I use a spare insulated bowl handle as my cap handle and even with a heat soak of an hour + I can still grab it where the silicone is and not get burnt. But if my fingers touch the tiny bit of metal that sticks out the end of the insulation it will burn me. My cap handle is setup vertically though.
I love using a heat soaked carb cap with my showerhead for flower, havent really tried the heat soaked bowl but maybe I'll experiment soon.
I also appreciate how flexible these devices are and enjoy hearing everyone's techniques. For my showerhead I have settled at 685, with a carb cap i leave on and max draw speed so the bowl pressure drops. Closest thing I've had to a dab of flower.
For my Vrod I have settled at 650 for now, down from 680. Still exclusively doing double deckers, I may venture lower again because it does make me cough quite a bit. When doing flower only with the vrod I do prefer a heat soaked carb cap and terp pearls, I find they make it so I dont have to stir during full bowls as much.
I bought a couple double weaves but barely use them, I'm not a fan of the added resistance. This does mean I need to clean out my drop downs more often though for sure.
Hope everyone is enjoying their September so far!