Here's my 1-day review copied from Vaporents:
This is an $80 retail internal non-removable battery-powered hybrid convection/conduction portable session vape ($65 with coupon code fvydid20). Popular existing competition in style and function would be the Healthy Rips Fury 2 and its multiple variants. I've been a fan and near daily user of the Grindhouse Shift variant for a while now but, long story short, this new unit has a lot going for it to make it my new recommendation at this price point. It's got flaws and quirks like every vape, but the overall experience is really decent.
And it gets you rrrrripped. More on that later, though.
Out of the box it smells a little Chinese vapey. As you should with every new vape, give it an isopropyl Q-tip scrub and a few empty burnoffs at top temp (I blow through the bottom air intake to help the process). After a bowl or 2 the smell dissipates rapidly.
My unit is not the most reliable turning on. It's supposed to be 5 clicks but if I don't time it perfectly it seems to be 10 usually.
Another oddity is my vibration alert, which is clearly malfunctioning based on conversations with other Ambit users. It goes on for far too long. It's kinda humorous.
I don't really need it so I've turned it off for the time being. I'll probably RMA at some point but for now it's not affecting my usage.
The bowl is nearly identical in diameter to the Fury but a bit deeper. The Fury2 WPA fits in fact, albeit very tightly once it heats up. It is useable though. Packed tightly you can get over .2g in the native bowl, but airflow suffers if you go beyond that. It works fine in my usage so far with lighter loads closer to .1- .15g.
The magnetic mouthpiece is interesting. Very portable and easy to use. Cleaning is easier than the native Fury mouthpiece. The stem tends to gunk up pretty quickly at the joint, and it's too small to fit a Q-tip of iso into, so that could be annoying. It's a pretty small unit, though, so easy to drip some iso into and blow through to clean. You need to fully open the mouthpiece for the air path to line up correctly to use.
On first test I got 11 stock 2-minute sessions off a charge. They promise 10 so that's pretty good. The battery indicator is non-linear so it will appear to drop fast. Try not to be OCD because it will give a lot of sessions with only a few bars. I got 2 in while it was blinking empty at me. From fully empty I was able to charge in about 50 minutes with a fast Samsung charger. Sweet. It gets rather hot when charging compared to a Fury but that's probably due to its thinner, lighter metal body if I had to guess.
The screen is very dim and really hard to read in daylight.
Three-second button press to start a session. Once the timer starts after the preheat, you can triple click to add 30 seconds at a time to the stock 2 minutes. Heat-up time is on par with the Fury. The Fury is already pretty quick, so this is good. The thing is, the heater glows like mad on the Ambit during heat-up. Visibly. If you pull quickly during this time you can get a pretty much 100% convection hit in as little as 5 seconds. Or you can wait for it to fully heat up in ~40 seconds and hit it in a more relaxed hybrid style.
Keep in mind the convection draw while heating up is not what it is designed to do and you can you can combust if you're not careful. It's just a neat side-feature of this vape compared to the Fury and variants. It can also combust slightly at top temp if you draw too slowly. But only barely. I wouldn't consider this a flaw, it just allows you to explore the full temperature range of vaporizing if you just use caution on the top end of the scale. It can take the AVB very very dark, very evenly.
One big gripe is you can't change temps mid-session. You have to hold the button 3 seconds to disengage the heater, change temps, and re-engage. Kind of a drag.
Once it gets going this thing puts out a considerable amount of vapor. Clouds roll out of it much more effortlessly than a Fury at lower or high temps. I'm getting nicely booped off hits at 365°F with this. 380-400 is also very nice. Over 400 it starts hitting like a Mack truck. The mouthpiece gets pretty hot at high temps, too, but not unbearably. It's beastly through water (no I didn't get an included WPA like the manual and website said, but I'm not getting into all that... I have ways to convert). You can totally extract a full bowl within the standard 2-minute timer easily if you power through it at high temps.
I think the flavor is on par with the Fury. It has a nice lingering hybrid mouth-coating flavor vibe that stays really pleasant for at least the first half of the bowl. Gets a little roasty beyond that, but not objectionably so.
I get extremely high off this. I can't really explain why. Maybe new vape honeymoon sort of thing, but it has really hit me hard nearly every time I've used it so far. It really delivers on the effects front for me. It gets me heavily stoned rapidly. Nearly as good as anything in my collection in this regard.
I've also tried some twaxing with it. All good on that front. Not as tasty as Dynavap or Mighty twaxing but probably third in line for that task with my lineup. Tons of easy fluffy clouds.
Here's a little demo video of a .13g quick herb-only session. Cheers.