Happy weekend FC!
As many of you know FC has been a big part of Dabpress's success. Out of all the forums and social medias around, many of our potential customers lurk FC or end up on FC for the solid information on all sorts of products, as our members are good at picking apart the products and drawing fair conclusions. As we are also active in that part of that process, we have made adjustments and modifications to our products and finally delivering updated revisions carefully thought out and tested. Simply put, FC has been a real benefit for dabpress.
All that being said, FC has many dabpress friends and customers. We wanna extend our gratitude to the FC community and offer some big ticket giveaways!
Right now we are looking through the contest rules and working on a few contests. It looks like FC has some tiered contest areas restricted by trophy points rewarded to individual members based on their participation and milestones achieved on FC. My initial thought is that the highest ticket item will be eligible for the most trophy rewarded members, while the lowest item will be less restricted. In other words, if you are a new FC member and wanna get in on the high ticket items, you'll need to become more famous around FC =)
We hope to start up the contests in the next week or so as we work with the admins here on FC.
Thank YOU ALL for your continued support and interest in our products, we won't soon forget you![]()
Well....it starts with you need 10k followers on instagram. Secondly, follow dabpress. Thirdly, tag 50 friends in comments with tags. Then your post needs to get more then 100likes. Then you have to post this al again in 5 Facebook groups? I do not have aan idea what this means?
But yeah, pretty absurd if you ask me...
I am sure our FC contest will be much more accessible to our members here, and the odds of winning much better. I hope you all will be participating when the contest is posted.
Almost enough to be able to enter, once you film yourself naked pressing and get 3 of the Royal family to like it on FuckUpABook thingy...oh right, different comp.Is that a lot?
Wow @tepictoton that is insane you had to pay nearly ~50% of the unit’s cost in customs fees alone! It seems almost criminal, like paying the mafia for “protection”, thanks for the heads up! Sorry to read that happened to you though, that just seems excessive. I thought I had a dabpress AIO on the horizon but now thinking it’ll wait until the EU warehouse is up and running... I was budgeting for ~$500 not ~$700. It’s still a good value, I believe, for what you get from dabpress but I’m a cheap bastard and will have to wrap my head around this new info!
I gotta ask our other EU members: was this the case with customs on your dabpress purchase in your experience as well? Sometimes it seems like it comes down to whether the customs agent is overly zealous with your goods and I know that some countries’ customs are more strict and costly than others. It’s those cases that seem like a scam or organised crime syndicate to extract a ridiculous percentage from their citizens.
finally took the 10 ton out the box.noticed its very wobbly and uneven.anyway to fix this?
Mine wobbles too I noticed today!
Did not notice that yesterday, but placing it on a totally flat surface made it painfully clear one of the 'feet' is not touching the floor.
This wobble is very annoying, especially when pressing. I myself like to hold the press with one hand, and pump with my other hand. This little wobble makes it feel like it might tip over, and when pressing and holding the press makes the whole thing feel unstable...
Is it possible to fix this ourselves? I do not think the 'legs' of the press are not of the same length. I think they mounted the legs while the press is laying sideways and thus not noticing when they are not mounted the same?
Really is such a small thing, but it is really really really annoying...
Edit: so please let us know if this might be fixed by loosening up the screws on the legs and resetting the legs so they do end up being on the same height... Sure hope so