my settings back and forth. Is there an under $50 mod that is even better? Do I need a dual battery setup?The advantages are regulation, versatility, and affordability. You can put a Splinter on a janky mod and slum it with subpar performance (@eideal852) or you can spend $35 on a Wismec Reuleaux RX GEN3 Dual and have assorted firmware options and different modes to use for different results. You can even try to find a dna mod for more precise TC and more even roasting.
A V1 or V2 (I have two of each) on a rxg3d is a heck of an on demand convection setup for around $100 and you don't need to fuck with settings at all if it doesn't interest you, just set the mod from 28 to 40W and you're good.
I recommend adding the XL8R cooling stems for bigger, more comfortable clouds. Glad to hear the glass is thicker on the new grey ones.
Ok I thought I needed to spend more on a mod than that. I have a pico 75 for my sai but I dont want to change my settings back and forth. Is there an under $50 mod that is even better? Do I need a dual battery setup?
Ok I thought I needed to spend more on a mod than that. I have a pico 75 for my sai but I dont want to change my settings back and forth. Is there an under $50 mod that is even better? Do I need a dual battery setup?
Splinter V1's are on sale for $39.00.
Paired with an inexpensive mod box, you'd be hard pressed to find better value for your money.
Splinter Blow Out Close Out... get em while they last
...and check out the Articles in the education section written by the Universal Authority
Arctic fox
Tcr 120
Temp starting from 190C
But first of all prepare a pc for installing NFE tools, get a proper micro usb cable
Never tried the myevic but I think they both work wellOk I have some experience with installing arctic fox, I installed it on a p80 with a stempod but i did not give it a chance to really learn it. Gonna be more patient this time around. is artic fox better than evic ?
Ok tonights the night I use my splinter! I have my wismec reuleaux rx Gen3 mod and I just loaded up arctic fox. I see this screen here in the pic, can I configure everything from here? Pushing all those buttons on the mod is a pain. Can anyone give recommended settings for the splinter, I wanna use a mode where the mod does all the work. I just want a great first experience, I'm afraid to combust in wattage. Thank you in advance.